
The duties of the teacher. A kindergarten teacher

The duties of the teacher are of great importance in working with children. Meanwhile, some parents do not even suspect that there are some rules that the kindergarten teacher must follow. To correct this situation, today we will familiarize ourselves with the duties of educators. There are not so many of them, and remembering this list is very easy.caretaker job responsibilities

Parent meeting

The first thing you should pay attention to is that the duties of the educator include holding parent meetings and, of course, conversations with mothers and fathers. Everyone knows about this item. Especially when the time is approaching the holidays and you need to decide how this event will be celebrated. And, of course, if kindergarten needs to raise money.

Nevertheless, the kindergarten teacher must conduct parental meetings in a timely and regular manner. It is very important to inform about successes and failures, as well as about the progress of each child. After this, sometimes you have to give some recommendations for classes with the baby at home, so to speak, "homework" to parents.a kindergarten teacher

In practice, this happens extremely rarely, about 2-3 times a year. Although it is best to hold parent meetings once a month or two. This helps to track the progress of the child and his timely preparation for school.


The duties of the teacher, as a rule, include monitoring the daily routine of the kids. Children in the kindergarten have a clear schedule of what they do and what time (in time). And this routine has to be constantly monitored.

If the children have a quiet hour at 13:00, this means that the kindergarten teacher should monitor the preparation of the kids for sleep and, if necessary, help them. With all this, during this period it is also required to monitor silence. In practice, an assistant tutor helps in such things.

When the daily routine of the kids is broken, you have to quickly correct the situation. If someone is capricious and does not comply with the schedule, such a child can be punished, although disputes about the admissibility of punishments in the kindergarten are ongoing. The teacher can scold the baby or put him on a chair for a while.


The duties of the educator include raising children while they are in the group and in the kindergarten. This is known to everyone and everyone. After all, it is precisely such employees who are responsible for children's development after the kids are sent to a preschool educational institution.

junior teacher

Fortunately, everyone is now engaged in upbringing and development. Whether it’s a tutor or an assistant teacher, it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that you will have to organize developing classes, conduct various conversations and excursions (usually in the kindergarten), perform physical exercises with the children and present them with new information in an understandable and interesting way.

The educator is a very important profession. After all, it is this person who is responsible for the timely preparation of kids for a more adult, school life. In some cases, the employee will have to look for an individual approach to each child. And a good employee must cope with the task.


The kindergarten teacher’s instructions also contain a clause that states that the employee must monitor the safety of children. And this is true, because parents give their children to the actual care of a stranger.And the latter is obliged to transfer the kids at the end of the day back to their relatives safe and sound.

It is necessary to monitor the safety of children constantly. Especially during excursions. This is actually not such an easy task. When the group is small, you can still deal with it. But if the kindergarten teacher is busy with a large group of children, you will have to try hard. Usually, a younger caregiver helps.educator activities

In addition, the activities of the educator include a daily report to parents about the health status of their babies. In case of any serious deviations or danger, you can call your family and ask to immediately come to the garden for a child. Unfortunately, quite often, educators try not to talk about some observations regarding the health of children, but call their relatives only in very dangerous cases.

Plan development

The senior caregiver is required to develop a work plan and schedule for the kids. Moreover, it is desirable to coordinate it with the parents. For example, at the first parent meeting, which is usually held before the start of the school year. With all this, one has to take into account the peculiarities of the behavior of each baby and the development of children. And already in accordance with the data obtained, think over an effective plan. In other words, he must take into account individual characteristics.

In fact, it turns out a slightly different situation. Lesson plans with detailed instructions are most often downloaded from the Internet, edited a little (usually the name and address of the kindergarten, as well as the initials of the “developer” teacher, are edited and presented to the parents. Those, in turn, agree with everything. But the job responsibilities of the educator include the development of a correct and effective schedule of actions for the entire academic year! And, as a rule, such plans are not editable.educator instruction

In fact, it is very convenient to borrow someone’s development. Only the children are all different. And they need a purely individual approach. Someone is developing faster - they need more difficult classes (it is better to give everyone something different), and someone is slower. Such kids will have to pay special attention. A good teacher should take these features into account and adjust the already prepared plan for the children. Or develop it yourself.

Hygiene and medicine

The duties of the educator also imply compliance by the employee with sanitary standards and hygiene rules. This also applies to children. That is, the teacher is obliged to monitor the sanitary norms in the group, as well as the observance of hygiene rules by the kids.

You will have to worry about health, both about yours and about children. In other words, the employee must undergo a medical examination in a timely manner. And, in addition to this, take the children to scheduled examinations. Usually a nurse or pediatrician is right in the kindergarten building.

In addition, it is the educator who must report suspicions of some disease, as well as show the child to the doctor if the baby already has certain symptoms of the disease. When a child becomes ill, the teacher should also show him to the nurse in the kindergarten. If necessary, as already mentioned, you will have to call your parents, tell about what happened, and also ask them to pick up the baby and show it to the doctor.

Moral education and school preparation

The duties of a kindergarten teacher also include the moral education of children. This is a very important point that should be taken into account when drawing up a work plan for the year. Plus, teachers in kindergartens, as a rule, do not just engage in the development of children, but prepare them for school, especially in older groups.teacher educator

These two points are very important for children. Only a good and responsible teacher now follows them. Often, as already mentioned, teachers simply download ready-made plans for working with children and edit them a little.And therefore, it cannot be said that such an approach will have a good effect on the preparation for school. If moral education can somehow be brought under one comb in all preschool educational institutions, then the second point is not so flexible.

Why? The thing is that the preparation for school should be based on the characteristics of each baby. And, of course, the wishes of the parents. And this is not such an easy task.

Studying the behavior and characteristics of children

A very important point among all the duties of a kindergarten teacher is the study of the behavior and characteristics of babies. This moment requires special attention. It is important in the same way as ensuring the safety of the child in the kindergarten.

The thing is that it is the study of the behavior of babies and their inclinations / characteristics that helps to develop a curriculum for a year. Without it, it is impossible to succeed in development. And only an individual approach, as already mentioned, will help to show the highest results.

In fact, this duty point is often omitted. And it is used extremely rarely. After all, it is much easier for employees to raise children according to a pattern than to come up with a variety of activities, entertainment, and teaching methods. This is not a very good (and not always effective) approach to solving the problem.

Certification of educators. Process features

Of course, the junior teacher, the senior, and indeed all responsible employees in the kindergarten are required to undergo timely certification. Usually it is held every few years. With all this, the successes of children-pupils are taken into account. certification of educators

But with this, as a rule, there are no problems. Certification is carried out under the guise of passing the curriculum developed independently, as well as using information from parents of children studying in the kindergarten. The employee portfolio is also taken into account. With successful certification, the educator can improve their skills. This is what will help him in his work in the future.


So, we talked about what the teacher is required to do in kindergarten. If you explain everything in a few words, then such an employee ensures the development of the child in the preschool educational institution, prepares him for school and provides leisure. At the same time, educators are also required to shape the worldview and moral standards of behavior for children.

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