
How to check your credit history for free. Where to check your credit history

Sometimes, in order to buy a particular thing, you have to resort to loans. At the same time, it is important to comply with all conditions of the contract for a perfect loan history. And how to check your credit history for free, read this article.

Credit history. What is it?

How to check your credit history for free

To fulfill many long-standing desires, you need a certain amount of money to buy the things of your dreams. If you really want to fulfill a wish, but there is absolutely no money in your wallet (or there is not enough money), then there is only one way out - credit. Nowadays, you can take it quickly, some institutions require a minimum of documents. They give money on loan almost on trust. The only thing that can significantly interfere with their receipt is a bad credit history. But how do you know if she is bad or good? What it is?

The term “credit history” has been introduced into the banking system relatively recently and contains complete and detailed information about the client and his previous loans, as well as about the good faith fulfillment of payment obligations to the bank. Data about this is stored in an organization called the National Bureau of Credit Histories (NBCH). All financial institutions enter into an agreement with this organization in order to be able to obtain information about their potential borrower in the future. How to check a credit history before a particular bank without spending a single penny?

Ways to get free information

Everyone can find out their credit history for free. So, the first free request on this subject can be made personally or by proxy:

  1. In BKI (credit bureau). It is only necessary to pay a commission for services to partners of this organization. When the borrower presents the documents and the employees make sure that it is him, a computer will be provided to check the loan history, where you can see all the necessary information.
  2. By mail. Another way to check your credit history for free. This method involves writing a statement. To do this, you need to fill it out correctly, then go through a notary public to verify the sample of your signature and send this application to one of the branches of the BCI. If this year’s request is not the first, then in the letter you must also send a receipt for the payment of this service.
  3. By telegram. This method is also carried out in the organization that provides postal services. The credit bureau will no longer receive a letter, but a telegram where passport details are indicated. A postal worker can also certify the signature, and it can be done faster and cheaper than a notary public.
  4. How to check your credit history without leaving home? Online, via the Internet, filling out all the necessary data on the site. It is worth noting that this method is becoming increasingly popular.how to check a person’s credit history

It must be remembered that no matter what method is chosen, according to the law, a dossier with a lending history on hand should be no more than 10 days. You need to know that you can apply for this data as much as you need, but you will have to pay for repeated requests.

Computer to help

Now more about how to find out a credit history via the Internet. He is needed in order to minimize trouble. The only thing that is necessary in this case is to find out the code of the person executing the loan agreement (otherwise the Internet will not help, and you will have to go to the post office, to the notary public, to the banks that provided the funds, or to the BKI, as was previously described).On the Web, free services with regard to obtaining credit history are provided by the sites of the Bank of Russia, NBKI and Equifax. An application is filled out on their official pages, after which the borrower receives the data quickly and without problems. Modern technologies make life much easier for future bank customers.

how to check credit history

True or fiction

Are banks checking their credit history or is this another trick? Despite all the rumors that have recently appeared among borrowers, of course, they are checking, especially after the financial crisis that occurred several years ago. Before issuing a loan, even payments for the Internet and utilities are now checked. Unscrupulous customers with a poor payment history will be identified during this check, and therefore they will not receive a loan.

Exceptions to the Rules

Nevertheless, there are cases when it was possible to get a loan without checks, and even with a bad history. In this case, there is such a way as replacing credit history checks with completely different methods. For example, a bank employee who is part-time professional experienced psychologist can talk with a borrower.

He will decide whether the person is guilty of violating obligations to the bank, or whether circumstances have developed. Also in these institutions can apply another way of insurance. It is expressed in a greatly increased credit rate, which sometimes reaches 75-80% per annum, and in this case the property of the borrower, whether it be a car or real estate, can become a guarantee.

banks not checking credit history

Thus, banks that do not check their credit history justify their own risk. The list of banks issuing funds on credit, without checking the reputation of the borrower, is gradually expanding due to their struggle for customers. If, nevertheless, even under these conditions it was not possible to obtain a loan, and money is urgently needed, you can turn to private investors. You just need to remember that in such cases the interest rate will be very high.

Importance of Data

For almost all banks, the credit history of a potential borrower is almost the most important information. If it is suddenly spoiled not by the careless attitude of a person who had previously borrowed, but by the bank itself, which did not make timely payments on the loan, then it can be corrected. To do this, you need to send a statement to the BKI with a request to double-check the data under the contract. Within a month, this organization is obliged to conduct such an audit and make adjustments to the personal file of the borrower.

Pros and Cons of Credit Stories

Creating a personal credit history of each borrower helps to initially evaluate its solvency and integrity. In the future, this will lead to preferential conditions for the issuance of the next loan. Payments made on time will allow further bargaining with the bank and reduce the interest rate by 2-3%.

where to check credit history

The absence of any history of loans can be the same minus as the presence of a bad one, since it is impossible to verify a person’s credit history due to its absence. Therefore, the bank cannot evaluate the integrity of the borrower, which increases its risks. A borrower without history will not receive a maximum loan amount, he will wait a long time for considering a loan application and its approval, and in the end he can receive, like a borrower with a bad reputation, an increased interest rate.

Car purchase

The long-awaited purchase of a car may be overshadowed by fraudulent actions of the seller. The rapid growth in the issuance of loans for cars entailed the actions of unscrupulous citizens who put up a car for sale without having time to pay for it. With a successful sale for them, the buyer of the car, along with the old dream, also gets many problems.

Be sure to check the credit history of the car before buying a car. Even if the new owner does not know anything about the debt, the bank, in the absence of making monthly payments, file an application with the court. The judiciary, in turn, imposes car arrest. This problem is already solved by the new owner directly with the bank employees.

Some instructions

First of all, when buying a car and its initial inspection, you need to pay attention to the equipment. For credit cars, it is usually completely factory-made, so the lack of a radio and alarm should alert the buyer.

SecondlyHow to check your credit history at an authorized dealership for free? You need to go there with the seller of the car. The center staff will provide all the necessary data.

check car credit history

Thirdly, you can do it yourself and free of charge on many sites offering this service. It will be enough just to enter the car VIN-code, and in seconds the Internet will give out information about the existing or not pledge. By the way, the VIN code can be found not only in the certificate of registration and in the technical passport, but also under the hood. In many cars, he is still in the window on the windshield, on the pillar of the driver's door and under the skin of the floor near his seat.

Fourth, services of this profile are provided by the “Credit History Center” of each city - that is the place where you can check the credit history of the car after indicating the passport data of the owner of the vehicle. And the most important signs that the car was bought on credit is its price reduced by 10-15%, not the original, but a duplicate of the passport of the technical equipment (abbreviated as TCP) for a new car and, of course, the suspicious behavior of sellers.

Fifthly, Be sure to compare the documents on the car and the seller’s passport. The data in them must be the same. If there is even a slight difference, it means that the car is sold by a trustee, which is considered the main sign of a loan.

These tips are simple, but their proper execution by a potential buyer will help to avoid many problems in the future.


do banks check credit history

So, in the modern world, the availability of loans is not a problem, but rather, excellent help in life. You just need to correctly calculate your solvency so as not to create problems for yourself or the creditor. When applying for a loan, you should contact government organizations, and not private investors. This will reduce the risk of an adverse outcome when paying a loan at prohibitively high interest rates.

When concluding a contract, you need to be very careful, fully read all sections, be sure to pay attention even to the small print. Making all payments within the deadlines set by the bank is also a necessary condition for a loan without any problems. And this article will help you figure out how to check your credit history for free.

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