
State enterprise: definition, types, examples

A significant role in the economy of the Russian Federation is played by state enterprises. The appropriate type of organization can conduct activities in various segments of the national economy. Their establishment and provision of work is specific. What does it consist of? What types of state enterprises are common in Russia?

State enterprise

What are state-owned enterprises?

State enterprise - subject economic activity whose property is owned by the authorities - at the federal or regional level. The legal status institution close enough to it is municipal enterprise. It, in turn, has assets owned by local authorities.

State and municipal enterprises

State and municipal enterprises most often fall into the category of unitary, that is, their property cannot be distributed in shares. From the point of view of the type of activity, both of them may not differ from private businesses. The work of state and municipal enterprises can be fully commercialized.

The specifics of unitary enterprises

As we noted above, the state and unitary enterprises of Russia, by legal nature, are most often unitary. What are the specifics of this status of firms?

Unitary enterprises include firms for which ownership of any assets is not fixed. The property that is used in commercial activities of the corresponding type of organization may be in economic jurisdiction. It is wholly owned by the owner of the enterprise, that is, the state.

The respective assets are indivisible and cannot be, as we noted above, allocated in any way. The main signs of unitarity of the company:

  • a legal entity is approved through the allocation of certain property, while business entities are formed, as a rule, by combining the assets of several investors;
  • the ownership right always remains with the founder of the company;
  • Assets of a unitary state-owned enterprise are managed on the basis of the principle of economic management or operational management.

The basic principle of managing a state-owned enterprise belonging to the unitary category is the presence of a sole decision-making body. While in business companies the principle of collegial adoption of key decisions is widespread.

Why are unitary enterprises created?

What is the reason for the need for the state to establish enterprises of this type? This may be due, for example, to the impossibility of privatizing certain firms, while the use of their resources for commercial purposes is quite possible. In this case, the business is conducted in the form of a unitary enterprise.

Another possible reason for the establishment of firms of this type is the need to solve social problems. Such as, for example, ensuring the employment of citizens. It happens that private businesses do not consider options with the opening of production in a particular region due to the fact that it can be unprofitable.

Russian enterprises

In this case, the state may establish a unitary enterprise in the relevant entity. It may not be too profitable and even have losses, but it can provide employment for the population. Possible debts of the company due to a loss-making business model can be offset through public financial arrangements.

Constituent documents of state enterprises

State and municipal enterprises, like other legal entities, have constituent documents. The main one is the decision of the owner. This is most often the competent state authority. Another major constituent document of a state-owned enterprise is the charter. It is approved by the same authority that makes the decision to establish the company. The documents in question should record the goals of the enterprise.

State Enterprise Institution

It can be noted that a state-owned enterprise will be entitled to engage only in those commercial activities that are defined at the level of constituent sources. But the company will be able to carry out, in principle, any transactions that it needs to carry out activities. A state-owned enterprise, like other commercial entities, can register a company name and other signs of individualization - for example, a logo.

Establishment of a state-owned enterprise and business management

The creation of a state-owned enterprise is carried out on the initiative of a competent authority - in particular, it signs the constituent documents, which we mentioned above. In this case, the owner of the property of the company, if it is created according to the principle of economic management, which is considered one of the most common, does not meet the obligations arising from the company, not counting the subsidiary liability for the bankruptcy of the company, if it is allowed as a result of its actions.

The owner of a state-owned enterprise has a wide range of powers. So, he has the right to make decisions on the creation, change of status and liquidation of the company, determine the goals of the state-owned enterprise, appoint and dismiss the director of the company, exercise control over the use of the property of the company, control the company's real estate transactions.

Manufacturing enterprises

In addition, in some cases a state-owned enterprise may be required to pay part of the profit to the owner.

Appointment of the statutory fund of a state enterprise

It will be useful to consider the specifics of one of the most important elements of a state-owned enterprise - the authorized capital. This resource is also most often formed on the basis of the principle of economic management, must be formed by the owner before the company is registered. The minimum size of the respective fund must satisfy the criteria prescribed by law.

The considered resource of the state enterprise is the main tool for protecting the interests of creditors. If the value of the company's net assets is lower than the size of the authorized capital, then it should also be reduced. However, in this case, the lenders are entitled to request the company early fulfillment of existing obligations. If the net assets of the enterprise become less than the minimum level that is defined in the legislation, then it must be liquidated.

Subsidiaries of state enterprises

State-owned enterprises of Russia may establish subsidiaries. Their property can be attributed on the basis of the principle of economic management both in the sphere of competence of the founder, and, in fact, be managed by the subsidiary itself. The relevant structure, like the main company, must have its own charter. The founder of the subsidiary must also appoint its director. The responsibility of the entity establishing the subsidiary is realized within the framework of the same legal mechanisms as in the case of the owner of the main enterprise.

State-owned enterprises in operational management

An alternative to creating a state-owned enterprise on the basis of economic management may be the establishment of a company under the law of operational management. It has a number of features. In this case, a non-state enterprise (institution) is formed. The status of another company being organized is a federal state-owned enterprise.Mostly, such structures are established in industrial segments. That is, they are mainly manufacturing enterprises.

How are state-owned enterprises created in operational management?

This type of structure is created in accordance with the decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation. Assets attributed to them are included in the structure of federal property. The charter of a state-owned enterprise is also approved by the government of the Russian Federation. The type of structure under consideration can be established both anew and through reorganization of other types of state-owned enterprises. Including those that were originally formed on the basis of the principle of economic management. This may be a federal state-owned enterprise. If it is reorganized into treasury, then this should not be accompanied by staff reductions. Each employee receives the right to go to work at a new enterprise.

Charter of the state-owned enterprise

It will be useful to consider the specifics of the charter of a state-owned state-owned enterprise. It fixes: the reporting procedure, as well as its forms, the director’s responsibility mechanisms for the results of the company’s work, the obligation to use state funds for their intended purpose, the types of commercial activities of the company, as well as the order in which the organization’s profit is distributed. The charter of the organization of the type in question also reflects the company name of the company.

What state enterprises are in Russia: examples

What famous state-owned enterprises operate in Russia?

Among them is the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Space Communications", which is subordinate to the Federal Communications Agency. This organization is one of the leading suppliers of satellite technology in the Russian Federation. The geography of its activities is not limited to the territory of Russia - the company is widely known abroad. This state-owned enterprise has a modern infrastructure, uses fiber optic lines. Its services are represented by the organization of television broadcasting, providing Internet access, and providing communication services for large businesses.

A well-known state-owned enterprise is Goznak. This organization carries out research and development in the field of state marks. The competence of this company is the production of various official documents, coins, orders. The state-owned enterprise is subordinate to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

Activities of state enterprises

The federal state-owned enterprises include the Marka Publishing and Trading Center. This publishes and produces postage stamps, various booklets, envelopes, cards, forms, stamps, postcards, kits for philatelists.

State owned

A large number of municipal enterprises operating in various segments have been established in the regions of the Russian Federation. This form of commercial activity is also quite popular in Russia.

State corporations of the Russian Federation

Along with unitary state enterprises, there are also state corporations, as well as businesses with state participation. What are their specifics? First of all, it is worth noting that state-owned corporations are a form of non-profit institutions. While the activities of state-owned enterprises of a unitary type in fact may not differ from the activities of private businesses.

State corporations are established by the highest authorities of the Russian Federation on the basis of property contributions. Such organizations are created, as a rule, in order to solve social problems. One of the most important characteristics of state corporations is that they are subject to significantly less active control by supervisory authorities. The main difference between the state corporation and the state unitary enterprise is that it owns all the property that is transferred to it by the authorities, on the basis of ownership. While state assets are all assets of unitary enterprises. The founders of state corporations are not liable to creditors of the respective organizations.

State-owned businesses

Another type of company present in the Russian economy is state-owned businesses. They are most often represented in the form of business companies. It can be manufacturing enterprises, banks, consulting - in principle, any business. State participation in them is ensured through the acquisition on its part of a certain share in the shares of the respective firms. The authorities may own a controlling stake, or a minority. In the first case, the firm, theoretically, can be called a state-owned enterprise, but this is not entirely correct from a legal point of view. For example, PJSC Sberbank, in terms of a controlling stake, belongs to the state. But to call it a state-owned enterprise is not entirely correct, since by all indications this credit and financial institution should be classified as a business company.


State and municipal enterprises are organizations that play a prominent role in the Russian economy. They carry out activities in various sectors of the national economy. Through them, the state ensures the employment of citizens, creates capitalization in various segments of the economy, and makes a profit as a commercial entity. The most common type of structures of the corresponding type is a unitary enterprise. Also, the state can be a business entity, acquiring a share in business entities. In some cases, the authorities of the Russian Federation may establish state corporations that are independent business entities, but are not considered commercial organizations.

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