
Presidential republic. Signs of a presidential republic

Did you notice that countries in top-level forums are represented by people in different positions? This is due to the fact that, according to the laws of states, they can be headed by the president, prime minister or other official. That is, there are distinct forms of government. Let's look at what a presidential republic is, how it differs from others, what are its characteristic features and signs.


In a democratic world forms of government are different.presidential republic As a rule, it is important who is the actual head of state, has the right to make decisions. The name "presidential republic" speaks for itself. There is no need even to read the Constitution. It is headed by its president. It is this official who has all the rights. The most important decisions are closed on it. As a rule, all this is described in legislative acts. In principle, the structure of any state is determined by its Constitution. This law prescribes the mechanism of its functioning. It also determines the order of decision-making, subordination of officials, and so on. The presidential republic is a state, the head of which has full authority. He usually leads the executive branch. In some cases, he acts as the head of the cabinet.

Signs of a presidential republic

An important feature of this form of state structure is one-man management. All power is closed to the president. He leads executive bodies, appoints ministers, and accepts their reports. It must be understood that a presidential republic is a theoretical concept. In practice, all the mechanisms of its work are built on the basis of local conditions and traditions. Take, for example, the presidential election. In Mexico, they are carried out by direct popular vote. In the United States, an indirect expression of will. That is, people delegate their authority to special "electors." And those already determine who will become president for the next term. That is, we repeat, the election mechanism may be different.

signs of a presidential republic

If you choose the main features of a presidential republic, you can not get around the extra-parliamentary way of forming a government. In fact, ministers are appointed by the head of state. They bear full responsibility before him. Another presidential republic is characterized by a strict separation of powers. This means that the head of state does not have the right to prematurely dissolve the parliament, and he, in turn, cannot influence the cabinet.

The main feature of the presidential republic

If you look at the state from the outside, without delving into its laws, it is difficult to understand the form of government. The presidential republic has a feature that is visible even in small media reports. She is very bright, which immediately distinguishes the president from a number of other leaders of the country. The fact is that the president in such a state has the greatest powers. Not all, of course. Some go to parliament and the government. However, the latter performs mostly deliberative functions. Determines what and how to do, president. He leads the government in some countries. An example is Belarus, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan.

state presidential republic

In these republics collegial bodies work under the leadership of the head of state. They develop solutions. But for their adoption the main thing is the president’s word. He signs the documents binding on any body.He also accepts the reports of the leaders of power structures. In countries such as Uruguay or Costa Rica, ministers should report on their activities to members of parliament. They are empowered to displace them. But such cases are not particularly characteristic of this form of government.

Observance of the principles of democracy

It may seem that the states of the presidential republic are totalitarian. After all, there are a lot of powers belong to one person. Control by the representative body over its activities is relative. However, the constitution of such states laid down a different mechanism for observing democratic principles. It's about the election. As a rule, all citizens vote for the head of state. That is, people are given the opportunity to influence the process of determining the identity of the one on whom their life will depend in the coming years. For example, in the already named Mexico or Egypt, citizens at the polling station vote for that trusted candidate. The parties are engaged in their nomination, that is, the same associations of citizens.

presidential republic is

A completely different mechanism is provided for by the US Constitution. In this country, citizens vote not for the presidential candidate himself, but for the person who will participate in the plebiscite on their behalf. This principle of elections is called indirect.

What is the form of government in Russia?

Sources on this subject are debating. Some suggest that Russia is a presidential republic. Others argue that in the country mixed form of government. It should be based on the Constitution. After analyzing the sections on the powers and statuses of the head of state, the Federal Assembly and the Government of the Russian Federation, researchers come to an unambiguous conclusion. It is concluded that Russia is a presidential republic. The highest official has broad powers. Their opponents indicate that some of them must be confirmed by special decisions of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation. They are talking about a semi-presidential republic. Moreover, these experts insist on the weakness of parliamentarism in this country.

Government in a Presidential Republic

Let us now consider the principles of the executive branch. She, as a rule, most of all affects the life of society. The principles of democracy presuppose such a device of power when its branches are controlled by each other. In this sense, a presidential republic is not perfect. The fact is that the executive branch is almost always completely controlled by the head of state. He has the right to appoint to the posts of ministers those people who are convenient to him. The head of state can also dismiss without public control. Although in some countries with a presidential form of government, amendments to this order have been made. There, parliament has the ability to influence the executive branch. For example, to control the work of members of the government.

If their appointment must be coordinated with parliament, then it is impossible to talk about a strictly presidential republic. This is a mixed form of government.

Russia presidential republic

Super Presidential Republic

In some countries, this form of government takes place when the head of state has all the power. In this case, they talk about a super-presidential republic. Power is not divided. One person manages all its branches when they are available. The system of "checks and balances" characteristic of a democratic society, does not work here. It’s impossible to influence the president. This form of government is characteristic of eastern countries. As an example, Turkmenistan or some of the Latin American countries are usually cited.


It is not difficult to get to know the presidential republic. In such a society, the head of state has many rights and obligations. Other institutions only control and constrain it.

government in a presidential republic

Whether in such a case the principles of democracy are respected, it is necessary to understand, proceeding from a specific situation.Building a state is a delicate matter. Traditions in it are very heavy.

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