
Deforestation. Punishment and fine for illegal logging

“If trees gave Wi-Fi, people would plant them more often. And so they just give us vital oxygen ... ”This phrase has long been wandering in the vast expanses of various social networks, forcing people to think about such a problem as uncontrolled deforestation.

deforestation environmental issue

Why is this necessary?

At the very beginning, you need to figure out if the problem exists at all? So, it must be said that there is a mandatory deforestation, it is also called therapeutic. In this case, forests are simply cleared and improved to increase their effective work. This is the so-called sanitary cutting. However, most often trees are destroyed in order to obtain wood and its derived materials. If this is done with the permission of the competent authorities, that's okay. But nevertheless, it is worth mentioning that the main problem is poachers who hunt illegally by cutting green spaces around the world.


Types of deforestation

There are four basic deforestation techniques.

  1. Main use. In this case, get rid of the so-called "ripe forest." This can happen in a selective way, when cutting down either very good, valuable wood, which is then used, or vice versa - bad. Gradual felling is when trees are discarded gradually, while planting devastated areas with young trees.
  2. Plant care. In this case, they get rid of unripe trees, which for one reason or another interfere with other, more valuable plantations to grow and develop. In this case, everything is divided into three large categories: plantings are useful, better and worse. In this case, most often the last type of trees are cut down. The result is small wood, which is also used for its intended purpose.
  3. Integrated cutting. In this case, the two previous subparagraphs are combined. In this case, the plot must be freed from young growth and ripe wood simultaneously. Such actions are needed to brighten territories, as well as to weaken the root competition.
  4. Sanitary felling. It is also called "medicinal". In this case, green spaces are thinned out, old and diseased trees are removed, a place is opened for the growth and development of young animals. At the same time, a forest infected with a fungus, affected by insects or fire, is also cleaned. Also felled trees, branches are removed.

punishment for deforestation

Forests and atmosphere

Be sure to say that unstructured and illegal deforestation is an environmental problem. Such actions can lead to multiple problems. The first of these is global warming. For example, trees alone growing in the tropics are responsible for about a fifth of all greenhouse gases. It is also worth remembering that these plants remove carbon dioxide from the air, returning to us vital oxygen. However, it must be remembered that rotting or decaying wood also harms the environment by releasing accumulated carbon into the atmosphere. That is why sanitary felling is very useful. However, in the place of such trees, new plantings must necessarily appear.

Forest and water

Deforestation is also dangerous because it will affect the water cycle in nature. The thing is that trees take water from the soil, lift it to the leaves and evaporate. If you get rid of plants in a certain region, the climate here will become very dry. In addition, the roots of trees are of great importance.After all, they contribute to the fact that the soil can delay precipitation for a longer time, while moistening the remote areas of the continents.

illegal logging

Forest and soil

It is also worth mentioning that illegal logging negatively affects the state of the soil. In this case, a problem such as weakening of the adhesion of the surface (deterioration of its strength) may occur. Particularly dangerous is felling in mountainous areas. After all, this can lead to landslides. If you get rid of trees on the plain, the result may be flooding and swamping of large tracts of fertile land.

Forest and wildlife

Scientists also say that illegal logging leads to the gradual disappearance of certain species of animals, birds and other animals. This is especially true of the tropics. At the same time, the number of different species of fauna decreases significantly. After all, forest animals and birds have nowhere to live.

felling penalty


Based on the foregoing, a simple conclusion can be drawn that it is impossible to get rid of forests uncontrollably for various reasons. And the main one is the danger to man himself and his future. It is worth saying that there is also a punishment for deforestation. That is why 260 article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation was created. It provides for various penalties for all kinds of environmental crimes. It should be remembered that the offender may face not only administrative, but also criminal punishment.

  • Significant amount of damage. In this case, the fine for deforestation will be approximately 200 thousand rubles. You can also get up to two years of correctional labor or 360 hours of community service.
  • Large amount of damage. In this case, a fine for deforestation will be imposed in the amount of 500 thousand to 1 million rubles. In some cases, the offender may also be imprisoned for up to 6 years.

Getting permission

Deforestation can be carried out according to permits. In this case, the following documents will need to be submitted to the relevant authorities:

  1. A statement where you must indicate the reason for the planned deforestation.
  2. Plan of the area where the dimensions of the site will be indicated.
  3. A list of all plantings to be cut down.
  4. An agreement with an organization that will carry out all work.

Only having permission in hand, one can carry out not only deforestation, but also the movement of wood. If there is no such document, actions are considered illegal. In this case, punishment for illegal logging is expected. This can be not only a simple fine, but also a criminal penalty.

punishment for illegal logging

A few words about deforestation itself

As it has already become clear, deforestation is an environmental problem. However, sometimes these actions are very useful for green spaces. In this case, all work can be carried out only if there is a guarantee that all the necessary rules will be observed:

  1. All employees must first undergo safety training.
  2. Each employee should be assigned a certain process, for the implementation of which he should be responsible.
  3. All work at heights should be carried out only with insurance.
  4. The area where the robots will be held should be fenced with ribbons and warning signs.
  5. No fire or explosive objects must be present in the work area.

It is also worth remembering that you need to maintain a certain distance during deforestation. Well, of course, no unauthorized people should be at the site. This can be dangerous to their health and even life.

deforestation problem

Reforestation after deforestation

Having understood the danger of treelessness and what can be the punishment for illegal logging, it must be said that trees are those resources that can be restored. And to do this is not at all difficult.

  1. In the event that deforestation is partial or “medicinal”, restoration takes place independently. Here human intervention is not required.After all, the remaining living trees have an excellent seed base, and the thinned area is a good place for life and growth of young animals.
  2. If a complete deforestation was made, the forest will have to be restored to a person by himself. For this, new plantings will be needed. This will also be necessary if the forest has completely burned out due to a fire.

In conclusion, I want to say that today the problem of deforestation is very acute. And not only in our country, but also around the world. Especially dangerous today are the total deforestation of the tropics. On the territory of Russia, in turn, is 22% of all green spaces of the planet. You should not forget about this, wasting these valuable resources. After all, the punishment for deforestation will not be long in coming. And if now it will be just a fine, then later - the health status of children and grandchildren.

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