
Service letter: rules for design and recommendations for compilation

In our article we want to talk about letters. After all, they are the most common way to exchange information. In everyday life and at work, you just can not do without them.

What is a service letter

A letter is the common name for documents that are very different in content, which serve as a means of communication between completely different structures and organizations in the process of their activities.service letter

Letters are papers united in one large group by the method of transfer - by mail. A huge number of them accumulate in any organization. They are divided into outgoing and incoming.

A very large amount of information can be stated in letters: a wish, a greeting, anything. It is issued on specialized A4 forms. In cases where the letter is small and does not contain more than seven lines, it is permissible to use the A5 format.

Any document must be dated, and therefore a letter, too. Its date is the day of signing.

Making a service letter

A letter is built according to a certain scheme:

  1. Introduction It indicates the motives and reasons for writing the document, facts, links to past events, decisions of higher organizations.
  2. Proof of. It sets out the rationale for everything that is set out in the document.
  3. Conclusion It draws conclusions, puts forward proposals, requests, requirements.

This option is also possible when the service letter contains only the final part without any explanation.service letter sample

As a rule, letters do not have large volumes, usually it is about one page.

Purpose of compilation

The purpose of any letter is motivation. So, the content should be clear, understandable, concise, without unnecessary and unnecessary information. There are several rules that must be followed when processing a document.

An official business letter is dedicated to one single issue. This simplifies their further processing, which allows you to speed up execution within the organization.

The text is presented in the third person and singular. For example: "In the near future, the school plans ...".

The head of the organization has the right to sign any official document, and therefore letters, and during his absence, powers are transferred to the temporarily acting director.

Currently, a service letter can be sent not only by mail, there is also a telegraph, facsimile, and, of course, Internet mail, which is the most convenient and popular option.

Requirements for the preparation and execution of the document

Whichever way the document is sent, the preparation of the service letter is subject to the unified design requirements. They are uncomplicated and knowledge of certain nuances may sometime come in handy.service letter details

Let's look at how to write a service letter. An example is given below.

execution of a service letter

This is how a similar letter is drawn up.

Bank details

An official letter is the general name of a large group of business documents that are necessary for communication between institutions and among ordinary citizens. They contain the required elements in the design.

Bank letter details:

  1. Date.
  2. Letter number.
  3. Links to registration numbers and dates of those documents to which the answer is written.
  4. The title of the text in a single phrase.

In addition, the individual components of the details must be correctly indicated:

  1. Company name.
  2. Structural subdivision.
  3. The position of the contractor.
  4. Surname and initials.
  5. Address of the recipient.

In the case when the letter is addressed to several people or organizations, first indicate the main recipient (his address), and then the rest.

Service Letter Classifications

Service letters can be classified according to completely different grounds, which may be related to the purpose, content, significance, urgency, status of the addressee.drawing up a service letter

In general, all business letters can be divided into the following types:

  1. Accompanying.
  2. An inquiry.
  3. Informational.
  4. Promotional.
  5. Warranty
  6. Claim.
  7. Arbitration.
  8. Reminder letters.
  9. Confirmation letters.
  10. Letters of request.
  11. Notification letters.

Such a classification is the most universal. Let's take a closer look at some of the varieties of business writing.

Transmittal letter

Cover letter - a document with which they inform the recipient that any papers have been sent to him, perhaps something is being explained or clarified. Such a letter does not contain the address part.official business letter

As a rule, such a document begins with the words: "We are sending you ...", "We inform you ..."

At the same time, any additional information regarding the production or management situation may also be contained. For example: "In accordance with the agreements ..."

The text of such a document may contain explanations or requests regarding those materials that are attached to the cover letter. It is drawn up on a form. In addition to all the above details, it should have a note on the presence of applications.

Invitation letter

In such a document, the addressee is invited to take part in the event. Such a letter can be sent to a specific person or organization. They begin with the phrases: "We ask you to visit ...", "We invite you to ...". The document reveals the essence of the upcoming event with the obligatory indication of the date and time of the event, as well as the conditions for participation in it.

Information mail

This type of writing is very common. It informs the sender of official information. As a rule, such letters are quite typical and are sent by management structures to subordinate organizations. They may indicate specific legislative provisions, proposals and recommendations.

By the way, newsletters may have attachments. The volume of a document, as a rule, does not exceed several pages. They are signed by the head of the enterprise.

Promotional letter

This is also a kind of information letter, but it is addressed to a specific person or organization, it contains a detailed description of goods and services. The text of the letter contains detailed information. Its ultimate goal is to encourage the acquisition of something by the addressee.

Letter of guarantee

This is a document that contains obligations or their confirmation. They are addressed to specific individuals and organizations. What guarantees are we talking about? For example, guarantees for the payment of goods, rent, services, terms of work. Such a letter is signed, as a rule, by two persons - the director and the chief accountant, and also certified by a seal.

Claim letter (complaint)

This is a business letter that contains information about the discovery of non-compliance, for example, of the product with those standards that are stated in the contract. The purpose of such a document is to compensate for losses incurred in violation of contractual provisions. A claim must be made in writing. There is no single form of such a letter in practice, but there are mandatory elements that must be observed.compose a service letter

The claim must contain the following information:

  1. The full address of the organization where the document is sent.
  2. The grounds are indicated (reference to guarantee, contract)
  3. Specific requirements (return of goods, money, markdown).

The claim is sent by registered mail or by letter of receipt of delivery.It includes photocopies of all documents that confirm the sender is correct. A mail receipt is best kept.

A letter always begins with the phrase: “We are sending you a complaint ...”


Request letter - a business document sent for official information. Its text has a clear justification for the need for information. These may be links to laws, regulations. Letters are signed by an officially authorized official.

A request letter implies a response letter. Special status is given to requests sent by authorities.

Reminder Letter

This is a document that is used in cases where the organization does not fulfill its functional duties, but simply acts as an intermediary role. As a rule, a letter consists of several parts. The first of them refers to a document in which obligations are fixed. And in the second - a request to perform any action.

Notification Letter

Such a document informs about events (public). Letters are sent to a large number of organizations or people for their involvement, participation. They can inform not only about the events, place and time, but also at the same time call for participation. The letter may contain attachments, for example, a participant’s questionnaire, program of the event. As a rule, it is sent to a whole list of recipients, which means that the addressee is not indicated. A letter is signed by the person who is put in charge of the event.

Instead of an afterword

In our article, we examined the most used types of business letters, as well as the nuances of writing them. Having studied the topic a little, you can now freely navigate it and do not get confused if you are approached with a proposal: "Compose a letter of service." As you can see, this is not difficult, especially if you remember all the basic requirements and details for writing a document. An example of how to draw up a service letter (sample), we gave in the article. Good luck.

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