
Where can I record beatings? How to fix beatings?

Life is unpredictable, not only positive moments are present in it. Often situations arise when a person is beaten. It is clear that in this case it is important to know where the beatings can be recorded in order to punish the perpetrator. No matter how it happened - an attack on the street, a domestic fight or other situations. The offender must still be punished. In any such situation, health is harmed. Sometimes the victim gets bruised, which are clearly visible on the body, and in some cases, limbs and internal organs can be damaged.

Types of Health Hazard Articles

where you can record beatings

The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation contains several types of such articles. They are classified by the severity of the harm done. On the basis of which article the beatings fall under, the appropriate punishment is also imposed. In order to make a decision, the court must have a clear idea of ​​the extent of the injuries and harm caused to health. Therefore, it is first necessary to conduct a forensic examination, where you can record the beatings, and then go to court. Articles are divided into several types:

  • lungs;
  • moderate or severe;
  • beatings;
  • torture;
  • health damage through negligence;
  • intentional beating.

Beating Detection

The severity is determined for sentencing. Beating is the infliction of two or more blows or violent acts causing physical pain. For example, if a husband beat his wife no more than twice a year, then his crime is classified as beating. If more often, then this is already regarded as torture. The punishment in this case is already more severe. However, any beating must first be attested.

Where to go

After a person has been subjected to violent physical harm, he needs to contact the police and write a statement about the beating. It details all the circumstances and people (if there were witnesses) under which everything happened. Be sure to list all the blows inflicted, indicate exactly how the pain was caused, by what methods and means. All the smallest details matter even the offensive words and shocks of the offender. In general, everything related to the beating and the circumstances surrounding it.

how to fix beatings

Some are interested in how to remove beatings if there is no way to get to the hospital on your own. In this case, an ambulance is called. Doctors can write a certificate on the spot or take to a hospital where they will conduct a forensic examination.

How to fix beatings yourself? To do this, undergo a forensic examination. A police direction is written out to her after the victim writes a statement. The expert examines the body and fixes all scratches, abrasions and wounds. Sets the severity of the health damage.

How to record beatings yourself without a direction from the police

where the beatings are recorded

Here the procedure is somewhat different from the official. Initially, you must immediately contact the nearest emergency room or hospital, where you can record beatings. There is also first aid to the victim. After this, you need to take a certificate that the doctor will prescribe. It should indicate all bruises, scratches, wounds and injuries sustained during beating. The certificate also indicates the time of circulation.

Having a certificate in hand, you can immediately contact the police with a statement on the offender. It prescribes everything that was previously indicated above. All actions of the criminal and the smallest events.After this, you need to go through a forensic examination, where they record beatings. But in this case, the examination is practically not carried out, since the conclusion is made on the basis of the provided certificate, already taken earlier from the emergency room.

How is the fact of beating recorded

How to remove beatings to provide visual evidence (photo) of the harm done? It is quite simple. During the forensic examination, not only all damage to the skin, organs and fractures are described, but photographs are also taken that clearly indicate the presence, complexity and extent of the damage caused.

how to remove beatings

The beatings may not constitute particular damage or, conversely, can be severe, especially with repeated blows. Separately classified violence and brutal beating. Only experts will be able to determine how long a person has been hit or injured, which affects the conclusion.

Do I need a certificate of beating

how long can I contact the police for beatings

It will be required in any case, as this is evidence of bodily harm. This is a necessary document for the court, which is attached to the criminal case. A certificate can also serve as evidence of temporary disability. It indicates the nature of the damage, the degree of harm caused, an accurate diagnosis, date and time of treatment.

Where can I record beatings? A certificate can be issued by a traumatologist or surgeon, if taken at a medical facility. With an official examination, it is drawn up by a forensic expert. It is also allowed to get it when contacting a paid specialist who has a license.

But you need to know that a certificate from the emergency room cannot replace a forensic medical examination. It serves only to determine the severity and fixes the consequences after beating. It acts only until the criminal is brought to justice.

When and for how long can I contact the police

You can complain of beatings on any day, but only so far the doctor can determine the presence of wounds, scratches, bruises, fractures, etc. It is advisable to testify them as soon as possible, but better immediately. If this is not done on the same day, then in court the offender may declare that it was not he who did it, since a lot of time has already passed and the damage can be received from another person.

There is a second reason. At the time when the beatings are still “fresh”, it is easier to determine the extent of the harm done. Many people are interested in how to record and witness the beatings and get help. Only when contacting a doctor. Every bruise and scratch will matter for a more accurate conclusion. And if at the time of treatment part of the hematomas disappears, then, accordingly, the degree will not be indicated as severe as it could have been initially.

Actions of police officers after filing an application

After the application is written and submitted to law enforcement authorities, the inspector makes a decision to institute criminal proceedings within 10 days. This document must be handed to the victim for signature. If the decision is not satisfactory, it can be appealed to a court or prosecutor.

For this, all certificates are collected, the conclusion of a forensic medical examination, where they record beatings, prescriptions and checks from pharmacies where the necessary medicines were purchased. The victim has the right to demand compensation not only for the treatment, but also for lost earnings, and for the moral damage caused.

how to record and witness beatings

What is a post-beat examination for?

It is necessary not only to punish the offender. The victim has the right to demand compensation for moral and material damage. To do this, you must file a lawsuit and submit supporting documents. If you justify your claims incorrectly, then the request may be ignored and not considered at all. The application is filed with the court of residence.

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