
What is a reserve? Meaning of the word “reserve”

What is a reserve? The meaning of this word depends on the semantic nature of the context. But in most cases, this lexical unit is used to determine any stock intended for storing additional resources. The reserve can be military, sports, industrial, technical, state. This word is used in various fields and is also part of some stable expressions. The meaning of the word “reserve”, as well as its use, is the topic of this article.

what is a reserve


This word came into Russian from the French language during the time of Peter I. In Balzac’s language, reserve is “storage”, “warehouse”, “reserve”. In Russian, this word has a narrower meaning, although it is used in various fields. In order to understand what a reserve is, it is worth considering the use of this word in some areas of activity.

Military terminology

In each country, there are organizations that consist of citizens combining civilian activities with military. They are always on alert and, if mobilized, are involved in the first place. Such an organization is a reserve. It is not part of the permanent armed forces and operates in individual countries according to certain rules (according to the law). So what is a reserve in military terminology? This is an organization that can significantly save government spending while maintaining the armed forces, even in peacetime. The synonym for reserve is reserve. Therefore, such phrases as “colonel in reserve” and “colonel in reserve” are equivalent.

Personnel Management

Some organizations carry out special selection of a certain part of employees for further promotion. Personnel reserves are an important component in the activities of the enterprise, the administrative apparatus of which is concerned with the improvement and development of the organization. In addition, the preparation of such a professional stock is one of the ways to reduce the cost of recruiting employees.

labor reserves

Sports terminology

The current reserve, the closest reserve, potential reserve are all semantic units of sports vocabulary. Athletes who have achieved a certain level of mastery and provide further growth in professional results make up a kind of reserve subject to the following classification:

  • Current reserve. This includes promising high-class athletes.
  • The nearest reserve is a reserve consisting of gifted athletes capable of increasing the number of candidates for national teams.
  • A potential reserve is young athletes involved in a particular sport in specialized educational institutions and sections.

The sphere of education

In 1940, specific organizations were created in the USSR, the purpose of which was to train professional personnel for work in various sectors of the national economy. The totality of these organizations was a whole system called "State Labor Reserves of the USSR." Special craft schools were created in which students were on state support. After graduation, graduates went to state enterprises, where they had to work for at least four years.

Labor reserves are a slightly different concept. It means a voluntary society made up of students and workers at vocational schools. The purpose of such an organization is the physical education of citizens and the development of a collective sports culture.Such organizations began to operate during the war and gained particular development in the fifties.

meaning of the word reserve

State reserve

Stocks of tangible assets, goods and strategic materials intended for use in urgent work or liquidation of consequences of an emergency make up the country's material reserve. The formation and storage of these reserves is provided by the federal executive bodies.

Financial terminology

In banking terminology there is a concept indicating a certain amount of cash in cash and the amount of bank deposits that are placed with the Central Bank. This rather narrowly specialized term is the phrase “actual reserves”.

synonym for reserve

Use of the word in other areas

What is a reserve? From all of the above, we can conclude that this word means either the organization of professionals of a particular activity who are not currently involved, but are in full readiness, or a set of material assets intended for use in emergency cases. In completely different areas of human activity, one can find a phrase, one of the components of which is this lexical unit. This is an actor’s reserve, and a pedagogical reserve, and a food reserve.

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