
What is degradation? The main causes of degradation

What personality degradation it becomes clear if we associate this phenomenon with the loss of poise at the mental level. Efficiency also decreases, human activity is weakened.


Degradation of a person implies that the previously inherent traits and abilities weaken, lose their strength. If earlier he had his own judgments, qualities and talents, they are becoming less and less. Personality is easier irritated, less remembers, more difficult to concentrate.

In this case, it is safe to say that a degradation process is taking place. The circle of interests becomes much more modest, the individual shows unconcerned behavior, loses complacency and the will to overcome obstacles.

what is degradation

We are witnesses, and possibly participants

It is regrettable to note that in our time, the degradation of society is actively taking place. But what is the matter? Indeed, for so many centuries people have been carefully fighting for a place in the sun, making more and more discoveries.

What are the reasons for this?

There are several reasons that lead to the degradation of man and society as a whole:

  • The causes of degradation may lie in the excessive simplicity of life that young people today face. They just do not need to develop. Machines do everything for a person, the benefits of civilization are available to absolutely everyone, and no significant effort is needed to get them.
  • People do not think about something substantial, but become simple consumers, which somewhat dulls. Everything is twofold. So we can clearly see what degradation is, against the backdrop of the expanding opportunities and progress of science.
  • For many, the primary importance is not the achievement of certain heights, but the receipt of benefits. It becomes more important to possess rather than create. After all, only the creative mind is aimed at development.
  • Instead of the joy of discovery and creation, many other pleasures appeared - substitutes. The goal of going to work is not labor itself, satisfying our self-esteem with its usefulness, but money, which in the end is spent on absolutely unnecessary things. As they say, choose an occupation that you like, and it will seem to you that you are resting.
  • Learning and the work process have become not steps towards development, but a yoke that a person puts on himself in exchange for material wealth that modernity has proclaimed necessary, although this is not at all the case. Brands are created and untwisted for which they pay unjustifiably big money. So how does the biomass differ from the peoples of the past blindly praying to a wooden idol, in fact, not knowing whether it possesses those qualities that are worth such attention?

elite degradation

So people, not convinced that they really need this or that thing, strive for it because it is considered correct in society. It is worth asking about who benefits from this. Do we?

Do I need to fight and how?

What is degradation inherently? A natural process or a plague to fight? To do this, you must first consider evolution, during which deviations from the norm are formed, which are not always positive.

In this process, not the smartest, but the fittest survives. So another question is whether we can consider intelligence as the measure of development. Indeed, in fact, a member of the herd, pouring into the environment, may have a much greater chance of preservation.

In order for educated people to appear, a system must be properly organized to lay the foundation of knowledge. After all, a good tree grows only from safe soil.As we see, universities and institutes are in an increasingly deplorable state every year.

What is degradation? First of all, this is the lack of conditions for development. At one time, Soviet educational practice had the highest level of quality. Something remained of it, but apparently not for long, because the institutions were being abolished and ceased to be sponsored by state funds. Schools also greatly simplified their programs.

 human degradation

Distorted attitude to knowledge

A separate topic is corruption. Teaching is no longer the goal of sitting on a bench in an audience. People increasingly want to seem, not be. Possess, not be able to. Many have heard the phrase "I need a diploma for a crust." Stupid after all. Why then do they require this document at work if it costs nothing? The worst thing is that in our society we are accustomed to calmly treat illogical, stupid things. They simply entered our lifestyle, and no one is surprised at them.

Since man is a herd creature, then, probably, if everyone ate soup with a fork, he would not ask too many questions and would try to learn this important art. The rest do it too. Not for nothing, it should be.

The smartest, is there a spoon? As if millions of people on earth did not live before him. If that made sense, they would have acted so long ago. Degradation begins where the individual refuses to analyze, delve into the essence, draw his own conclusions, and bear responsibility for his judgments. When instead he simply relaxes and flows in a given direction, not paying attention, not wanting to think about what stones are waiting in the deep sea. And when there is a blow to those obstacles that we ourselves refused to notice, a bunch of questions arise. Why so and who is to blame? Yes, it's our fault. She is in voluntary blindness.

degradation of society

Who benefits from this?

It is not only about simplifying the thinking processes of ordinary people, it is the degradation of the elites. This term is associated with negative selection, which means deliberate stupidity of people, instilling in them more base goals and ideals, creating a consumer society.

No matter how regrettable it may sound, there are often cases when those managers become in power whose primary goal is not to create favorable conditions for the life of their people, but to raise funds in their own pockets. You need to play with people very carefully, because this is a great elemental force. Long gone are the days when you could influence a person by intimidating him directly. Nowadays, pseudo-democracy is being created, poison is slowly pouring into our glasses.

causes of degradation

We don’t notice how this happens.

A rather accurate comparison: if you throw the animal into boiling water, it will suffer and experience unbearable pain, and if you heat the cauldron gradually, you will not notice anything. Nobody will allow themselves to be pushed into hot water, but when in some way everything is presented under the guise of freedoms, opportunities and care from the ruling elite, it is hard to restrain temptation and refuse.

People begin to look like animals that are lured into a trap by a path of neatly laid out pieces of food. How to avoid becoming tyrant prey? Analyze, think.

degradation processThere is nothing wrong with questioning everything. This is our life, and no one can say that giving up on it is normal. Freedom begins in the head.

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