
How to save money for an apartment, house, car or other things

Oh, how much I want ... And it seems like there is work, and the salary is not the smallest, but what can you do, there is always a dream that does not fit into the framework of an affordable budget.

Dream or goal

Yes, folk wisdom is right: "No matter how much you earn, everything is small ..." And what to do? Is it possible to leave the dream forever a dream? How to save money for its execution? And here is the very first and, possibly, the most important advice: it is necessary to turn a dream into a goal! And now you can begin to strive to achieve it. After all, the goal is needed in order to ultimately achieve it, otherwise the dream will remain a fantasy awaiting a magical embodiment.

The goal must be expressed in words. Having reached it, you should see in front of you something material, such as an apartment, a car, a motorcycle or just a bag of money. Why not? Just wealth can also become a goal, but not a sensation, but money. So, your goal may sound something like this: "I want a bag of money!" Expressed? Yes, you also need to determine the cost in order to know exactly what amount should eventually be in your pocket. And now we begin to move towards the task. How to save money and not spend it before the right time?

how to save money

Fundamentals of hoarding

So how to save money? The most important thing is not to let this process take its course. You love money you know what ... Of course, the bill! If it is really important for you to solve the problem of how to save money for a motorcycle, car, apartment, vacation and something else, then you will have to become, to some extent, an accountant and economist. Start counting money!

Now you have to delete items from the list of necessary purchases, such as "something tasty for tea." This, by the way, will be very useful not only for the budget, but also for the figure. If you are looking for an answer to the question of how to save money on vacation, then this will be even very useful!how to save money for a house

Income and expenses. Accounting

Get yourself a notebook, a kind of journal of revenue and expenses accounting of a real accountant. Start accounting from payday. First, write down the amount of income, and after it, write down in detail in a column all the expenses you plan for the month that are mandatory.

Include items such as utility bills, expenses for study, food, travel, car maintenance. Do not forget about entertainment, but let this amount also be accurate, and its size does not go beyond the reasonable. Also leave some money for unforeseen expenses - you never know what can happen: your favorite dog will fall ill or you will break a tire near the car ...

Write down the planned amount of expenses and calculate how much you have left to solve the problem we are discussing, how to save money. After receiving your salary, write down your actual expenses in the same table next to the preliminary one. At the end of the month, compare the results. If the amount of the balance is less than you planned, then let it be your intended goal. Make such a table for the next month, write in it the planned expenses that do not exceed what you have calculated, and go! It turns out to spend less - good!

how to save money and not spend it

Next month, change the "norms" to more favorable for saving. Now, knowing how much money you save for a month, you can calculate how long it takes to accumulate the required amount. Save and do not go beyond the set bar. You have a goal, let its achievement be your main task!

Save on food

Look at your nameplate.The largest figure is at which point? Right, food! What can you do, everyone loves to eat delicious food. But now, when we are faced with the question of how to save money, this particular item will help us save a little and save a little more.

Do not fall for supermarket tricks

The biggest temptation is advertising, and even with various promotions and all kinds of discounts. No, of course, they really help to save, allowing you to buy a certain product cheaper. But their main task is to lure you into a store, which, if you didn’t see this advertisement, you wouldn’t even have visited it and, most likely, would have managed without this jar of mayonnaise “for only 99 rubles,” replacing it with which is already in your refrigerator. In addition, having bought this one, the goods you don’t need are absolutely necessary, you will definitely buy something else.

Shopping by plan

To eliminate unnecessary expenses, you need to thoroughly prepare for a trip to the store. Firstly, a clear plan with preliminary calculations is also needed here. Make a list of required products. Exclude the points already mentioned above without a clear meaning. “Something for tea,” “something tasty to go with you to work,” “something from jewelry” - now such plans are not for you! You can buy up such a “something” at a half-store, but we don’t need a half-store, we have a goal - we are deciding how to save money for a car, an apartment, a vacation, or something else.

Supermarket or shop next door

We are so used to shopping in supermarkets. Of course, it’s convenient: you go around the store, throw everything that catches your eye into the cart. No need to ask anyone to show something, no need to ask about the composition and weight of the products, there is only one turn for the entire store, and not in each department. And the products are cheaper, especially in well-known chain supermarkets. But where is it actually more profitable to purchase products?

how to save money on vacation

As mentioned above, when visiting super- and hypermarkets, there is a very great temptation to buy what you do not need at all: advertising, promotions, discounts - all this really stimulates sales and, accordingly, actively reduces the contents of the buyer's wallet.

Conveniently located at your fingertips, goods themselves beg in a shopping cart, forcing you to buy them. It’s the inconvenience of ordinary stores that helps to save money: the queue to each department and the constant employment of the seller, who can answer questions about the product, weaken the consumer ardor and help not to make unnecessary purchases.

If you are interested in how to save money for a car and other necessary, but expensive things, but you do not want to refuse to make purchases in such convenient stores as various hypermarkets, visit them as rarely as possible, for example once a week or even once a month, right away after salary. You can buy goods in bulk. Of course, this advice applies to things that can be stored for a long time, for example, household cleaning products, hygiene products, cosmetics, and some types of food products - cereals, sugar, tea, coffee and others.

A very important rule that will allow you not to buy too much when visiting such stores is to eat before shopping. It is hunger that is often the culprit of the purchase of any "tasty", without which you can do.

Bad habits

That’s where you can save very well, because of bad habits. Of course, this applies to those who possess these habits. Smokers and drinkers are the most avid spenders. And most often it is they who complain about the lack of money. Refusing bad habits will help you find the answer to the question of how to quickly save money.

One of these three reasons, namely smoking, is a very frequent plunderer of funds from the wallet of the "average citizen", because this is the most common bad habit.Seemingly quite a small amount, several tens of rubles (the cost of one pack of cigarettes) pour out several thousand monthly and several tens of thousands annually. Only giving up smoking can you solve at first glance the difficult question of how to save money for an apartment.

Superfluous purchases

Another source of expenses that you can refuse is the purchase of unnecessary things. For example, women, but sometimes men, often can not refuse to buy jewelry, shoes, handbags or items of clothing, which are already abundant in their wardrobe. To overcome such a craving, you can use the following principle: before you buy another little thing, give yourself time to think. Most often, after some time, after reflection and mental fitting of the new thing, it becomes clear that there is no need to acquire it. In addition to the obvious savings, this method will solve the eternal female theme: "Things have nowhere to do, but nothing to wear."

Another type of expense that you can refuse is lunch at work. Of course, it’s nice to have a full break in order to have a meal and chat with colleagues in an informal setting, gathered in a cafe or office canteen. But it’s much cheaper than homemade meals that you can cook in the evening and take with you. In order not to stand out, you can, citing obvious benefits, to attach to good habit and other employees, suggesting, for example, to share with each other culinary masterpieces of their own preparation.

how to save money for a car

Debts and loans

Another way to save money is to completely abandon debts and loans. Loans, as you know, make you overpay, giving interest to the bank. In addition, they, like debts, are real accomplices of unnecessary purchases. Without borrowing, and suffering to a salary, you force yourself to reflect on the need for acquisition. The benefits of this have already been discussed by us. If you don’t make another rash purchase, you don’t have to part with the money after receiving it - this is, you see, the most unpleasant moment.

How not to spend the accumulated

You can continue to list ways to save and accumulate for a long time, but what was said in the article is quite enough. Observing all the above rules, it’s already agreed that it’s easier to solve the problem of how to save money for a house, car, motorcycle, vacation and other dreams, which usually cannot be realized with one salary. But that is not all! Having learned to save and save, you also need not to spend the accumulated, and not reaching the intended goal.

To avoid the temptation of embezzlement, do not keep the accumulated amount in an accessible place. It is better if your money will be in the bank, at least on a bank card. For greater safety, it is recommended to open a deposit, giving preference to one whose conditions do not allow them to be withdrawn, but it is allowed to replenish the account. Such a contribution will protect you from unnecessary waste and replenish your savings.

how to save money for an apartment

Tips not for adults

And finally, tips for those who do not receive a salary, but also do not mind saving up a little money - for children. How to save money for a schoolchild if you want to buy something that parents don’t want to buy, or for some reason can’t? Advice on saving and saving money for adults is also suitable for children, all without exception.

In addition, we can add that many schoolchildren are more likely than adults to spend money on sweets and non-healthy soda drinks. These costs are certainly superfluous. Instead of buying an expensive chocolate, it is better to take a sandwich from home or buy a pie, and soda will be replaced by a bag of juice or milk, and even better - compote or another drink of your own (or parents) preparation. This will allow you not to spend money or spend at a minimum and save the savings in the piggy bank.

Where to get money for a student? Daily, parents give many children money for the necessary expenses.If there are no such "incomes" or you want to put aside more, then you can try to get a temporary job. Of course, you won’t be able to earn money as adults - students are usually offered simple and low-paid classes, such as handing out flyers or helping to lay out goods in the store. You can even get such a job only if the child is already 16 years old. The way out of the situation for young schoolchildren is to help the elderly with the housework for a small fee or, for example, to sit with a small neighbor's child.

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