
Forms of government. What are the forms of government?

Forms of state government determine the structure of higher authorities, the order in which they are formed, competence and period of activity. Together with this, they establish a method of interaction between institutions among themselves and with citizens, as well as the degree of participation of the population in their creation. Let us consider in more detail the concept of "form of government." forms of government

Theoretical aspects

In a narrow sense, the main forms of government are the organization of the highest authorities. Simply put, these are the ways in which the system is formed. In a broad sense, these are the methods of organization and interaction of all institutions of power. Forms of government should not be confused with the state structure and political regime in the country. These characteristics relate to different aspects, complementing each other.

The meaning of government

This element shows how exactly the highest institutions of power are created in the country, what is their structure. The form of government reflects the principles that underlie the process of interaction between state bodies. It shows a way of building relationships between ordinary citizens and the supreme power, to what extent the realization of the rights and freedoms of the population is ensured. forms of government

System development

The form of government is the oldest element that they began to study back in ancient Greece. In different periods of history, this term had different meanings. For example, in the era of agrarian society, the essence of the form of government consisted only in determining how to replace the head of the country - through elections or by inheritance. In the course of the decomposition of feudalism and the transition to industrialization, accompanied by the weakening of royal power, the establishment and strengthening of civilian representation, the system began to develop. Gradually, it was not the way of transferring power, but the method of organizing interaction between the head of the country, the government, parliament, and the mutual balancing of their powers that became of great importance.

Determination criteria

The form of government is characterized by the following features:

  • The method of transferring power is elective or hereditary.
  • Responsibility of higher institutions of power to citizens. For example, the monarchical form of government does not provide for it for the autocrat (as opposed to the republican one).
  • Differentiation of powers between the highest power institutions.

The main forms of government

There are several types of power organization:

  • Republic.
  • Monarchy.
  • Mixed type. main forms of government

The Republic, in turn, may be:

  • Presidential.
  • Parliamentary.
  • Mixed.

The monarchy is of the following types:

  • Parliamentary.
  • Dualistic.
  • Constitutional.
  • Estate-representative.
  • Limited.
  • Absolute.

Mixed forms of government:

  • Theocratic Republic. It is dominated by the Muslim clergy.
  • Monarchy with elements of the republic. It contains a systematic election of the head of the country.
  • Republic with elements of the monarchy. In such countries, the chapter is not replaceable. monarchical form of government


This form of government is characterized by a special order of government formation. The authorized institution, depending on the type of republic, may be the president or parliament. The formative body coordinates the work of the government. It, in turn, is responsible to a higher institution. In the presidential republic, along with parliamentarism, the powers of the chairman of the government are in the hands of the head.

The president convenes and dissolves the government. At the same time, the existing parliament cannot exert any significant influence. This form exists in Ecuador, USA. In a parliamentary republic, the president is not vested with any authority. This form exists in Greece, Israel, Germany. Parliament convenes a government and has the right to dissolve it at any time. In mixed presidential republic power acts in conjunction with parliament. The latter has the authority to control the functioning of the government. Such a system operates in the Russian Federation.


The state where the monarch acts as the sole supreme body is called absolute monarchy. Such a system is present in Qatar, Oman, Saudi Arabia. Limited is called a monarchy in which, in addition to the autocrat, there are other institutions that are not accountable to him. Power is distributed among the higher organs. This system, in turn, is of two types.

The estate-representative monarchy is characterized by the fact that the monarch in his authority is limited by the tradition of the formation of organs according to the criterion of belonging to a particular estate. In Russia, it was the Zemsky Cathedral, for example.

AT constitutional monarchy autocratic power is limited to a special act. It, in turn, is divided into dualistic and parliamentary. The first assumes that the monarch has all executive power, part legislative initiative and judicial authority. In such systems, there is representative body adopting laws. But the monarch has the right to veto them. Such a system is characteristic of Morocco, Jordan. In a parliamentary monarchy, the autocrat acts as a tribute to tradition. He is not endowed with any significant powers. This system operates in Japan, the UK. concept of government

Theocratic Republic

This form of government combines the main features of the Islamic Caliphate and the modern republican regime. According to the constitution, Rahbar is appointed as the head of the country in Iran. He is not elected by citizens. His appointment is carried out by a special religious council. Influential theologians are present in it. The president is the head of the executive branch. The Legislative Institute is headed by a single-chamber parliament. The candidatures of the president, deputies of the Mejlis, members of the government are approved by the Guardian Council of the Basic Law. He also checks bills for consistency with Islamic law.

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