
The main forms of business communication

Business communication is a rather tightly regulated, narrow communication aimed at achieving certain goals. His character is connected with the solution of working issues. Allocate a variety of forms of business communication, depending on the situation. This is a conversation, and negotiations, and official correspondence, and even the publication of orders.

It should distinguish forms of business communication from varieties of interpersonal communication. In some situations, they can be quite closely intertwined. But it should be remembered that interpersonal communication does not imply obvious material benefits.

forms of business communication

Types of modern business communication

Business communication, its types and forms is a multifaceted process, which implies many varieties. One of its specific features is regulation, that is, following certain rules and norms. They can be either officially documented or be unwritten requirements.

Among a wide variety of types of business communication, it is worth highlighting:

  1. Oral species. Conversation, conversation, negotiations, meeting, speaking to colleagues, advertising address, press conference, telephone conversation.
  2. Written Views. Business correspondence between partners and competitors, orders and instructions of management, office notes from subordinates, contracts, acts.

Any type of business communication is important for successful business development. Each specialist organization engaged in positions related to external and internal communication must know the types of communication and own them.

The main forms of business communication

The ability to choose the right form of communication is one of the most important components of business success. A situational-business form of communication implies the flexibility of all participants, the ability to switch to other communication options. In addition, when choosing a communication option, it is necessary to take into account the personal and psychological characteristics of the interlocutors. This will achieve greater success in negotiations and conversations.

main forms of business communication

Among others, it is worth highlighting the following most common and modern forms of business communication:

  1. Conversation is one of the most common forms of business communication. This is a discussion of the features of the work of the boss with a subordinate, and free communication on work topics of peers with equal status, and mentoring speech addressed to new employees. A business conversation can take place in both highly regulated and relatively informal settings.
  2. A business meeting is a group form of communication. It involves two people. Clear regulation is supposed, often accompanied by protocol, signing documents, making certain decisions.
  3. Public speaking as a form of business communication is most often used at various public events. It may have an informational, advertising or scientific-applied character. It is regulated in time and limited by the theme of the event.
  4. Negotiations - a form of business communication aimed at communicating with competitors or partners of the enterprise, to obtain any benefits or prevent financial losses. Sentences can take place in person, either through correspondence or phone calls.
  5. Business correspondence includes all forms of written business communication, including email.

In addition, common forms of business communication are - press conferences, dispute, confrontation, conclusion of a transaction, communication through an interpreter, video broadcasting related to business and much more.

Business conversation as a form of business communication

Business conversation, like other forms of business communication of an individual nature, is the least regulated in nature. It plays an important role both in business and in the political sphere. Any organization specialist should have basic business conversation skills.

business communication its types and forms

A business conversation is, first of all, an exchange of views, it can lead to further developments, for example, the conclusion of an agreement. Since this form verbal communication it is very important to perfectly master the rules of the native language, to express culturally and with dignity. In addition, it is important to monitor facial expressions and gestures, as well as the tone of the voice.

Features of the group form of business communication

If the conversation most often occurs between two opponents, then most of business communication is a group form of communication.

Among them are:

  • meetings;
  • meetings;
  • conversation;
  • meetings;
  • Conferences
  • press conferences, etc.

The main difference between the group form of communication is the presence of a large number of participants, which significantly complicates the entire communication process. This difficulty can be overcome by observing the basic rules of business verbal etiquette. Do not interrupt the interlocutor, give the floor in order of priority, express your opinion clearly, reasonably and on the merits.

business conversation as a form of business communication

A form of business communication through communication tools

In addition to personal communication, modern technologies offer many options for alternative forms of communication. They allow you to establish business contacts without a personal meeting, conduct initial negotiations and even enter into transactions.

The most common forms of communication are:

  • telephone conversations;
  • correspondence by mail;
  • Email Correspondence
  • Skype negotiations.

Such forms of communication have their own characteristics. First of all, this is the opportunity to document the message, which is a great advantage in case of conflict situations and insoluble disputes. In addition, they are distinguished by maximum efficiency and availability.

Entering into this form of communication, one must adhere to all the rules of business etiquette. Do not drag out the conversation, observe courtesy, correctly express thoughts.

Rules of business communication with the help of a translator

In the case of communication with foreign partners, it is most reasonable to use the services of an interpreter. However, this method of communication with the help of an intermediary has its own nuances, compliance with which is the key to successful negotiations:

forms of business communication are

  • speak slowly and in short sentences;
  • remove hints, inaccurate expressions, national jokes from speech;
  • It is advisable to communicate with the translator in advance and provide him with general information about the essence of the upcoming conversation.

Business communication is the basis of modern successful business. Choose the correct form and follow basic requirements.

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