
What does it mean to think conservatively?

If someone says about you that you are conservative, this is not a reason for resentment, but it's worth considering. What does “conservative” mean, what is the meaning most often put into this word, and what does its use mean today?

what does it mean conservatively

"Conservatism": the origin of the word

If it seems to you that the words "conservative" and "canned food" have a common root and a similar sound, this is not a coincidence. What does “conservative person” mean? This is a person committed to preserving and respecting the traditional views and values ​​of the society in which she lives. As is clear from the definition, the word "canned food" is not accidental, since both of these words are of Latin origin, and the translation can literally be perceived as "save."

Is it good for a person to be conservative in modern society?

In fact, adhering to traditional ways is not always good, and above all for the conservative himself. Why? The fact is that traditions used to change quite slowly.

What does conservative mean? This word is used in relation to folklore, costumes, political system, other values. The “keepers” not only preserved their ideological foundations, but also passed them on to subsequent generations, inspired them to continue what was begun by their ancestors. A people is not just people, it is a story rich in creativity, a common spirit, which is the driving force of generations. However, with the development of technology, we are rapidly changing, the content of life is also changing.

what does conservative mean

Today, a conservative person is no longer an inspiration. The present generation does not need traditions as much as before, in many ways it creates its own. This is not about all values, but the changes affected the structure of relations and family, career, understanding of honor. Today, they remember past values, but they are not so eagerly honored if they do not meet modern trends.

Conservative and present

What does conservative mean? Here are simple comparisons. If earlier it was right to start a family, get married in a church, today today more and more modern young people prefer to live in a civil marriage. To build a house? Expensive, expensive - it's easier to rent a studio or apartment. Career? And why not try to become a startup and start your own business in a “not yet promoted” niche?

what does conservative political preference mean

Conservatism, youth and politics

What does “conservative political preference” mean? As you know, in many countries where laws are passed by parliament, there are conservative parties. Their members vote to preserve the political system, refuse to adopt laws that are too progressive, or those that are contrary to the traditions of society. Not always conservatives keep up with the times, but such people allow us not to forget the society, "where we came from."

Conservatives are often older people. Agree that the older the person, the more difficult it is for him to accept new trends that have come thanks to fashion or progress.

For this reason, young people often do not find a common language with their parents and older relatives. Youth looks forward and advocates for a new one, while the older generation is afraid of rapidly changing in society and wants to preserve traditions. Such a difference in views allows modern society to develop systematically, while maintaining important values ​​and traditions.

When conservative is good

You can’t argue that over time, indeed, many important traditions lose their appeal in the eyes of society. In some places, respect for the elderly disappears, clothing becomes more and more open, and young people are more likely to have sexual intercourse.For example, in our country, the average age of the first sexual intercourse for girls is only 14 years. For comparison: ten years ago, according to statistical surveys, the average age was 17 years old, and in 1990 - 19. Not all changes are positive, to be sure, conservatives are right in this. You need to be a sane person, so as not to succumb to not useful, but "fashionable" manifestations of crowd behavior. In this sense, being yourself and being faithful to your beliefs is not bad at all. So, what does "conservative" mean, we figured it out.

what does a conservative person mean


Adhering to traditional outlooks on life and value systems is what it means to think conservatively. Such people are the guardians of traditions and try to carefully pass them on to the younger generation. This is especially important today, in a rapidly developing world.

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