
Proper advertising: creation, placement, results

In order to ensure a high level of sales and, as a consequence, economic efficiency of production, the correct advertising should be developed. Sometimes it is even more important than production technology and quality characteristics of the goods.

What does proper advertising mean?

Probably, many have noticed that products with the same characteristics and quality are characterized by completely different demand. Moreover, sometimes an outsider can turn out to be a much better product at a rather low price. The secret here is proper advertising. This means that the message not only conveyed information to the end user, but also left some imprint in his mind. Such advertising arouses customer confidence in the product, inspires an urgent need for it, and therefore stimulates the desire to purchase it.

proper advertising

History tour

Despite the fact that many consider advertising a product of our time, in fact, its history spans more than one century. Sometimes the techniques used were unconscious, but nevertheless very successful. There are many examples in history that have been very effective, albeit non-standard:

  • at a time when public execution was widespread, prisoners were forced to shout advertising slogans before the reprisal;
  • Napoleon resorted to deception in order to distribute his coins, saying that in one of them a check for a large sum was hidden;
  • in those days when potatoes were not popular in Europe, the government put up protection near warehouses and fields, which immediately drew attention to this product;
  • in order to sell his land, the landowner gave them the attractive name "Hollywood", which is still popular today;
  • at the beginning of the last century, the practice appeared of placing advertisements in public toilets;
  • Disney Company for a long time deprived competitors of the opportunity to produce cartoons by intercepting a film supplier;
  • Harley, in exchange for a good discount, offered its customers to get a tattoo with a motorcycle logo;
  • Quite often, products were advertised in popular films (this technique is used now).

how to do advertising

Advertising elements

Correct advertising should include the following required elements:

  • The headline is the first thing that catches the eye of the potential buyer when he sees the message. That is why it is important to immediately make clear to the audience what will be discussed in advertising. In addition, the headline should be designed so that the buyer has a desire to get acquainted with the entire message.
  • "Buttons" - this is not quite what it is customary to mean by this word in ordinary life. This refers to those things that will certainly arouse the interest of the buyer and force him to purchase the product. Buttons depend on which product and for whom you are manufacturing. Fans of a healthy lifestyle will be pleased to know that thrift buyers will certainly be attracted by the inscription "Best Price", and conservatives will certainly want to purchase goods with the inscription "Soviet Quality" and so on.
  • Illustrations are one of the most important components of advertising. It's no secret that information is perceived much better if it is accompanied by colorful pictures and photographs.
  • Product value is the value that it has in the eyes of the consumer. The advertiser must show that the product is able to solve a number of problems or fulfill wishes, as well as bring positive changes to the life of the buyer.
  • Product availability must certainly be reflected in the advertising message.When a client is interested and wants to buy a product, he needs to give the last push in the form of an office or online store address.

advertising rules

How to do advertising

Creation of advertising is a rather complicated and laborious process. It requires a huge amount of effort and resources. So, the right advertisement is created in several stages:

  • Audit is the initial stage of advertising. Even the most experienced specialist can not ignore him. You need to carefully study the state of the advertising market at the moment, as well as in retrospect. In addition, it is necessary to collect information about modern technologies and methods that are used in marketing.
  • Copywriting is a text component of an advertising message. It should be as informative as possible, but at the same time concise. In addition, special attention should be paid to the slogan, which is designed to attract and focus on the attention of the audience.
  • Design development is one of the final stages. It is necessary to adequately frame the advertising message, making it colorful, presentable and readable. Particular attention is paid to the color scheme, font size and layout of elements on the layout.
  • Testing is a necessary step before launching an advertisement. For this, a sociological survey can be conducted. The focus group method is also considered quite effective.

what could be advertising

Fundamental rules

The basic advertising rules can be formulated as follows:

  • brevity, simplicity and specificity in statements;
  • originality in the presentation of information;
  • effective and convincing slogan;
  • advertising should cause certain emotions in a potential buyer;
  • attraction of famous persons to advertising;
  • successful placement.

proper advertising

Where to advertise

One of the most important points on the path to success is the correct placement of advertising. The first thing you should pay attention to is the purpose of the product that you recommend. So, a message about products and consumer goods is best placed on television, as well as near points of sale. And if we are talking about specific things (tools, agricultural fertilizers, etc.), it is better to report them in specialized magazines, as well as near points of sale.

When choosing a placement for advertising, the target audience plays an important role. So, the average consumer with a low income will well perceive television and print advertising, as well as messages at bus stops and transport. If we are talking about luxury goods for wealthy customers, then it is better to turn to messages in expensive magazines and in direct mail.

Effect of advertising

Product advertising can show its effectiveness through sales, as well as the amount of profit. Nevertheless, it is not always possible to determine exactly whether a successful marketing policy determines the result. For this, it is worth conducting a factor analysis. Also, to determine the effect of advertising, it will be useful to resort to the following measures:

  • Compare indicators with the previous advertising company;
  • conduct opinion polls regarding the opinion of consumers about the message;
  • to study the promotional activities of competitors.

product advertising


Manufacturers, thinking about what advertising can be, should first of all think about economic effect. To do this, it is necessary to properly and thoroughly approach this issue. When composing an advertising message, it is necessary to strictly follow the sequence of stages, as well as be guided by a number of rules that have proved their effectiveness in practice. You must always remember that the manufacturer is developing a marketing program not for himself, but for the buyer. And therefore, it is worth considering the opinion of the target audience, as well as its expectations and attitude to this or that information.

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