
What is the responsibility of an insurance agent?

Nowadays, insurance has long become the norm. People often turn to such specialists to get some protection from the consequences of possible unforeseen life situations. What, in practice, does the help of such organizations look like and what are the responsibilities of an insurance agent?

Essence of the question

Every day, people are faced with situations that, if an unfavorable outcome, can cause them significant harm. Even a simple trip to the store or a trip out of town can end in failure. Life gives no guarantees. But the insurance company can partially compensate the person for the inconvenience that he will have to experience from the negative consequences. This is done by specially trained workers, who are usually called “agents”. They will help to find a solution to the problems. Who is this and what is the responsibility of the insurance agent? To begin with, I must say that this specialist is an employee of a particular company. Recently, a lot of them have appeared all over the country. Each offers its own conditions, and it is the responsibility of the insurance agent to convey them to citizens in an accessible form.

insurance agent responsibilities

This work is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. A specialist has to communicate daily with hundreds of people. Direct contact is especially important, because this is the only way to solve something. The obligations of the insurance agent, in fact, are to intelligibly explain all the issues of interest to customers and, if possible, interest him in future cooperation.

Follow instructions

Insurance companies are very careful in selecting their employees. Indeed, for such work requires a person who not only knows how to talk, but really has the ability to convince. A special instruction has been developed for him, which lists all the duties of the insurance agent. Among them, there are several main positions that most clearly describe the essence of the work.

insurance agent job responsibilities

The specialist should:

  1. Search for potential customers from among individuals and legal entities.
  2. Explain to customers the need for a deal.
  3. Advise visitors on issues of interest to them regarding insurance legislation.
  4. Conclude directly personal and property insurance contracts, as well as conduct all operations related to this issue.
  5. Ensure the safety of prepared documents.
  6. Consider customer complaints regarding controversial issues and take the measures necessary to resolve them.

In addition to all this, any insurance agent should be in constant close contact with their colleagues.

Work in the main company of the country

At present, the main organization engaged in insurance in our country is the Rosgosstrakh group of companies. It was created in 1992 and, in fact, is the assignee of the former State Insurance of the RSFSR. It consists of five largest divisions, the main of which is Rosgosstrakh OJSC. In it, thousands of qualified employees work at 83 branches located throughout the country.

responsibilities of the insurance agent Rosgosstrakh

The obligations of the Rosgosstrakh insurance agent are no different from the job functions of employees of other companies. A professional approach to business and an active life position are also important for them. And it doesn’t matter how old the candidate is. This may be an eighteen-year-old man or a woman of pre-retirement age. The main thing is that he clearly sees the goal in front of him and knows how to achieve it.Such work requires constant communication with people, therefore one of the main qualities of an agent is sociability. In addition, the company representative should be honest with his client and could answer for every word spoken. Cheating in such a case is absolutely unacceptable.

What do we have to do?

Considering the work of an insurance specialist as a whole, we can conclude that he, in fact, is a kind of intermediate link between his company and a potential client. He is the one who shows a person the most profitable and safest way in life. Therefore, choosing for themselves such a specialty, each candidate must understand what is the responsibility of the insurance agent. This does not mean tricking a citizen into paying a substantial amount for no apparent reason. The task is not at all that. A good specialist should not only explain to the client all the details of concluding a contract, but also prove that such an action will bring him concrete benefits.

what is the responsibility of the insurance agent

It is necessary to select conditions convenient for him and, for example, to calculate possible compensation payments in accordance with the current tariffs. Indeed, at that moment when the same insured event occurs, the client will come to his agent again. And then he will have to assess the damage in accordance with all the rules. Experienced specialists usually manage to interest the visitor so much that he acquires several policies at once. Entrepreneurship in such work is only welcome.

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