
Lifetime land rent. Rent is ...

Today, almost no one is confident in their future, especially pensioners. Rising prices and tariffs makes them literally survive. A way to help these people solve their material problems and improve their living conditions is rent. You will consider this concept, its types and features below.

Main term

rent it

It should be noted that it arose several hundred years ago. Rent is a payment received by the owner of the property in the process of its use by others. At the same time, they undertake to periodically give back the amount of money for land that was agreed upon. In addition, not only financial means, but also goods can be given.

The person who receives the property is obliged to pay rent on time. Otherwise, he may remain without real estate, and without the money that he invested in it. The employer must give a guarantee of payments.

Types of rent

land rent

Now you should classify this deal. Rent is a mutually beneficial contract. It can be classified as follows:

  1. Constant. In this case, the payment period is unlimited. That is, even if the recipient dies, the employer will have to pay the agreed amount to his successor. In addition, he may transfer his right to other persons.
  2. Life. Its characteristic feature is that land rent or any other should be paid only in money. Settlement cannot be replaced by barter or any services. Please note that the amount that the employer will pay should not be lower than the subsistence level. Moreover, if the conditions for using the property do not satisfy the recipient, he is entitled to recover damage from the payer.
  3. Life-long dependent maintenance. When transferring real estate to the payer, the latter undertakes not only to pay for the property, but also to provide the recipient with food, clothing, care. In addition, in the event of the death of the owner, the tenant agrees to properly arrange the burial.

Features of permanent rent

life annuity

It must be said that each type of contract has its own nuances. For example, land rent on an ongoing basis has the following features:

  • Rent can be redeemed if the recipient has died or at least 30 years have passed since the date of conclusion of the contract.
  • If the minimum monthly salary rises, the amount issued by the payer increases accordingly.
  • The recipient may transfer his rights to third parties or organizations that do not conduct commercial activities.
  • After the death of the property owner, the right to rent can be transferred to his heir. He is entitled to sell the property to the payer.
  • Cash in the prescribed amount is credited to the recipient's account every three months.

Naturally, renting a land is a profitable investment and personal welfare insurance. In this case, you remain the main owner of the property.

Benefits of Dependent Life Support

types of rent

Such land rent has its advantages:

  • If the recipient does not agree, the payer is not entitled to terminate the contract or alienate the immovable property.
  • The owner does not need to leave anywhere from his house, which is located on land rented out for rent. Moreover, he has an additional income.
  • The recipient may terminate the contract unilaterally. However, for this you should go to court. Note that it is not always possible to get a positive decision from the servants of Themis.

Features of the contract

The types of rent you have already made out. Now you should understand what you need to consider when drawing up the contract, so as not to be mistaken.So, you need to pay attention to the following:

  1. The contract must be certified by a notary. Without a seal, it has no legal force. Naturally, before signing, you should definitely choose the type of contract that suits you best. In addition, the transfer of real estate to the recipient must necessarily be recorded in the state register.
  2. If the payer wants to sell rental property, then he will need permission. However, this condition must be spelled out in the certificate of ownership.
  3. Please note that if you took the land for rent, but do not fulfill your obligations under the contract, the recipient has the right to terminate all relations with you and demand damages.
  4. In the agreement, just in case, indicate the size of the redemption value of the property.
  5. Life annuity is characterized by a constant payment of cash. After each of its implementation, it is better to draw up a special receipt or act, which will be signed by both parties. So you protect yourself in the event of claims by the recipient.
  6. Try not to throw away all documents that record your proper fulfillment of all obligations.
  7. At the conclusion of the contract, it will be necessary to pay a state fee, which can range from 300 to 20,000 rubles.

These features should be considered necessarily.

When can a contract be broken?

land rent

Life annuity can be beneficial only if both parties comply with the terms of the contract. However, there are times when it is terminated. This happens if:

  • The payer substantially violates the terms of the contract, improperly manages the property, does not pay the money on time. Moreover, losses may be recovered from him.
  • If the property was alienated without the consent of the recipient of the rent, and free of charge. This is also considered a breach of contract.

Please note that even if the property that was leased was accidentally destroyed, the payer must continue to fulfill its payment obligations.

Rent is one of the most popular ways to acquire real estate in our time. However, it is also not perfect. Although the owner gets the opportunity to buy property in the future, he is not completely immune from various surprises on the part of the recipient. But in case of violation of the rights of one or the other party, they have the right to appeal to the court.

Now you know what rent contracts are and how they should be drawn up. It is not worth signing this document yourself. It is better to use the services of a professional.

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