
Internal combination and combination: what is the difference? Part-time and combination: the main differences (table)

Currently, given the low level of salaries, many are trying to get additional income by working part-time or combining several types of earnings. In the article, we will try to figure out what is the difference between combination and combination, what are the benefits of each type and what are the disadvantages. Every citizen should be savvy in such matters, and our article will help in this.

So, let's dwell on the main points of the topic: "Combination and combination: the difference." The table below will clearly and in detail demonstrate the main differences between these types of additional employment.

Employment in combination

In any country, there is a Labor Code that regulates the relationship between the employee and the head of the enterprise or institution, and also describes in detail the rights of both parties. Chapter 44 of the Labor Code of our country contains detailed information about the rights and obligations of workers who decide to work part-time.

Already here you can notice that there is a difference between combining and combining.

Part-time work should be performed when the main activity is already completed or the employee has a legal day off. Here it is necessary to take into account that the break time or continuation working day not suitable.

The main distinguishing features of part-time work include the following:

  • The employee is already working, at that workplace he has an employment contract, and it is considered the main one.
  • All types of work with this type of employment can be performed only in that period of time when a person is not busy at the main job.
  • It is necessary to conclude another employment contract for the implementation of the volume of work, which will be considered part-time employment.

Types of combination

If you carefully study article 60.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, you can find out that it is supposed to divide the combination of jobs into two types:

  • Inner. Combining and combining this kind involves working with the same employer with whom an employment contract has already been concluded, only in excess of working time. This is possible with available jobs.
  • External part-time job means after work, on his day off, but already at a completely different enterprise.

Now there is a reservation that a person can engage in the same type of activity as in the main job. Previously, this was not allowed.


If you compare part-time and combination, what is the difference, you can understand if you read article 60.2 of the Labor Code. It clearly indicates that the combination can be called the amount of work of the employee, which he performs additionally at his own workplace. The employer loads the subordinate with additional duties without interruption from the main activity.

It turns out that combining and combining in this regard are very different. If combined only with the consent of the employee himself, you can shoulder any other duties on him. An additional labor contract is not concluded, and everything is formalized only by order of the management.combination and combination

The difference between combining and combining is now clear.In the first case, a person may agree or refuse the offer of management, and in the second, if he wishes, he himself seeks a place for additional earnings if he is not satisfied with the salary for his main job.

Any specialist in the enterprise should be aware that no manager has the right to shoulder the fulfillment of additional responsibilities for combining it without obtaining his consent. He can always refuse it. Now there are often situations when the employer tries to load the employee more and pay only for the main job. In order not to get into trouble, everyone should study his job description, which contains detailed information about the responsibilities that he must fulfill.

It is necessary to have a good understanding of the issues of what is internal combination and combination, what is the difference between these concepts. Only after studying all the nuances can you try to find a side job or agree to perform additional work.

What is more profitable for the employee?

So, you thought about such a question as work in combination and combination. The difference between them is significant, but not every person, not an expert in the field of HR administration, knows what is more profitable. To facilitate this task, we name the advantages of each type of work.

The advantages of part-time work include the following points:

  • a good opportunity to try your hand at another profession;
  • when doing such work, you can feel more confident in the general market of job vacancies;
  • wages with this type of employment will be much higher than when combined.combination and part-time payment difference

But combining work also has its advantages:

  • a good opportunity may arise, working in one place, to receive higher wages;
  • if you have to replace a sick employee, there is every chance to improve your skills;
  • you can increase your credibility in the eyes of superiors by demonstrating your loyalty and freeing him from the search for a new employee.

Which of the foregoing can be concluded? Both options are acceptable - both combination and combination. The difference in payment, of course, will be, but everyone should be guided when choosing their own living conditions and needs, and then make the choice for themselves.

When is it possible to combine or combine?

It is difficult to say which of these activities is more common. Both combination and part-time take place to be, just the reasons why there is a need for one or another form of employment are different.

In any enterprise or organization, combination is a fairly common phenomenon. This schedule is usually resorted to when one of the employees goes on vacation, is on a long sick leave or on maternity leave. It is not profitable for the employer to seek a new specialist for a temporary position, therefore, he offers one of the employees to combine his duties with the work of a temporarily absent person.

As a rule, an increase in the load occurs in a specialty close to the one in which the specialist works. The combination should not imply a separation from the main place of work and should not lead to an increase working hours. Registration is made by order of management and only with the consent of the employee.

Answering the question: “Part-time and combination: what is the difference between them?”, We can say that the part-time employee is a separate unit of staff with the social package due to him. In this case, everything is made out with the help of an employment contract, which must be signed. Next, we will discuss in detail both types of activity - combining and combining. What is the difference, the table will show more clearly.internal combination and combination

Who can’t work as a part-time job?

The Labor Code spells out all the nuances of this type of employment, and article 282 contains information about who is not supposed to work part-time. The following categories of citizens can be attributed to this group:

  1. Persons who are not yet 18 years old.
  2. Workers who are engaged in heavy or hazardous work, if part-time work involves the same conditions.
  3. People whose work is related to driving vehicles: as a rule, the driver will not be able to earn extra money in his spare time from performing basic duties.

Separately, it is worth highlighting people who are also not supposed to engage in concurrent employment:

  • deputies of the State Duma;
  • bank employees;
  • prosecutors and judges.
  • employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • those who work in foreign intelligence agencies;
  • civil servants.

If we compare the combination and part-time (what is the difference, we have more or less understood), we can say that for the first type of employment, such restrictions do not apply, since there is a combination of duties within the framework of the previous working day.

The obvious difference between the two types of earnings

As you already understood, the main differences are combining and combining. The table will help to compare them with each other and make the right choice if necessary.

Working conditions Part-time work Combination of duties
Place of work You can work as a part-time worker both at your main job and in a completely different institution. Assumes the performance of additional duties where the main work is located.
Employment contract According to the Labor Code, the conclusion of an employment contract is mandatory. Its validity may vary. A new agreement is not concluded, but a written agreement must be attached. It prescribes the time frame during which the employee will combine responsibilities. A list of additional workload is also indicated. All this is done with the consent of the employee.
Probation Its duration can be agreed upon during an interview with an employee, therefore it can have a different duration. No trial period is provided.
Job application The employee is issued strictly in the form of N T-1. One order on the main activity on appointment for combination is enough.
Employment history Record in it should be made at the place of main employment. No entries are made in the workbook.
Personal card and personal file With internal combination, there is no need to start a personal file again, and it is desirable to have a card.

External combination requires the design of both.

Information about the obligations that will be fulfilled by combining, you can specify in the already opened personal card, of course, there is no need to start a new personal file.
Salary The amount of wages will directly depend on the time worked or production. All this is prescribed in the employment contract. It should be borne in mind that if the work is carried out in places where the allowance or certain factors are applied, then they are also taken into account when calculating. Work for combination is paid in the form of an additional payment to the main salary. The size is negotiated and prescribed in the agreement. In this case, odds and allowances are not provided.
Holiday Leave If there is a part-time job, then leave is granted at the same time as in the main job. No additional leave is required; vacation pay is subject to a copayment surcharge.
Some limitations There are limitations to working part-time, which were previously discussed in detail in the article. A director or general director may combine posts only with the consent of the board of directors.
Termination of Work The termination of the employment contract may be made in accordance with the grounds that are prescribed in the TC Article 81. Combination is terminated after the expiration of the period that has been prescribed in the agreement.

The employee, according to the Labor Code, has every right to refuse to fulfill obligations to combine before the expiration of their termination period, the employer also has such a right. Only the parties must notify each other of this at least three days in advance.

Probably, it is now clear what such a combination and combination. The table showed the main differences more than clearly. It can only be added that for both types of activities a contract of material liability is necessarily concluded, if any.

How to get a part-time job

In the framework of the topic: "Combining and combining: the main differences" it will not be superfluous to dwell on the issue of employment. If the employee is asked to combine several duties, then nothing but an agreement is required, because everything happens practically at his workplace.

If a person decided to get another job part-time, then he will have to go through the registration process from scratch. The following documents will need to be submitted:

  • passport;
  • certificate of pension insurance;
  • TIN;
  • military registration documents.internal combination and combination what is the difference

If the work requires certain skills and abilities, then the employer has the right to demand to present a document that will confirm the presence of those same skills. It can be a diploma or certificate of graduation.

If there are harmful or dangerous conditions at the new place of work, the manager may ask you to provide a certificate from the main place of employment.

You do not need to bring a work book, since it must be located at the main place of work. But a person has the right to enter information about part-time work in it, in which case he needs to approach his main employer with such a request and provide proof of his part-time employment.

Part-time working hours

The question of what combining and combining is well covered, the table shows the main differences between these types of work, but the issue of working hours is not raised. Let us dwell on it in more detail.

If a person decided to get a part-time job, he should know that the duration of his working time should not exceed 4 hours a day. If we talk about the monthly rate, then at 40-hour work week to perform additional duties should take no more than 20 hours.

If the work is to be held on a legal day off at the main place of employment, then eight hours are allowed to work. There are some categories of people who have a shortened working week, these include:

  • medical workers;
  • educators;
  • people employed in the field of culture.

The Government of the Russian Federation has set such a working week duration: 39 hours for medical workers, 36 hours for teachers. For these categories of citizens, part-time work may be the monthly norm in certain cases. All of this should be considered by the tripartite settlement commission. labor relations.

It must be borne in mind that educational workers are subject not only to Articles 282 and 60.1 in the Labor Code, but also to the following acts:

  • Education Act.
  • Federal laws regarding this industry.

It is there that it is stipulated that the teacher can carry out part-time work not only in his educational institution, but also in another, as well as try his hand at another specialty, if there is confirmation of his skills in this area.

Part-time for healthcare workers

We examined what internal combining and combination are, what is the difference - we sorted it out, and now we will find out what norms exist for medical workers.

  1. Part-time work rates for medical and pharmaceutical workers can be half their core time of employment.
  2. If half the norm is 16 hours a week, then part-time work can take the same amount of time.
  3. For doctors and medical staff working in places with a lack of personnel, the part-time monthly duration of work can be calculated based on the length of the working week.
  4. For junior medical staff, regardless of their place of work, the norm of time for part-time work is calculated from the length of the working week in the main position.what is the difference between combination and combination

The Labor Code contains article 350, which states that, by decision of the Government of the Russian Federation, the length of the working day in combination with medical workers who work in rural areas may be increased. This is due to the fact that in these areas, as a rule, there is a sharp shortage of medical personnel. In this case, it is possible to combine and combine (what is the difference is not so important, since these types of employment are quite common in the village).


If we consider pedagogical, medical and cultural workers, then for these categories of citizens the following works will not be considered part-time:

  1. Implementation of various examinations with a one-time payment.
  2. If the teacher conducts additional lessons on an hourly basis, but not more than 300 hours a year.
  3. Consulting in their organizations in an amount of not more than 300 hours per year.
  4. Pedagogical activity in the same educational institution, if there is an additional payment for it.

The specialist can carry out all these types of activities in his main working time, but there are exceptions:

  • scientific and creative activity, if there is no such staff unit;
  • organization and conduct of excursions without appointment to such a position.

But it must be clarified that the execution of any other work, if at this moment you are not engaged in the main activity, is permitted and does not require the consent of the employer.

Termination of an employment contract

So, in the previous paragraphs, the following issues were discussed in detail: combination and part-time employment, the difference (table), remuneration for these types of activities. Now we will figure out under what conditions a contract can be terminated with a part-time job.

If the employment contract is drawn up correctly, then it is spelled out for how long the applicant is hired. If such a situation arises, then a person working part-time must be warned in writing in writing about the termination of the contract or contract with him.

But there is article 288 in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which spells out additional grounds for terminating the employment contract. This basis is the hiring of a specialist who will consider this work to be his main one.

The Labor Code also contains indications of categories of persons who cannot be dismissed at the request of the employer:

  • if the employee is on legal leave or on sick leave;
  • women who are in an interesting position or who have babies under three years old cannot be fired.
  • a single mother who is raising a child under 14 years old or a disabled child;
  • guardians who are raising children in the absence of a mother.

If an employee performs a certain amount of work on combining, then it is also possible to release him from this ahead of schedule. This usually happens when the specialist whom he has replaced is ready to go to work and fully fulfill his duties. Usually, the employer should warn about this in a few days.the difference between combination and combination

The employee himself has the right to refuse to fulfill the obligations of combining, only he must inform the management of this at least three days in advance so that a replacement can be found.

The article considers the current topic: "Combining and combining". What is the difference between them, we have explained in detail. Now only the employee himself can choose what type of activity suits him to improve his material well-being. Knowing all the nuances will insure the employee from unexpected and unpleasant surprises. Currently, everyone should be legally savvy, this is sure to come in handy in life.

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