
Differentiation is separation

What distinguishes a person from an animal? The first thing that comes to mind is language. People, unlike other life forms, are able to communicate verbally. The role of language in human life, of course, is great, with the help of it we can express our thoughts, convey information, feelings, emotions to other people through speech.

Language - Historical Memory

Language is not only a means of communication, but also the historical memory of each individual nation. Thanks to him, we know the history of our people, traditions, culture. The first thing we get from our parents as an inheritance is precisely the language. But with this gift we gain a way of thinking.

There is a science that studies the language as a whole, in its entirety. It is called linguistics. In turn, it is divided into smaller categories, such as:

  • phonetics;
  • grammar;
  • syntax;
  • semantics;
  • phraseology;
  • lexicology and others.


differentiation isWhat does vocabulary mean? Vocabulary is a collection of words, a complete set of vocabulary of a language. This science studies the meaning, origin and place of a word in the lexical system of language. If you do not know the meaning of a word, a lexical dictionary comes to your aid. The meanings of all words are beyond the reach of the average person. For example, often people do not understand the meaning of the word differentiation. This difficult to write lexeme is rarely found in everyday life, it is usually used by mathematicians, biologists, mechanics, and other scientists. But precisely in order to find out the meanings of obscure words, it is sometimes worthwhile to open a lexical dictionary.


meaning of the word differentiationWhat does this word mean? Differentiation is a distinction, the separation of one from the other. For example, in psychology differentiation Is a characteristic of the family system. One can also come across such a definition: differentiation is actions aimed at designating differences. Most often, such a definition can be found in economics. Surely some have heard the phrase: we need to differentiate our company from a competitor. In this case, we are talking about the fact that the firms are very similar, and to reduce competition, it is worth making the goods or services more original.

Often in educational activities there is the concept of differentiation. This means that the group of students is divided into subgroups to study the material separately. This is a very competent decision, but unfortunately, it is rare. Therefore, people with average abilities always receive special attention from leaders.

In conclusion, we summarize: in whatever field of activity this word is used, it has a single meaning - separation.

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