
How to save money: 10 ways. How to learn to save money - instructions from A to Z

Saving money is one of those tasks that are easy to set for yourself, but difficult to implement. Some questions seem especially difficult. For example, how much money will you save and for how long?

Why do you need to do this? After clear answers to these questions are formulated, you can proceed to the next stage - the practical one. Introducing ten ways to save and save money wisely.

how to save money

Repay debts

How to save money? If you are really interested in this, eliminate all existing debts. This is the first step, which is a must. The author of an effective money management strategy is Bodo Schaeffer.

In his book, The Path to Financial Independence, he recommends that all debtors use the 50/50 rule. It is simple and very effective. According to Schaeffer's advice, you should not allocate more than half of the money that you can save to pay debts. For example, when earning 20,000 rubles. and spending on everything you need at 15,000 rubles. the remaining 5,000 rubles is recommended. Distribute as follows: 50% on debts, 50% - in the piggy bank. Positive points:

  • a constant, albeit not so quick, movement towards welfare;
  • work on achieving wealth and at the same time getting rid of debts;
  • the presence of a certain amount for unforeseen expenses when it is not possible to borrow again.

It is likely that you received completely different advice from others. But think for yourself: giving everything cleaned up and paying off your debts, you will receive only temporary relief. What is the result? Emptiness, zero. We'll have to start saving again, but this does not add positive emotions. However, when following this rule, it is important not to forget about the need to repay debts on time.

Goal setting

How to save money as efficiently as possible? To do this, you need to decide what exactly you need funds for. Want to buy a bike, car, fur coat? Find out how much your dream is worth and strive to accumulate the exact amount.

Decide on the timing

How to save and save money so that the path to the intended goal does not become endless? To do this, you need to set a specific period during which you really can save the required amount. You can even decide on the exact date. If you ignore this rule, you will not be able to implement your plan.

The thing is this: from time to time there come such periods when you could save, but you didn’t. The idea that you will put twice as much in the piggy bank next month is wrong. There will always be new and new necessary expenses. As a result, the accumulation process will drag on indefinitely.

Expense records

How to save money? To do this, you need to record everything that free money is spent on. Small purchases should also not be overlooked. Categorize spending by categories:

  • Housing (rent, taxes, mortgage).
  • Car (fuel, insurance, maintenance).
  • Utilities (gas, water, electricity, telephone, Internet, heating).
  • Food (groceries, restaurant).
  • Personal expenses (medical care, hairdressing, clothing).
  • Additional expenses (vacation, gifts, entertainment).

how to save and save money

Accounting can be done both the old fashioned way, recording all the expenses in a specially wound notebook, and in a modern way - using specialized applications and programs.

Cost optimization

A few months after scrupulous fixing of all expenses, take a look at your notes. This will help to identify excess spending and understand how to save money. Overstated expenses for bad habits or weekly entertainment are often striking. Now it is important to remember the goal of saving. Is your dream more valuable than cigarettes and going to clubs? If so, cut back on optional expenses and speed up on your way to the dream.

What to do if you can’t reduce spending? In this case, try to find a side job. Put additional funds in the piggy bank instead of those that could not be saved within a month.

From work - home!

How to learn to save money if there are so many temptations around? A simple tip: do not go to the shops on payday. Go straight home, because a wallet full of money is a source of serious temptation. It is important in a calm environment to think about what you need to first spend the funds that have appeared. Believe me, the very next day the state of euphoria from wealth will pass.

Caution, discounts!

How to learn to save money? Buying all the promotional goods in the hope of unprecedented benefits is not worth it. Great at first glance offers may not be so valuable. For example, discounts are often made on expired foodstuffs, and it’s definitely not worth saving on your own health.

At the sight of the word "sale," some in a hurry grab a snuggled item of clothing, which, in general, is not very needed. The above advice is especially relevant when answering the question of how to save money for women, because the fair sex is often tempted to buy a tenth beautiful blouse or a twentieth pair of stunning shoes.

Use discount cards

How to save money on regular purchases? It is beneficial to use discount cards. In this matter, you can cooperate with friends and acquaintances. For example, you have a discount at a grocery supermarket, and a friend at a household chemical store. Mutually beneficial card exchange will save good money.

Reduce repair costs

  • Get a household tool for minor repairs. This is more profitable than constantly paying for the work of the master.
  • When installing water, light and gas meters, pay attention to domestic appliances. They are no worse than their foreign counterparts. A sensible specialist from ZHES will take less for work than a representative of the manufacturer.
  • When planning a repair, make a detailed cost estimate. This will help to avoid unjustified expenses.

how to save money in the family

Budget vacation

The question of how to save money in the family is relevant even during the holidays? It is important to carefully prepare for the trip. In this case, it will be possible to save up to twenty percent of the funds allocated for the rest. When drawing up a tourist route, choose visa-free countries and get the so-called last-minute tours.

In addition, a trip not in high season will cost less. Keep in mind that life in large resort towns is much more expensive than in nearby small towns. If you purchase plane tickets at least one month before departure, you can save up to fifteen percent of their cost. And do not forget to allocate a place for glasses and an air mattress in your bag: at the resort these things are usually sold at an overpriced price.

How to learn to save money on pleasures? At first glance, this seems impossible, but not everything is as complicated as it seems. For example, choose daytime cinema shows - the cost of tickets in the morning is lower. Would you like to go to a concert? Buy tickets in advance on the Internet - and they will cost less. If you have many days off or a whole vacation ahead, leave a certain amount and divide it by the number of free days. In such a simple way, you can regularly please yourself with pleasant purchases or favorite entertainments.

Separately about food

How to save money on products? Will they be able to eat fully and inexpensively? These questions concern many housewives. Surprisingly, with the wrong approach to this kind of spending, a tidy sum simply leaks through your fingers every month. Here are some tips on how to optimize your food expenses:

  • Do not go to the store on an empty stomach. Otherwise, you buy up half of the store simply because you are hungry at the moment. Do not follow up on an empty stomach. Be sure to have a snack before setting off for groceries.
  • Take shopping planning seriously. If, say, you have enough rice, remove it from the agenda and do not allocate money to purchase it. At the store, follow a pre-defined list of products.
  • Do not bring children with you. Your children are more likely to fall into the "traps" of merchandisers. As a result - a full basket of not very expensive, but useless goods.
  • Reduce the frequency of shopping. You will spend much less money if you go shopping not ten, but five times a month, for example.
  • If you purchase products in the same supermarket, use a discount card.
  • Do not neglect goods from the lower shelves. This is where inexpensive products are usually located. They, as a rule, are not inferior to more expensive analogues in quality. Possible differences are not such an attractive package and a less promoted brand.
  • Be wary of purchasing perishable foods. Think about whether you have time to eat everything before the expiration date.
  • How to start saving money on food? Choose healthy food! Oddly enough, but proper nutrition is cheaper. The peculiarity of high-calorie goodies is that they are more expensive, and contain less nutrients.
  • Get canned, frozen, or dried foods. They will cost less than fresh ones, and the same benefit will be brought to the body. For example, fruits and vegetables are usually dried, canned, or frozen at full ripeness, when they are especially rich in minerals, proteins, and vitamins.
  • Washed, pre-packaged and sliced ​​products are more expensive. This is simply explained, because the final price is formed taking into account the costs of pre-processing.
  • Cook in large portions. Thus, you will save not only time spent at the stove, but also gas (electricity).

Always remember that not only the fact where and how you buy products matters. It is equally important what exactly you get. Break all the food you eat into groups. Here are ways to save money on food:


Forget about the existence of convenience foods. Buying such products seriously hurts the wallet, because you have to give your honestly earned not only for the meat itself (and it is not known what quality), but also for breadcrumbs and other additives (not always necessary), as well as packaging. It is recommended to purchase a lot of fresh meat, process it at your own discretion and freeze it. With this approach, you can save up to 30% of the funds allocated for the considered product.

A fish

Do not seek to acquire expensive species. Such expenses are far from always justified. For example, well-cooked pollock will be no worse than salmon. It is most useful to bake fish in foil. In addition, this will slightly reduce oil consumption. It is important to consider that the fillet in some cases is 100% more expensive than the whole carcass.

Milk, fermented milk products

As a rule, the most funds are spent on a variety of yogurts, cottage cheese, etc. It is better to seriously spend money once by buying a yogurt maker and make your favorite treats at home. The savings will be 30-50% per month.

Alcohol and Cigarettes

The line of spending on bad habits often breaks all anti-records. Only one way out - to abandon the addiction.If you need to relieve stress, replace a cigarette or a glass of cognac with a cup of strong aromatic tea or chatting with a pleasant person.

how to start saving money

Little trick

Are you planning to make a serious purchase? Take care of comparing prices and extra costs.

Take the time to explore different offers on the Internet, ring stores and find out the cost in the markets. With the same quality, the price may differ in one and a half to two times.

However, it will be useful to ask for additional costs, because all your savings will come to naught if, for example, delivery charges, elevation to the floor, etc. are added to the attractive cost of the goods.


We looked at the basic ways to save and save money. The main thing you need to learn if you want to succeed in this matter is self-control. Careful planning of upcoming expenses and the ability to refrain from impulsive purchases is the key to success.

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Elena Medynskaya
A great way to save money is to use applications with a cashback service. Just by scanning store receipts using your phone, you can earn on its monthly payment. I suggest you download QROOTO. You can get money here not only for products, but also for stationery, cosmetics and medicines. If you enter my invitation code 914686, you will get another 99 points. Good luck to all!


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