
Who is a merchandiser? What is his responsibility?

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the domestic market began to actively cooperate with the West. He began to adopt various names of foreign origin. The Russians got used to them gradually. Despite the fact that those days are behind, few still know who such a merchandiser is. This profession is in demand. But sometimes employers complain that job candidates come for an interview without any idea of ​​future responsibilities.

Merchandiser work and its specifics

Here are the responsibilities of the employee:

  • display of goods in accordance with a previously approved plan;
  • work aimed at increasing the number of shelves for goods;
  • placement of various promotional materials (flyers, booklets, etc.);
  • organizing promotions and monitoring the performance of promotional displays;
  • monitoring the prices of goods and their adjustment if necessary;
  • analysis of the effectiveness of the location of goods and promotions of competitors;
  • providing packaging for presentation;
  • taking measures to improve the brand image.

Types of workers

This profession requires knowledge of a large number of nuances. Often, applicants for the position are not even interested in who the merchandiser is, offering their candidacy to the employer.

who is a merchandiser

Speaking about the specialty, a different degree of involvement in the work process is implied. In this regard, employees may be:

  • mobile
  • stationary;
  • hybrid.

The first type of staff is present at work throughout the day and can visit several outlets during this period. The second category is assigned to a particular territory and does not leave it. The latter type of employees is characterized by a floating schedule. That is, he visits several objects through passage, and one, more significant, controls most of the day.

Opportunity for career growth

The merchandiser in Moscow, as in other Russian cities, has excellent prospects for growth. In the case of a good job, he will be transferred to the position of supervisor or sales representative. At a minimum, he can count on a career as an employee of the marketing or sales department of the company. But he must show such qualities as industriousness, the desire to master his business well.

merchandiser vacancies

Professional skills

If you like the above prospects, then get ready that the employer will evaluate you from a professional point of view. What does it mean? To get a position, you must have the following skills:

  • ability to drive vehicles;
  • awareness of laws applicable in commercial trading activities;
  • knowledge of marketing and management.

A good employee is a good psychologist. Basic knowledge in the field of sociology will not interfere. Only in this case will an intelligent merchandiser come out of you. Jobs in Moscow in this area are represented in large numbers. If you meet all the requirements, your chances of getting a job are great.

work as a merchandiser

Studying information about who such a merchandiser, potential applicants are sometimes mistaken. For example, it is often believed that this profession involves the usual laying out of goods on a shelf. However, employees have to additionally monitor the expiration date and demand among buyers. In simple terms, the employee is charged with promoting the goods.

The maximum increase in sales is the main goal.

Who has the best chance?

Young specialists and students studying in absentia often doubt themselves, looking for work.But in this case, it is precisely this category of applicants that has the most chances. The fact is that in this area often recruit young professionals and gradually train them to fit your needs. Companies are even ready to organize appropriate training courses for them. Also, company leaders create all conditions for the further career growth of their staff.

If you have no doubts that you will make a good merchandiser, you can safely consider vacancies. If you have an economic or commercial education, send your resume to all the companies in which you would like to work.

merchandiser in Moscow

What additional qualities are desirable to have?

Nice looking. This does not mean that you should look like a model. It’s enough that your view attracts people. Sociability, the presence of the gift of persuasion, endurance, stress resistance, the ability to find a compromise are still needed.

Creativity or rationality?

A question that is relevant for everyone to understand who such a merchandiser is. In fact, you do not have to be particularly creative, because a planogram will be provided from the very beginning. On it, the layout diagram is depicted in detail. You have to repeat it on the trading floor.

All over the world they are already using the science of methods of influencing customers. This works successfully. Evidence of this is the numerous unplanned purchases that each of us made in our life. It is human nature to succumb to emotions, especially when they make a favorable offer. “Forcing” consumers to purchase certain products is the main the duty of the merchandiser.

Merchandiser jobs in Moscow

In second place is control over the integrity of the packaging, ensuring order on the shelves. As you know, store visitors often shift one product to another. At the most advantageous positions should be certain manufacturers. Companies are well aware that most often people purchase products that are at the level of their eyes. For such places, they are ready to fight each other in the literal sense of the word! Brands often even buy the most profitable supermarket shelves.

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