
Physiological need - basic human needs

The term “physiological need” has been heard by many. But to explain that this is not for everyone. The article will help to better understand what is meant by this seemingly simple concept, how the needs of an adult and a child differ, and how to prevent a need from becoming addicted.

physiological needs of the body

What are physiological needs

The physiological needs of a person are the most important engine of behavior of both an individual and entire nations. From history, we know how, fleeing from hunger, on barren lands, tribes waged war on their neighbors, fighting off their fields and cattle. The thirst for those lost in the desert could push them to kill, if another person stood between them and the water. Therefore, no one will argue about the importance of these human needs. However, not only them, fortunately, a person lives. Otherwise, nothing at all would distinguish us from animals living on instincts. What, besides food and water, does a person need? We look below.

satisfaction of needs

What needs does a person have besides physiological? Maslow Pyramid

This concept is interpreted differently in many branches of science. The famous American psychologist A. Maslow even created the so-called "pyramid of needs." This is a kind of model of human motivation. This pyramid has gained immense popularity, it was literally bricked apart by marketers, psychologists and psychiatrists, creators of advertising and management luminaries. However, the professor himself never used it to explain his theories. The physiological needs of a person were considered leading to them, only with their pathological dissatisfaction. Simply put, food becomes the main thing for a person with its (possibly long) absence. If the individual is full, then that need gives way to higher and more valuable ones.

At the heart of the scheme we see the physiological needs of a person, such as hunger and thirst, as well as key sexual instincts (or libidinal, as the great Freud called them).

In second place is security. The concept is somewhat vague, it includes the well-known concept of comfort, coziness, stability of the living environment (home), security from external factors and possible enemies. And only in third place are social needs, that is, a person will think about their satisfaction after satiation and stay in comfort. That is, physiological need is key. After social (communication, care, general affairs) at the fourth level of the scheme, the so-called “prestigious”, or the need for prestige, that is, respect and self-esteem (whether these concepts are connected or not, let psychologists understand) are depicted. The crown of the pyramid is spiritual needs.

physiological need

Why physiological needs need to be met

Maslow's satisfaction goes from bottom to top. That is, only with the fullest satisfaction of the lower level, is the transition to the highest possible. The spiritual and social development of a person is important, but in the grip of hunger he simply will not be up to them. These schemes were used by tyrants and generals in the ancient powers even before our era. Hungry people are easier to manage than well-fed. Unsatisfied physiological needs of the human body freed his ability to think and even more so strive for freedom or independence. Fortunately, tyranny and the slaveholding system today is almost uprooted, however, marketers and creators (creators of advertising) have taken possession of the magically truly secret pyramid. They build their texts, appealing to the lower instincts of man.

healthy sleep

Physiological needs of the child

Why are we given physiological needs? The answer is simple - for survival. Without these needs, we simply could not survive and live. A person is already born with these needs. This can be seen especially vividly with the example of newborns. Eating for the baby is usually caused by a demanding loud scream. And this is understandable, the child cannot say or demand the necessary in any other way. The key needs of the baby are food, maternal warmth (which replaces several of our pyramid’s needs at once: in safety and social contact), good sleep and normal health. When meeting these needs of the child, we will get a calm smiling child who wants to play and see something interesting; upon dissatisfaction, a continuously screaming and crying lump resembling a wounded animal.

Physiological needs of an adult

The needs of the adult in everything repeat the needs of the child, only one more especially important instinct is added to them - reproduction (sexual, libidious). This “basic instinct”, when it is not satisfied, can turn a person into a real aggressor. With an adequate hormonal background, of course. Now, due to environmental pollution, poor nutrition and other factors, this need is muffled by many. However, there are people for whom it exceeds other needs, which pushes them to a crime. Fortunately, there are such units, and they most likely have a history of psychiatric pathologies.

As for healthy people, where this physiological need stands in its proper place, it is worth saying that both an understatement of its importance and an exaggeration are wrong. The latter is characteristic of cinema and pop "pop" stars, appealing their views and creativity to this ancient instinct. A healthy, adequate attitude is very important here. Intimate relationships are important for a person, but that does not mean that you need to indulge in them whenever possible. The ideal option is marriage or a stable relationship with your loved one.

human physiological needs

Food. How to prevent a need from developing into addiction

Hunger and thirst, as we said above, was even the cause of wars and the nomadic life of our ancient ancestors. Fortunately, in civilized countries the concept of hunger is familiar only from history textbooks. In mass culture, another extreme is promoted - constant weight loss, pills to reduce appetite, and fasting have become fashionable and sought-after things. But people who follow advertisements are often not aware that fighting cornerstones with nature is fraught with consequences for both physical and psychological health. Against the backdrop of the mass pursuit of an ideal body, more and more clinical cases of bulimia (a mental or physiological disorder characterized by a constant desire to eat) and anorexia (refusal of food due to psychological personality disorders) are occurring. Do not forget that the unmet need of the body can become addicted and mania.


Healthy sleep as essential

Sleep is on a par with the needs for food and water, the satisfaction of sexual instinct and breathing. However, many play down its significance, which is done in vain. The example of Napoleon, who slept for several hours a day, will fade if you recall the unstable psyche and panic attacks of this historical character. Want to experience these "joys"? Hardly. Shortage and lack of sleep deprive of psychological comfort, lower the pain threshold (make us more sensitive to pain), negatively affect performance. The unmet physiological need for sleep can even lead to visual and auditory hallucinations.Moreover, a sleepy person working with mechanisms or vehicles can be mortally dangerous for those around the microsleep phase (a phenomenon when a person’s brain that has not known rest and sleep for a long time “shuts down” for a split second).

physiological needs of the child


Physiological needs, including the need for food and water, a healthy sleep, intimate instincts, are undoubtedly important for a person. Only by satisfying these basic needs will he be able to move on to higher, spiritual goals. You do not need to indulge your excessive passions, for example, in food, but it is unreasonable to fight instincts laid down by nature. Without losses, you will not leave this struggle. The secret of a happy life in harmony and a golden mean.

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