
What is environmental management, examples

Mankind has long been satisfying its needs for food, warmth, and relaxation at the expense of natural resources. In some cases, our activities cause irreparable harm to the environment. Therefore, we must use natural resources rationally.

This will allow us to economically and justifiably consume the gifts that our planet gives us. Rational nature management, examples of which will allow us to delve into this issue, require detailed consideration.

The concept of environmental management

Before considering examples of rational and irrational environmental management, it is necessary to define this concept. There are two main interpretations.

The first definition considers nature management as a system of rational consumption of resources, which allows to reduce the pace of processing, enables nature to recover. It is understood that a person does not infringe on the use of environmental gifts, but improves his technologies for the full use of each natural resource.Environmental Management Examples

The second definition states that environmental management is a theoretical discipline that considers ways to improve the rationality of the use of available resources. This science is looking for ways to optimize this issue.

Resource classification

Environmental management, examples of which should be considered in more detail, requires the thoughtful use of resources. You must understand what is meant by them. Natural resources are not created by man, but are used for his purposes.

These funds are classified according to various criteria. In the direction of use there are industrial, recreational, medical, scientific and other resources. There is also a division into renewable and non-renewable groups. The first category includes the energy of wind, sun, ocean water, etc.Environmental Management Examples

Non-renewable are natural resources. First of all, it should include oil, gas, coal and other fuel raw materials.

These approaches to grouping are conditional. After all, even the energy of the sun will one day be inaccessible to us. After a huge number of years, our star will still go out.

Types of Natural Resources

Existing natural resources are usually divided into several groups. They need to be considered in more detail. First of all, in the modern world water resources are widely used. We consume them, use them for technical purposes. It is necessary to maintain the purity of these resources without violating the original habitats of the underwater representatives of flora and fauna.
An example of environmental management is

The second important group is land resources. An example of rational nature management is the plowing, for example, of natural landscapes for crops that, after their growth, do not impoverish the soil.

Also, natural resources include minerals, forest, flora and fauna. Energy resources are very important for us.

Signs of rationality

Considering today's human actions, such as industrial production, agriculture, tourism, changing natural landscapes, it is sometimes difficult to say unequivocally that of the above is an example of rational nature management. After all, human activities affect our environment.

Rational environmental management is called the most harmonious interaction of us with the world. This concept has several characteristic features.Examples of rational and irrational environmental management

The use of the gifts of nature is rational if, in the process of his activity, a person applies new technologies, as well as intensive approaches to production. For this, methods of non-waste production of new products are introduced, and all technological processes are automated.

This approach to management is characteristic of the developed countries of the world. They serve as an example for many other states.

Irrational nature management

Examples of environmental management are found everywhere today. But there is an inverse approach to housekeeping. It is characterized by a mass of negative phenomena, representing a dangerous trend both for the producing country and for the whole world.

Irrational use of environmental resources is characterized as unreasonable, predatory consumption. At the same time, people do not think about the consequences of their actions. The irrational approach also has its own characteristics. First of all, this includes an extensive approach to doing business. In this case, outdated technologies and production methods are used.

Such cycles are illogical, not thought out to the end. The result is a lot of waste. Some of them harm the environment, human health and even lead to the death of entire species of living things.

Irrational nature management leads mankind into the abyss, the ecological crisis. This approach to management is typical for Latin America, Asia and Eastern Europe.

Key examples

There are several main activities that can be clearly attributed to a particular group of environmental resources. An example of environmental management is the use of non-waste production technologies. To this end, establish enterprises of closed or complete processing cycle.

In this matter, it is important to constantly improve technology, approaches in the manufacture of products. One of the main examples can also be the creation of protected areas, where activities are actively carried out to protect and restore flora and fauna.An example of environmental management is the drainage of wetlands.

Human activity deprives habitats of many species of animals and plants. The changes are sometimes so strong that it is almost impossible to reverse them. Another example of rational nature management is the restoration of places of development of natural resources, the creation of natural landscapes.

Generally accepted principles

The world has adopted a common system by which national principles of environmental management are recognized as appropriate. They must not cause irreparable damage to the environment. This is the main principle that puts the interests of nature above economic benefits.An example of environmental management is the use of

Several principles have been developed that can be an example of environmental management. Is the drainage of swamps, mindless deforestation, the destruction of rare species of animals, according to these postulates, a real crime? Of course! People must learn to consume the minimum amount of resources.

Ways to improve the situation

Considering the rational use of natural resources, examples of which were given above, it should be said about the real methods of improving it. They are successfully used all over the world. First of all, enterprises that conduct research in the field of increasing the completeness of the development of natural resources are financed.

Methods are also being introduced for thoughtfully placing production in each particular environmental zone. Production cycles are changing to minimize waste. Taking into account the peculiarities of the region, the economic specialization of enterprises is determined, environmental measures are developed.

Also, taking into account the peculiarities of the environmental situation, monitoring and control of the consequences of a particular type of human activity is conducted.The world community is faced with the need to introduce the latest technology, to carry out environmental measures to maintain the environmental characteristics of the environment in which humanity can exist. Indeed, from the point of no return, when it will be impossible to restore the former natural conditions, only a few steps separate us.

World Community Examples

A world example of environmental management is the organization of economic activity in New Zealand. This country has switched completely to inexhaustible energy sources, has established the priority value of protected areas.

an example of environmental management is plowing

It is a leader in environmental tourism. Forests in this country remain unchanged, their deforestation, as well as hunting are strictly prohibited here. Many economically developed countries are also gradually shifting to the energy of the sun and wind. Each state undertakes, as far as possible, to apply methods that increase the rationality of environmental management.

Having considered the rational nature management, examples of which were presented above, we can understand its importance. The future of all mankind depends on our attitude to the world around us. Scientists say the environmental disaster is near. The world community is obliged to take all measures to improve the organization of economic activity produced by man.

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