
Arrest on a car: how to check?

Arrest on a car is a common measure of influence in case of various offenses of the owner of the car. However, in some cases, vehicles that are subject to certain restrictions are successfully sold to inexperienced customers. To avoid unpleasant situations, you should know how to check the legal status of a car.

Car arrest

Considering the fact of the arrest of a particular vehicle, it is worth noting that this is one of the measures by which the car owner is punished for violating the law or preventing his illegal actions. The bailiffs, as well as the judicial and customs authorities of the Russian Federation, can use a similar tool of influence.

car arrest

If a car was seized, the owner of the vehicle is prohibited from changing numbers, carrying out any registration actions with the car, buying, selling and re-registering the car to other owners.

In this case, bailiffs must report the fact of the arrest to the traffic police and the owner of the car, moreover, immediately after the court made the appropriate decision.

More details about the conditions of arrest

Before dealing with the issue of checking the status of a car, you should pay attention to the list of authorities that have the right to such actions:

- FSSP. Bailiffs may seize a car if its owner has significant debt to the state. We are talking about unpaid rent, alimony, traffic police fines, etc. But the fact of arrest is possible only after the court renders the relevant decision and not earlier.

- Traffic police department. In this case, the car can be arrested if it has been in an accident, as a result of which the numbers of the body, engine, places with plates and wine numbers were damaged. The need for arrest is due to the goal of preventing the replacement of the main units during the repair work.

check the car for arrest

- Checking the car for arrest is also relevant when the customs have claims regarding the legality of importing a vehicle into the Russian Federation. Similar measures can be taken in case of improper customs clearance of the machine.

- The court. The use of arrest is determined by the need to prevent illegal actions of the owner. Such actions may be relevant if the car is the subject of a dispute and it is important to prevent its deregistration for subsequent sale.

What happens if you buy an arrested vehicle

It is not uncommon for car owners to sell their vehicle before the bailiff has time to physically arrest him. The buyer, of course, does not suspect anything about the fate of the car and subsequently faces certain difficulties.

It is for this reason that checking the car for arrest is a necessary part of any transaction to acquire a vehicle. If similar security measures are not taken, then unpleasant consequences can be encountered:

  • the police will have grounds for suspicion about the participation of the buyer in an illegal transaction;
  • The traffic police will refuse the citizen who bought the seized car to register the vehicle.

car seized

Verification process

The fact that a car is seized can be ascertained in several proven ways.

First of all, you should turn to the bailiffs. The fact is that it is the executive service that has the full amount of information regarding the restrictions that were imposed on the vehicle.It is worth considering the fact that when an oral request for the provision of such information can be refused, it is therefore better to use a written form of appeal. In an official request, you need to specify the owner’s data, the make of the car and its name, the reason why such information is needed and your own data.

If everything is done officially, then the Federal Bailiff Service will be obliged to give a written response in which all information regarding the status of a particular vehicle will be presented.

how to seize a car

In addition to information about whether the bailiffs really seized the car or not, it makes sense to use the base of the traffic police. This is another way to obtain data on possible restrictions that have been placed on the vehicle. You can use the traffic police resources through a personal visit to their local office (a statement with all the necessary data) or through the official website.

Internet features

Checking a car for arrest is also possible through the use of certain resources on the network. In fact, we are talking about the sites of the Federal Bailiff Service and the traffic police.

In the first case, by going to the site, you need to select the menu item “Bank of enforcement proceedings data” and enter the wine code. Further, it should be noted that information is required about an individual, and indicate the current territorial authority (city of registration). The next step is to enter the date of birth and name. After a request is sent, to which the necessary information arrives.

car check for arrest

When working with the traffic police resource, you need to select the “Online Services” block and, having entered the necessary data, check the necessary car. But it is important to consider the following fact: for the reason that this site began to operate relatively recently, its database may be incomplete. Therefore, if possible it is better to personally visit the traffic police department.

How to check documents for a car

In order to avoid possible troubles, it is worth checking not only the arrest on the car, but also the list of documents that the owner provides. We are talking about the following list:

  • registration certificate (certificate of registration of the vehicle);
  • vehicle passport (TCP);
  • notarized power of attorney in the name of the seller (necessary if he is not the owner of the machine).

In this case, the key document in this list is the TCP. It’s pointless to buy a car without a passport. But even if it is presented, it is important to make sure that it is real. In the event that instead of the original a duplicate was presented due to, for example, loss of the previous document, it is better to refrain from buying a car.

In order to accurately relieve yourself of possible problems, it is worth not only checking the car for arrest, but also looking at the seller's identification documents.

bailiffs seized a car

As the next stage of verification, you can determine the clarification of information regarding the number of owners that are entered in the TCP. It is important to pay attention to the presence of empty seats in the passport, allowing you to enter a new owner. This action is of great importance, since in the absence of free fields, only the owner can replace the document with a new one. This means the need for his personal presence at all stages of the issuance of a new passport.


It is easy to notice that the information on how to seize a car and how to verify this fact is relevant. Therefore, you should never neglect the verification procedure. It may take some time, but in the end there will be no reason for claims from the state.

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