
What is work, what is its essence and what are its types

Most of the folk tales and tales of each nation are devoted to human labor (work). Today, even a small child understands what work is. However, not everyone can give a clear explanation of this concept, enumerate its types and essence.

What is “work” (labor)

Work, or labor, is a financially rewarded activity of an individual aimed at creating specific benefits of both material and non-material nature. Scientists believe that the word “work” in Russian arose from the word “slave”.

Very often, many people think that work is the presence of official employment with the corresponding entry in the work book and salary. In this vein, “work” causes the majority of negative emotions and a feeling of something obligatory and joyless.

However, in reality, the concept of work is much broader than a place or a way to earn a living. In fact, not all work is paid. So, for example, work is considered to be the mother’s free daily work of keeping the house and its inhabitants clean. This concept also includes a person reading books or articles on the Internet, watching video tutorials in order to learn how to do something new or improve their skills. Studying at school and university also qualifies as work. Growing vegetables and fruits for yourself in the country is also a job. Thus, it can be argued that the whole period of conscious wakefulness a person performs some kind of work.

The essence of work in society

In addition to the tremendous benefits that high-quality work in the modern world brings to society, it also determines the social status of a person. What is workHow and where a person works, how much he earns and how much his work is connected with other vital social spheres, is one of the main factors determining success or failure. So, the more prestigious the sphere of human activity, the higher the salary and social ties in different sectors of society - the higher the status of a person thanks to his work. It is worth mentioning the term "master" (professional) - this is the name of workers who have mastered their profession perfectly. Ideally, the better a professional is an employee, the higher his social status and salary should be. But in reality, not only mastery in one's profession determines a person’s position, but other factors, for example, the ability to find a common language with subordinates and superiors, the ability to resolve conflicts, and quickly find a way out of critical situations.

Job functions

Having dealt with the question of what work is, it is worth moving on to its functions. First of all, labor allows a person to materially support their existence. The next feature is productive. The essence of the work is reduced to the possibility for the individual to satisfy his need for creativity and self-expression. It is thanks to this function that progress and the invention of new technologies are possible.

Socializing function. Thanks to work, a person not only receives a certain status, but also expands his circle of communication, begins to feel himself a part of society.

The socially developing function makes the employee monitor his level of professionalism and, if necessary, constantly improve it in order to continue to be in demand in his profession.

Socio-economic. The impact of workers on resources (most often natural: plants, minerals and others) in order to turn them into benefits necessary for society.For example, oil is refined not only into gasoline, but also plastic, from which almost everything is made: from spoons to furniture.

Socially controlling. Over many centuries, thanks to human labor activity, a certain system of relations between the employer and employee has been formed in society, which is reflected in the legislation and many other social spheres.

Socially structuring. Thanks to it, certain functions are assigned to certain employees, which contributes to highlighting a variety of professions and specializations.

Socio-statification. Thanks to her, professions are divided into less / more complex, important, prestigious ones.

Classification of types of work

There are many classifications that distinguish certain types of work. However, they are all divided into two large groups - physical and mental.types of jobs

1. Physical work is labor, in the process of which man himself is an instrument of labor. Physical labor can be dynamic (an employee moving his body in space, for example, a driver) and static (workload is carried out on a separate part of the body, for example, the massage therapist places the main load on his back and arms).work concept

2. Mental work is labor, in the process of which human thinking is the instrument of labor. In this type of work, a person needs to analyze, sort and transform information. Most creative professions belong to this species.

Methods for attracting people to work

Despite the fact that work constantly surrounds a person throughout his life, there are a number of methods that stimulate people to work.

1) Work on economic incentives: a person performs work to ensure for himself and his family existence.essence of work

2) Voluntary work - work at the request of the person.

3) Work on non-economic incentives - a person is forced to work in a certain place. The motivation may be the need to repay the loan, a court decision on public works as punishment, debt and traditional slavery and others.

Remuneration of labor (wages)

Having figured out what basic types of work exist in modern society, you need to pay attention to the topic of remuneration for the work done - wages. In most cases, it is material interest that is the incentive for someone to do a specific job.payment for work

What is payment for work? This is a reward (monetary) for the work performed, which depends on its quality, complexity and professionalism of the employee.

Wages are nominal and real (this is the number of material goods that can be purchased for a nominal payment).

The main function of the salary is to stimulate employees to perform their work in a high-quality and timely manner.

In the old days, when slavery was considered normal, it was believed that slaves worked, and the owners could afford to do nothing. However, this opinion is fundamentally wrong. After all, freed from the need to service themselves, the owners also had to work: to monitor the work of subordinates, plan expenses, organize balls or other social events that they were obliged to carry out due to their situation. In addition, to be on the level, the rich needed to have a certain amount of knowledge and skills, whether it was hunting or playing the harp. Therefore, even the most notable people in all ages knew what work was, their work was simply different from slave labor. So the work always and everywhere surrounds a person, regardless of his origin or achievements, because it is part of human nature. Thanks to work, society has reached a modern level of development and continues to progress.

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