
Degradation of personality: causes and stages

Degradation is the opposite of the word progress. If progressive development involves the improvement of any qualities, the pursuit of new achievements, the conquest of new peaks, then the degradation of personality is a 180-degree turn. There can be many reasons for this phenomenon, beginning with constant turmoil in personal life and professional sphere, ending with alcohol or drug addiction.

Alcoholic personality degradation

Scientists have long classified alcoholism as a disease that requires treatment and support from loved ones. Most often, personality degradation is characteristic of people with alcohol dependence, and women in this regard are much more vulnerable than men. A person who does not receive either one or the other, as a rule, is doomed to a gradual "rollback" back in his development. All his aspirations boil down to getting the next dose of alcohol and forgetting himself intoxicated. This condition becomes his only goal. The desire to monitor your appearance disappears, interest in the world around us disappears.

As a result, a person turns into a groomed, untidy, uninteresting creature, constantly experiencing the only desire - to drink or get drunk, for which some alcoholics may even commit a crime. That is, there is a complete disintegration of man as a person.

Other causes of decay

The problem of personality degradation

Alcoholism is far from the only reason why a person can lose himself as a person. In our new rapidly developing world, there is less and less room for elevated feelings, it all comes down to becoming the best consumer of material wealth.

But a person differs from an animal in that it requires not only comfort and physical pleasures, but also food for the mind. At the moment when people cease to notice beauty, become interested in something new in the field of art and literature, they even no longer read books and listen to good music, the social degradation of the person begins.

Take care of the youth!

Stages of personality degradation

A sharp jump in the development of new technologies for the younger generation is especially dangerous. With the ability to receive more and more information and the emergence of social networks, the degradation of the personality of a young man who has not yet found his ideals can occur rapidly and irrevocably.

The ideology of consumerism and indulging in momentary pleasures from the West can completely deprive the consciousness of the young generation of the ability to develop. If you do not oppose anything to false values, such as, for example, the notorious homosexuality, which is raised to the norm in European countries, then the problem of personality degradation will arise even before its formation.

Man is not omnipotent

Social degradation of personality

Not only young people with an unformed psyche can be susceptible to this phenomenon. Sometimes a person who is quite firmly standing on his feet, which applies both to his material and spiritual condition, due to the circumstances, it can be difficult to overcome the problems that have suddenly fallen on him, especially if he has such a trait as maximalism.

For example, an outwardly attractive person with extraordinary abilities, a man who has always studied well, built a career, believes that he is able to overcome all difficulties in the world. And suddenly a force majeure event falls on him, of which there may be thousands, but the worst of which is the loss of loved ones.If at this time there is no one nearby who could support and console, then even a very strong person can not cope with the suddenly collapsed misfortune, become depressed and, as a result, degrade.

Develop your personality

And how many people in the world whom this problem has already touched, and they do not even suspect about it? After all, when a person ceases to learn something new, learn something that he did not know before, and the degradation of the person begins.

As a rule, all of us are only engaged in obtaining material wealth, and there simply is no time left for the spiritual. It should not be so, once you need to stop in your pursuit of the riches of the world and pay attention to the best sides of your soul, also give them food in the form of reading good books, going to the theater or cinema, listening to classical music. Mozart's music has a particularly beneficial effect on higher brain activity.

How to avoid degradation?

Signs of personality degradation

And, of course, the problem of personality degradation is especially acute in old age. There are people who, until old age, maintain clarity of mind, but mostly in older people, mental abilities also survive their sunset.

Degradation of a person’s personality

Well, if there is anyone at this time to understand that with age, regression is inevitable, and to provide decent care for such people. But, while still in your mind, it is worth thinking about what will become of you in old age, and try to avoid the complete disintegration of your personality.

To do this, you need to know the signs of personality degradation:

  1. Laziness. Reluctance to do something at the moment is not as scary as constantly putting off important things. In the end, they cease to be important and completely lose their relevance. Decide what is most important to you at the moment, take it and just do it.
  2. Conservatism. Moving forward always implies something new, previously unknown. If it’s easier for you to follow the road and you don’t feel like it or just scared to try something new, then you are on the right path to degradation.
  3. Lack of desire. If you do not want anything, then you need to at least through force to force yourself to get out of the usual range of duties and interests. To get started, just try changing the route. Go to work on the other road, and it will be difficult to keep you from wanting to see something else.
  4. Environment. Try to spend more time with people who are able to teach something, and not with those who are constantly dissatisfied with fate and speaks out about this at every opportunity. Next to them, you can also become a pessimistic "whiner" and as a result lose all your virtues.

Stages of personality degradation

Due to the circumstances, a person can be completely disappointed in other people and begin to live only for himself. This is the first stage in the degradation of his personality. He does not believe anyone, does not fulfill his duties to society and to relatives.

Subsequently, if the reasons that gave rise to the first stage of the collapse of the personality are not eliminated, aggression, anger, resentment come. The constant character trait becomes irritability.

Then comes cruelty and envy. It seems to man that everyone else lives better than him, he does not understand that everyone has his own happiness, never admits his guilt.

Anger is the next step on the path to degradation. Rudeness, swearing, constant quarrels with others - these are characteristic signs of spiritual decay at this stage.

And in the end, complete degradation - alcoholism, drug addiction, debauchery, a complete collapse of hopes, loss of property, friends, relatives.

At any of these stages, a return to normal life is possible if a person is capable of sincere repentance. After all, our possibilities are endless, but it is better not to fall into this abyss, because the time span of life is far from endless, and you can simply not have time to return from there.


Personality degradation

Do not let yourself stop where it comes to mental development. Always strive to learn something new.Do not think that age is a hindrance to this. In the field of mental development, there can be no stops, because standing still here is like going backward. Train your brain so that in your old age you don’t become a burden to your loved ones, but be an assistant and mentor for the younger generation.

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