
What is a response letter and how to compose it?

In business correspondence, each document has its own meaning and may, one way or another, affect the relationship between partners. Among the huge number of different types of such documents, a special place is occupied by the response letter.

Classification of business papers

In relations between the parties, most issues are resolved in writing. And according to the law, as you know, verbal agreements are not valid. Therefore, at every enterprise, business correspondence. It is a generally accepted means of exchanging information as a result of official contacts between various organizations and enterprises.

letter reply

All business letters are divided into two categories:

  1. Those that require a mandatory response.
  2. Those that do not need such a reaction.

The response letter belongs to the second category. It is one of the commercial types of documents along with a request letter, information, warning, offer, reminder or presentation. Such securities are usually used at the time of conclusion and further support of various agreements and other agreements between the parties. The response letter, unlike the others, does not ask for anything and does not offer anything. It only contains information that was previously requested by the other party.

Application Confirmation

A response letter is prepared in different cases. This may be a reaction to a specific complaint, claim or request. Moreover, it can be both positive and negative. In the second case, the document will already present a kind of rejection letter. But it is necessary to give it with a detailed explanation of the reasons that led to such a decision. For example, we can consider the case when the company received an official written order for the manufacture of a certain type of product for a specified period. If such cooperation is desirable for the enterprise, then it is necessary to respond immediately. The answer is arbitrary. It can begin with the words: “We will complete” or “We will produce”. As a period, it is better to indicate the date of shipment, taking into account the time required to produce the goods and transfer them to the warehouse. In addition, it is necessary to stipulate payment terms, because the customer can count on several stages. Further, it remains only to calculate the total amount and provide your details for which the customer will make money transfers. Such a document is usually signed by the director and chief accountant, and at the very end the coordinates of the direct executor are reported.

Correspondence with individuals

Some enterprises, by the nature of their activity, have direct contact with individuals. This can be an organization that works in the service sector, or a company that produces consumer goods. Information of a very different nature, both positive and negative, can come to the address of such an enterprise from citizens. Nevertheless, it requires an appropriate response and a mandatory response. In such cases, you can not limit yourself to a personal conversation or a phone call. A citizen must be given full clarification on all issues of interest to him. This should be a detailed response to the letter.

reply letter sample

A sample of such a document must meet certain requirements:

  1. For any business correspondence it is better to use the official form.
  2. It is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of compiling such documents.The main thing is that they should be written in accordance with the well-known rule of parallelism, that is, contain the same vocabulary and linguistic turns that were used by the author-initiator. This will maximize mutual understanding.
  3. Be sure to make a link to the letter of request, indicate its number and date.
  4. It is better to start the text with the phrase: "To your letter number ...", "In response to your request ..." or "We inform you ...".

The following is a statement of the facts and a final decision is made.

Strictly formal

If you want to answer the official letter, then you need to do this correctly. It must be remembered that such an appeal must certainly be polite and correct. Do not forget about literacy as well. It is ridiculous to see obvious errors in the information provided by a reputable organization.

response to an official letter

From the very beginning, the address is printed in the upper right corner. It is an exact copy of what is indicated on the envelope. The answer is always given to some kind of request, therefore, in the registration stamp at the top left, its original details (number and date of departure) must be noted. Then comes a short appeal to the addressee (you can simply indicate the last name without initials). The text should contain detailed explanations regarding the problem of interest. As arguments, only verified data should be used. In no case can not rely on rumors and speculation. If necessary, you can use excerpts from regulations with the relevant articles. The director of the enterprise signs such a document, and a note is made a little lower with the data of the name and phone number of the responsible executive.

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