
Business culture and business etiquette: norms and features

Today, business culture and business etiquette are being actively studied, due to the need to increase their level. They should be taken into account both in relations within the company and between third-party organizations. Without compliance with such standards of conduct, some employees will feel uncomfortable.

In professional behavior, business etiquette is the most important, which determines the norms of behavior in public places. Signs of self-confidence and respectability are appearance, compliance with the rules of conducting telephone conversations and correspondence, as well as speech etiquette.

The concept of "business culture"

Business culture can be called a phenomenon of the modern world. Her research uses various methodological strategies. You can apply a functional, structural or historical method. However, the most universal will be an activity approach. It allows you to understand the details, given the regional characteristics of business cultures.

From the point of view of the approach under consideration, a business culture is a set of guidelines, systems of behavior and stable stereotypes that operate in a market society, as well as are common to all subjects of economic activity. However, considering this concept, it is worth distinguishing it from economic culture. This is due to the fact that it represents the methods of economic activity that are characteristic of any period of history.

business culture and business etiquette

In addition, the economic culture embraces the behavior of not only producers, but also consumers. It is also worth noting that its material component is technology and equipment.

A business culture is a business culture, i.e. economic activity which makes a profit. Its subjects can be called only the participants in generating income. At the same time, material resources are not part of the business culture. First of all, it is a method of self-organization, which is aimed at the effectiveness of profit.

The concept of business etiquette

Business culture and business etiquette are closely related concepts. Having learned what a business culture is, it is worth considering the concept of “etiquette”. He is a manner of behavior that, in the usual form, first appeared in Italy. Etiquette prescribes standards of conduct at work, diplomatic and business practices, in public places, etc. Unfortunately, people often encounter disrespect for their personality and rudeness. The fact is that the culture of behavior is underestimated.

Manners are an external form of behavior, a way to keep oneself, as well as expressions and intonations used in speech. They should also be called gestures and facial expressions that are characteristic of a person. Good manners require restraint and modesty in the manifestation of actions, careful treatment of people and the ability to control themselves.

business ethics and business etiquette

Bad manners are always the swagger of behavior, and also the habit of laughing out loud and talking, groomed appearance, hostility, rudeness and the use of obscene expressions. Manners are one of the components of a culture of behavior and are regulated by etiquette. It is worth remembering that human actions should be based on moral principles.

Business etiquette is a set of rules governing behavior during official and business contacts. For professional human behavior, it is most important.Business relations do not take place without an internal culture, despite the fact that etiquette establishes only external forms of behavior.

Historically developed system of business relations in Russia

At the time of the reforms of Peter I, the rules of etiquette in Russia became an integral part of culture and regulated personal and business relations. During this period, norms were introduced, thanks to which they described how exactly you need to keep yourself, as well as the appearance and behavior in society.

During the economic heyday in Russia in 1912, the following principles of business etiquette existed:

  • Respect for authority. This is due to the fact that power is one of the components for the effective implementation of business relations. Respect for the law is required.
  • Respect for honesty and truthfulness. They are the foundation of entrepreneurial activity and effective business interactions.
  • Respect for private property. The basis for ensuring the welfare of the state is free enterprise.
  • A manifestation of love and respect for a person. Business relationships, based on mutual respect, develop the desire for success and activity among partners.
  • Respect for loyalty to your word. To gain credibility among partners, you need to be faithful to the word. Thus, the entrepreneur will have the trust of others and their desire for cooperation.
  • You should live within your means. In any situation, it is worth choosing a business with which there is the strength to cope. Actions should be performed in accordance with their means.
  • Purposefulness. A business person must have a goal in front of him. In order to achieve it, do not neglect moral values.

Despite the fact that these principles of business etiquette were introduced more than a hundred years ago, they should be used in our time. Today, a system of business interactions is being formed in Russia, and etiquette rules are being formulated.

business man etiquette

The basic rules of business etiquette

Rule I

In business, ethics such as reliability and honesty are most valuable. These moral requirements are presented for a reason. Business people strive to be as honest and reliable as possible with their partners. Thus, they show an internal orientation towards maintaining long-term and stable relations.

Demonstrating the etiquette of a business person, a partner is made to understand that he has received a guarantee for reliable interaction with a specific organization.

Rule II

Commitment is one of the most important rules for achieving effective business relationships. First of all, cooperation that has been tested over the years will be appreciated. At the same time, partners prove their commitment in them. Before deciding on a partnership, a young specialist will be checked for a long time. If he shows an optionality or deceives, he will be marked in the notebook with a certain sign. After the characteristic of the partner will be transferred to other participants in the activity, it will not be easy for him to form a positive attitude towards himself in the future.

It is worth remembering that a reputation is created over many years, and in order to lose it, a few minutes are enough.

rules of business etiquette

Rule III

The rules of business etiquette are distinguished by the presence of a significant problem, which consists in finding a middle ground between understanding the importance of cooperation and the need for competition. These strategies of behavior in business relations are considered by both the manager and the contractor. In this case, a decision will be made either to seek a compromise option or to introduce competition methods. In this matter, it is worthwhile to rely on your own goals and analyze the current situation.

Rule IV

The business sector requires compliance with official subordination standards.It is based on the rules of labor discipline, mandatory submission to management, as well as the delimitation of powers of a professional type. A clear subordination implies the following features of business etiquette:

  • coordination between employees at the same level;
  • power and submission;
  • control and diligence;
  • a ban on employee actions without the approval of the boss;
  • competence in making management decisions;
  • knowledge of official rights and performance of duties.

Maintaining good subordination can lead to negative consequences. A large number of employees note that relations in the company are becoming too formal. Moreover, people have only business communication among themselves. The manifestation of personality in the process of fulfilling one's duties is also absent.

The standards of business etiquette imply the neutralization of the costs of formalizing business relations. To do this, employees of the organization should organize various events at which they can relax together. In order to eliminate the negative consequences of observance of the subordination of business relations, you can resort to psychological trainings, which are usually conducted with staff after hours.

Rule V

One of the main conditions for effective business relations is the presence of a system of business values ​​and the dedication of the employees of their organization. This is mainly manifested during periods of economic crisis or when companies go bankrupt. Primarily valued are employees who contribute to the success of the firm or organize crisis management.

The Six Commandments of Business Etiquette

Despite the fact that the etiquette of business communication determines only external forms of behavior, business relations will not work out without an internal culture. It is worth knowing what needs to be done to achieve it. The author of the book "Business Etiquette" Jen Jager argues that all problems associated with etiquette should be addressed within the framework of relevant standards. At the same time, you should respect other people and observe the rules of cultural behavior.

Business Etiquette

The following six commandments of business etiquette are formulated in the book:

  • Perform all tasks in a timely manner. During operation, lateness can only become a hindrance. In addition, they are a sign that the employee cannot be relied on. This rule applies to the creation of reports and the execution of any assigned tasks.
  • Do not say too much. This principle is that one of the duties of an employee is to keep company secrets or certain transactions. This also applies to the personal lives of colleagues and leaders.
  • It should be friendly, friendly and helpful. This rule must be adhered to in all situations, even if management or clients find fault.
  • Think not only about yourself. A person should pay attention not only to customers, but to management, subordinates and other employees of the company. It is worth listening to their advice and criticism. It is better to show the value of other people's experience if they challenge the quality of work.
  • Appearance must be impeccable.
  • It is necessary to observe business speech etiquette and write correctly.

The commandments under consideration should be adhered to daily in order to achieve an effective result.

The appearance of a business man

Business ethics and business etiquette require a demonstration of a high level of professionalism. This is manifested in the presentation of specific requirements for employees regarding their behavior, manners and clothing. In institutions it is customary to adhere to a restrained and strict style.

Business ethics and business etiquette are quite significant for respectable organizations, therefore, one cannot meet overly relaxed and noisy people in them. They employ people who have self-esteem, the ability to control emotions and self-discipline.Etiquette of business communication provides for its conduct with professionalism and information content, in a closed form. The behavior of company employees and how they are dressed speaks volumes. According to these characteristics, one can judge the professional and intellectual qualities of a person.

business etiquette features

The appearance of men

Men who work in organizations prefer to wear suits of dark colors with a classic cut, white shirts, as well as strict and stylish ties. Following the rules of business etiquette, men often highlight the attributes of financial independence. They are mainly represented by expensive branded accessories. Men also attach particular importance to diplomats, paper folders and pens, which are in the sight of their partners and clients.

Appearance of women

Women who work in organizations, following generally accepted rules, adhere strictly to the style. However, their clothes mostly show personality. Women combine business suits with fashionable shoes, gold jewelry and sophisticated perfumes.

Business card in business life.

It is difficult to imagine business life without business cards, which are presented in a wide assortment. They can be of the following types:

  • standardized business card company employee;
  • employee business card;
  • organization card;
  • family business card and others.

A typical business card should contain important information about its owner. You can also use the option where only the name and surname are indicated on the map. Such business cards are exchanged only at the first meeting. Business etiquette involves the exchange of business cards, as this is a mandatory part of a business relationship.

business theme etiquette


If you want to thoroughly know what business etiquette is, topics need to be studied thoroughly in application to each specific situation. This is due to the fact that they have a lot of nuances that a business person should take into account when implementing their professional activity. Compliance with the rules of business etiquette is of particular importance for success.

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