
What is rent and its types

Issues regarding ownership are relevant at all times. A person has several options for transferring property, for example, by means of a posthumous testament or by drawing up an annuity contract.

What it is?

First, people began to practice drawing up annuity contracts, and only then the legislation decided to clarify controversial issues. Now the Civil Code contains a chapter on what rent is dedicated to the features and rules of drafting such contracts.

annuity contract

In accordance with such an agreement, the owner of the property has the right to receive payments or other content after the transfer of any real estate to the payer of rent. This agreement is unilaterally binding, and its validity is ensured by the official transfer of property.

Permanent rent

It is not enough to understand what rent is; it is necessary to study its types. So the first option is permanent rent. The right to receive it can be transferred to another person by assignment of the claim, through the right of succession or through succession. The amount of money paid in accordance with the constant rent must be established by the contract. By the way, it can be repaid in other ways, namely, by providing things, performing various works or providing services, the cost of which is equivalent to the monetary size.what is rent

Art. 590 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation states that rents can be increased in proportion to an increase in the minimum wage, unless other conditions are specified in the contract.

The payer has the right to completely redeem the rent, thereby saving himself from regular payments. For this, a written statement is required, between the date of filing of which and the complete cessation of payment, at least 3 months must pass. At what price you can buy a permanent rent, should be indicated in the contract. If this has not been done, then the purchase of rent is equal to the annual amount.

Life annuity

What is rent called lifetime? This is a monetary reward or other content that is paid throughout the life of a person who transferred his property in accordance with the contract, or any other period specified in the agreement. Lifetime rent can be established in favor of several citizens, then rent is a percentage, the value of which is defined in the contract.rent percentage

If one recipient dies, the others use his right to receive rents. The death of the last annuity recipient is accompanied by termination of obligations on payment.

When can I buy rent?

The recipient is legally assigned the right to demand a full redemption of rent if:

  • regular payments are not systematically received within 1 year;
  • the payer does not comply with the obligation to ensure the payment of rent;
  • it became known about the insolvency of the payer or there are a number of other circumstances that allow us to conclude that he will not be able to pay the rent;
  • immovable property, the transfer of which was carried out, passed into common ownership or was divided into several people;
  • in other cases not contrary to law.

In case of damage or accidental loss of property transferred free of charge on a permanent rental basis, the risk lies with the payer. At the same time, he retains the right to terminate his obligations or change the terms of payment of rent.

Life-long dependent

The rent with the content assumes that the recipient transfers the real estate object under the contract: an apartment, a house, land, etc.As in the case of life annuity, the termination of this contract occurs after the death of the recipient of the annuity.rent with maintenance

The payer usually provides the recipient with clothing, food, housing and all necessary care. In addition, a similar agreement provides for the payment of a funeral.

Dependent life support can be replaced with periodic payments, and it is not necessary that they be cash. If the payer of annuity violates at least one condition of the contract, he may lose property without the right to return the money spent.

What is rent? This is a provision of worthy old age to a person who has real estate in his property, and interest-free installments for a long time for someone who needs this property.

About differential rent

Differential rent arose due to the fact that the land is heterogeneous, both on the basis of natural and artificial fertility, and from the location.differential rent

Due to the fact that land is limited, the social price of agricultural products is formed on poorer plots. For production, both the best and medium and the worst lands are used. As a result, the labor that was spent on growing and delivering agricultural products has different productivity, and different individual costs are inherent in products. The price of a product grown on more fertile and better located lands is lower, therefore, such farms practice the creation and sale of additional net income. In terms of quantity, it makes up the difference between individual and average social prices. Differential rent is precisely this additional net income.

Different productivity combined with the same labor costs on an equal area of ​​land with different fertility and location is the first type of differential rent.

The material content of the 2nd type of differential rent is the growing productivity of sequential labor and capital expenditures on the same lands.

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