
What is the social status of a person in society?

All kinds of human roles in society as individuals cannot arise without a corresponding predetermining factor. In this case, they are the position of the individual in society, which is a complex system. At the same time, it is quite simple to understand what social status is, how it is associated with previous aspects.

The role of man in society

Any modern resident is endowed with many rights and obligations, which means a certain number of specific roles. If we are talking about a child, then its main functions will be those that are part of the responsibilities in the family, school, public transport, in circles, etc. If we consider the social status of a woman, then it is common for her to simultaneously fulfill the roles of wife, mother, daughter , employees, students, shoppers, girlfriends and be in other, no less important forms. However, one cannot deny the fact that it would be somehow strange and unnatural to see an adult wealthy man sitting at a school bench, and a first grader at the wheel of a trolley bus. Such actions are contrary to the corresponding position occupied by a person in the world around him.what is social status

Determination of social status

Social status is the position of the individual in the social system - society, which is predetermined by the presence of relevant capabilities, interests, knowledge, rights and obligations. As a rule, a self-sufficient full-fledged person has several statuses simultaneously, realizing their components throughout life.

Among the complex status set, one can distinguish the so-called superstatus, which is the main indicator of the integration of the individual into society. Often, this criterion is considered a profession, place of work or main occupation. Getting acquainted with a person, we almost always think about how the stranger earns his living. social status of a person in societyOther qualities and properties of the individual are also of interest. Although the decisive factor may be other factors, including national, religious or racial affiliation, sexual orientation, past life experience or criminal record.

Varieties of position in society

Trying to recognize what social status is, you should familiarize yourself with its classification. Any position of an individual in the life of society can be attributed to two fundamental types. The first type is a statement prescribed to a person, regardless of his desire, capabilities and financial components. These include gender, place of birth, national characteristics, ethnic origin. The second type is achieved social status or acquired, as they often say. It is on the desire and abilities of a person that his achievement of goals and peaks depends directly. After all, husbands, leaders, doctors of sciences, footballers, writers or engineers are not born, they become.

Prescribed Social Status

The modern system of society is a very complex functioning entity, the institutions of which cease to work if any person fails to fulfill the mass of responsibilities indicated by relations in separate social groups. In order to unanimously agree on the fulfillment of the duties of the prescribed status from birth, a person goes a long way in preparing and learning to fulfill the established roles.The initial stage of personality formation takes place in early childhood according to additional criteria, which often serve as a formula for future success. Age and gender criteria serve as the basis for role prescriptions in society. They are followed by racial, ethnicity, as well as religious and class gradations.

The first role-based training, which continues in the childhood period, is some of the processes of socialization, depending on gender. In later life, they will have a huge impact on the formation and characteristics of the social status of an already held adult. For example, from the moment of birth, girls are destined for pink vests, many dolls and princesses. Young girls are gradually being prepared for adulthood, teaching culinary tricks and secrets of maintaining a home. Little ladies are not accepted to raise in a boyish style. And although this type of education can sometimes be found, it is mainly considered bad form.

Features of prescribed status

As for the training of boys, in adulthood it demonstrates the consequences of the educational process, which can be safely attributed to the opposite type. From an early age, they know that it is better to be strong than weak, because they have to protect timid girls, and then become the support and strong shoulder of their entire family. Such methods that contribute to the formation of personality determine in the future various social statuses of men and women.different social statuses

It should be noted that many modern professions are relevant for both sexes. Some work is available for women to perform, and they can cope with it no worse than men, and vice versa. For example, in some states girls are not allowed to take up domestic jobs in wealthy homes. In the Philippines in particular, only men accept secretarial work, despite the fact that some of the hard work in the agricultural sector lends itself mainly to the weaker half of humanity.

Acquired position in society

What is social status can be understood through the prism of the results achieved. Each person is given a wide selection of opportunities, due to the prescribed statuses. Each person can acquire a new position in society, using their individual abilities, preferences, diligence, or, oddly enough, luck. After all, Michael Young, the famous British sociologist, was quite able to formulate a similar phenomenon. He said that important titles of kings, lords and princesses are prescribed social statuses that are assigned to an individual, regardless of his efforts to achieve high ranks.low social status

The acquired social status of a person in society is not given from birth; only persons suitable for this can take possession of the corresponding position. Not all people born in a masculine guise can acquire the status of a husband or father. This will not happen automatically - it all depends on the actions, behavior and attitude to life of a particular individual. The formation of the desired status occurs through the use of talent, desire, determination and an active position.

The predominant importance of social status

Often, in traditional societies, the prescribed statuses are decisive, since the further kind of activity and the corresponding occupation of a particular public place depends on many factors associated with the moment of birth. Men often try to be like their fathers and grandfathers, imitating them and wanting to adopt their skills in professions familiar from childhood. Moreover, by nature, a man is a hunter, fisherman and warrior. Naturally, in the literal sense, to realize this part of male destiny in industrial societies It’s quite difficult, but having the freedom to choose occupations to achieve one or another position, incredible opportunities open up for the current “getters”.

Social status

For the successful functioning of the social system, a sufficient level of labor mobility is required, which leads to priority manifestation of orientation on the personal characteristics of individuals, on the replacement of one status by other efforts. Meanwhile, the movement up the status ladder up is under the constant control of the whole society with the aim of observing the principles of justice, which allow only those people who were able to prove themselves to gain a high position in society. Those who could not find their successful “environment” will have to pay with non-competitiveness and insolvency in new roles. woman's social statusThis implies a huge number of people who, being in this situation, do not feel a sense of satisfaction.

How to achieve a high place in society?

Only a person who has come a long and hard way can realize what high-level social status is and how to use its privileges. It also happens that the acquired position further obliges the individual to make changes not only in his labor activity, but also in his daily life, place of residence, circle of acquaintances and friends. When individuals have to face difficulties that are far removed from the experience of their ancestors due to significant differences between their social status and the social position of their parents, the process of accepting new roles is determined by the status that has arisen.

An ideal society is considered to be where the predominant number of social statuses are acquired. Is it not fair if each person finds his place under the sun and strives for it, proving it with his abilities, work or talent? In addition, the ability to successfully prove oneself provides a chance to justify any significant shortcomings.

An absolutely opposite picture is a society where, in most cases, a position in society is prescribed, and a person does not expect his status to be improved, he does not even make the slightest effort. People who earn little money doing prestigious work do not feel guilty for having low social status. Without comparing the current state of affairs with the situation of other, more ambitious and impetuous people, such an individual is not oppressed by a feeling of discontent, insecurity, or fear of losing anything.

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