
Federal tax. Federal tax system

The tax system is a rather complex mechanism, which is designed to ensure the stable operation of the state and an acceptable standard of living for citizens. In order to better understand the essence of such a system, it is worth paying attention to federal taxes.

Taxes and fees

Before you pay attention to the federal tax, you need to decide what the difference between fees and taxes is.

federal tax

A tax should be understood as the price that each member of the company must pay in order to meet common needs and requirements. These resources are also used to provide those sectors of society that do not have social security.

As for the fees, in this case we are talking about the payment that the state collects in order to make any benefits for the payer. An example is the issuance of a license for a certain type of activity or the provision of specific services or rights.

Federal taxes in the Russian Federation, as well as various types of fees, are regulated by law. The tax system of the state includes various methods and forms of collection, the procedure for control and collection, as well as the general tax system.

The following organs can be attributed to this system:

  • municipalities whose main task is to control local taxes;
  • Ministry of Taxes of the Russian Federation;
  • its units located in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Federal tax

By federal we should understand taxes that were established by law and, therefore, must be paid throughout the Russian Federation.

The main federal taxes include corporate income tax, value added, securities transactions, customs duties, etc.

If we take into account the state duty, federal registration and licensing fees, excise taxes on imported goods, as well as customs duties, it is worth noting that these taxes are received in the federal budget and are defined as its own income.

The group of regulatory income should include the tax on the purchase of foreign payment documents and banknotes, corporate profits, VAT, income tax, as well as taxes levied on property that is transferred to another person by donation or inheritance.

Funds received in this way are allocated to budgets at other levels.

Value added tax

In order to clearly understand the essence of federal taxation, it is necessary to pay more attention to each method of filling the budget described above.

You should start with one of the most common taxes in the world - VAT. It can be defined as indirect. Its essence boils down to the fact that not all the cost of production is subject to taxation, but only that part of the price that was added by processing. The federal tax system is organized in such a way that various enterprises, regardless of their type of activity, pay VAT at the same rate. This approach prevents the distortion of the demand structure.

federal taxes include

Features of VAT

Compared with other types of value added tax has some distinctive features:

  • Both the tax itself and the taxable turnover are recorded and indicated in the accounts of companies separately as part of the commodity value.
  • This type of taxation is based on a compensation system. This means that the entrepreneur deducts from the entire tax that was accrued, the amount paid earlier.
  • The turnover, which is defined as taxable, does not include amounts paid by the entrepreneur earlier.
  • Despite the fact that initially the entire turnover is subject to taxation, you need to pay to the budget only that part of the tax that corresponds to the price added by the payer to the purchase price.

What should be defined as objects of VAT?

The federal tax in the framework of VAT is focused on the following operations:

  • The transfer of goods on the territory of the Russian Federation for their own needs, the costs of which in the process of calculating corporate income tax are not deductible.
  • The sale of goods and services within the Russian Federation. This includes the transfer of various goods, the sale of collateral and the transfer of property rights.
  • Import of any products into the customs territory of the Russian Federation.
  • Performing for own consumption installation and construction works.

The organization’s federal taxes, in particular VAT, do not apply to the following types of operations:

  • Transfer of residential houses, clubs, kindergartens, sanatoriums and other facilities of housing and communal and socio-cultural significance, free of charge to local authorities or state authorities. This rule also applies to gas, electric networks, substations, water intake facilities and other objects of a similar type, which are transferred to specialized organizations on the basis of an order from the above state structures.
  • Operations related to the sale of land.
  • Transfer of property of municipal and state enterprises, which is redeemed in privatization order.
  • Transactions associated with the circulation of foreign or Russian currency, as well as the transfer of intangible, fixed assets and other property of the company to its assignee in the process of reorganization of this enterprise.
  • The provision of services and the performance of work by those bodies that are part of the system of state power and local self-government. Moreover, these works should be carried out within the framework of the exclusive powers vested in them in a particular area. At the same time, the need for these services should be confirmed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, acts of local authorities and constituent entities of the Federation.

federal regional and local taxes

Tax deductions

Studying the types of federal taxes, it is worth noting that in the case of VAT, the payer has the right to reduce payments by the amount of tax deductions established by the Tax Code. Such deductions are relevant in relation to the amounts of tax that were presented to the payer and then paid to him in the process of purchasing various goods, as well as payment for certain works and services on the territory of the Russian Federation. This category also includes taxes paid by the payer when importing any products into the customs territory of the Russian Federation.

federal taxes and fees

As the basis for making deductions, invoices are used that sellers set when the taxpayer purchased certain goods.


This federal tax can also be attributed to the indirect group. Buyers pay for it during the purchase of a particular product or service.

Excisable goods in most cases, it is products whose production has been monopolized by the state. We are talking about tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, cars, gasoline, diesel fuel and jewelry made of precious metals. Excise tax is also included in the cost of transport services and utility bills.

Who pays the excise tax?

The following categories of legal entities and individuals are recognized as payers of this tax:

  • individual entrepreneurs;
  • persons who are identified as taxpayers due to their movement of various products across the customs border of the Russian Federation;
  • company.

federal and local taxes

There are a number of operations that federal taxes and duties designate as objects of excise duty:

  • Receiving petroleum products by an entrepreneur or enterprise in the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • The sale by people on the territory of the Russian Federation of unmanaged or confiscated excisable goods, as well as products that were abandoned in favor of the state and as a result of which it is subject to appeal to municipal or state property. It is worth noting that confiscated goods should be sold to individuals only on the basis of decisions or sentences of arbitration courts and other authorized bodies.
  • Transfer within the framework of the structure of issued excisable goods in order to further produce products that do not fall under excise duty. The only exceptions are petroleum products.
  • The transfer in the territory of the Russian Federation by an individual entrepreneur or enterprise of oil products that were produced from tolling material and raw materials to the owner of these resources without a certificate. In this case, federal taxes and fees imply an excise tax.
  • Transfer within the framework of the Russian Federation by a partnership or business company of excisable goods that they produced to its participant upon leaving the organization.
  • Obtaining a company that has a certificate for the production of alcohol-containing products, denatured ethyl alcohol.

Who is not subject to excise duty?

If you pay attention to federal and local taxes, you can see that the following operations are not subject to excise tax:

  • The process of taxpayer selling petroleum products.
  • Transfer of excisable goods by one structural unit of the company to another in order to produce other products. At the same time, the divisions are not independent taxpayers.
  • The sale of the primary type of confiscated excisable goods, as well as those products that were abandoned in favor of the state, for the purpose of subsequent industrial processing or destruction (under the concurrent control of customs authorities).
  • Implementation placed under customs regime export of excisable goods outside the territory of the Russian Federation, taking into account losses falling within the limits of the norms of natural loss. This category also includes those operations with petroleum products that later fall under the customs export regime.

federal taxes in rf

When studying federal, regional and local taxes, it is worth considering the fact that the above operations are not subject to excise duty only when there is a separate accounting of operations for the production and subsequent transfer (sale) of excisable goods data.

National tax

This term should be understood as a fee that is levied on individuals when they turn to state bodies or officials in order to carry out any actions against them that have legal significance. The issuance of documents, as well as the provision of their copies and duplicates, may be equated with such actions.

Federal, regional and local taxes include state duty, which is focused on the following legal entities and individuals:

  • acting as defendants in arbitration courts in cases heard by justices of the peace and in courts of general jurisdiction;
  • referring to authorized objects for the commission of actions that can be defined as legally significant.

Income tax

Federal taxes include these payments. In this case, we are talking about interest, the deduction of which comes from the taxpayer’s profit. In this case, the amount of income that takes into account production costs and the cost of acquiring the necessary resources is determined as profit.

This tax can be described as direct. Its rate is 20%. For its calculation, a tax return is used. As for the tax period, it is one calendar year. This tax can be paid through advance payments.

Unified social tax

Its key difference is its focus.We are talking about the tax rate that goes to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, funds related to compulsory medical as well as social insurance.

taxes to the federal budget

As objects of UST, you can define those payments that the employer accrues to hired employees.

Water tax

In this case, we are talking about the taxation of individuals or enterprises engaged in special water use, for which you need to pay tax in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. This category includes the use of water for profit, timber alloying, the use of hydropower water resources and water abstraction.

Mining tax

These taxes also apply to federal taxes. Those persons or organizations that use the bowels of the earth to make a profit are required to pay such a tax. As objects of taxation all minerals mined in the territory of the Russian Federation are determined. The tax base is the price of these natural resources. A detail worthy of attention is the fact that the taxpayer is expected to independently calculate the tax base based on the value of his goods.

As you can see, the federal tax system is organized quite competently and allows you to effectively attract resources to the state budget.

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