
The social situation in society. Socially dangerous situation

Social status is an important component of the life of a modern person. Depending on it, citizens conduct this or that activity, influence each other, and also just live and develop. It is thanks to him that people have the so-called status. It is worth paying attention to the fact that social status does not always mean something good. In some cases, it can be dangerous. Currently, most families in Russia are at risk. But how to define it? Who is considered to be in a socially dangerous situation? And is there any way to fix this?social status

Position is ...

The social status of a citizen is his so-called place in society. His position, gender, nationality, religion, and so on. Everything that can characterize a person influences his position in society.

A kind of belonging of a citizen to their origin. Depending on the social situation, a peculiar status is acquired. For example, rich-poor, atheist-believer, and so on. All this plays a huge role in the development of society. But, no matter how sad it may sound, there is a so-called socially dangerous situation in the world.


What it is? Nobody can say for sure. Indeed, many factors play a role here. But if you look at the generally accepted concept, then a socially dangerous situation is a combination of circumstances and other elements in the life of a citizen or family that indicates an unfavorable atmosphere.social and economic situation

More precisely, this is a kind of unpleasant situation in society. This can include a lot of various reasons, as well as situations. Nevertheless, if it turns out that a person’s social situation is close to danger (or already is), the government is able to take measures to eliminate adverse factors affecting the life of a citizen. Especially when it comes to family and children.

Why do you need

The socio-economic status of people everywhere matters. Wherever you turn, you will surely find out about your place in society. Indeed, the so-called social status plays a huge role both in the formation of the individual, and in building a career and conducting activities.

Most often, questions of this kind are recognized when it comes to families with children. Often they need some help or protection. And so that the state could come to the aid in time, it is worth reporting on its own status in society. Wherever you turn, this data will be recognized everywhere. Except maybe shops. But in a variety of public services or government agencies will have to report on their position in society.socially dangerous situation

The most common cases are the social status of children. Both existing and future. During pregnancy, for example, in antenatal clinics they will find out the social status of the expectant mother and also make appropriate entries in the exchange card to record the conditions in which the baby will develop. If it turns out that the status is dangerous, then appropriate measures will be taken. For example, assisting or even removing a child from a family after birth. The same goes for schools, kindergartens, hospitals, and so on. In employment, the social status is also specified. In general, this component is present everywhere. Who can be at risk? And which families are recognized as being in socially dangerous situations?


The most common case in Russia is the presence of dependencies among family members or close relatives. These include: alcoholism, drug addiction and even computer addiction, cravings for gambling. In this case, the social status of the family is recognized as dangerous.

In principle, everything is possible to fix. But in practice this happens extremely rarely. Dependence on something is almost impossible to cure. Until the person himself wants it. If there are children in the families, then in the presence of a relative with addiction, such a "union" is recognized as being in a dangerous situation and you are "taken by pencil." More precisely, they are registered with the relevant authorities. And now social services can conduct inspections from time to time.

If serious harm is done to underage children, they may be taken from their families. With or without parental rights. Most often, parental rights are taken away from the dependent member of the family, and the rest is supported by the state.social status of the family


If you think about it, then the socially dangerous situation of children and families is very common. Only many try to hide it. So, for example, child abuse and family members - this is a factor indicating danger.

For example, domestic violence in family. This can be both the use of physical force in any of its forms (even for educational purposes), or the belittling of human dignity, psychological tyranny, and submission. This also includes the abuse of their parental rights. This is usually seen in relation to minor children.

Family abuse will be punished. Most likely, the culprit will be tried on the basis of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. In such situations, there are articles: “Beatings”, “Intentional bodily harm”, “Torture”. The list goes on for a long time. But in this situation, the guilty person will most likely be sentenced to imprisonment for up to 3 years. It is becoming more and more difficult to identify adverse social situations in society due to abuse. The so-called tyrants try not to show themselves in order to avoid punishment.


Also, social conditions in families are influenced by living conditions. And everything connected with them. For example, unemployment or wages. The general condition of the housing, the availability of everything necessary for comfortable living and development, the health of family members living with you - all this is extremely important.social position in society

A citizen is recognized as being in a dangerous social situation when he is unable to live on his own and provide suitable living in minimal “greenhouse” conditions for human development. That is, if the apartment is there, but it is in a precarious state, the refrigerator is empty, children are not able to develop and learn normally - all this points to danger.

Most often, such conditions are encountered by families that are already recognized as dysfunctional. Children are usually seized. But without deprivation of parental rights (if living conditions are the only negative moment in life). And they give a certain period of time to correct the situation.

Breach of obligations

Among other things, failure to fulfill parental obligations is also a factor that can affect social status. The law clearly spells out all the rights, duties and responsibilities of citizens in relation to their children and parents. As soon as they are not executed (in a malicious form), one can complain about the socially dangerous situation of the family.

How do actions and events develop? It all depends on the specific situation. The exact reason is revealed, which entailed a dangerous situation, after which, based on various laws of the Russian Federation, a decision is made to correct the situation.Most often, non-fulfillment of obligations is expressed in evasion from raising and providing minors and needy children, evasion of child support, and refusal to support elderly parents.

Practice calls that in these situations comes the main responsibility. Or the court takes away from the negligent parents the right to custody and upbringing of the child. Non-payment of alimony is corrected by coercion to pay, arrest, imprisonment, as well as the seizure of a driver’s license and a ban on crossing the country’s borders.social status of children


As you can see, in a dangerous situation in society, appropriate measures will be taken. By the way, you can find out about them using denunciation, from the media or any other sources of information. If you have suspicions that someone is in a dangerous social situation in the family, you should seek evidence and contact the social support authorities. They will investigate and clarify the situation.

Social status is important in itself. It is an integral part of society and citizen. It appears at birth. Nobody can take away social status, but in some cases, completely. The dangerous situation will be investigated and corrected by all legal forces.

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