
How to issue a power of attorney for the export of a child abroad?

Who did not dream to go to another country for a vacation or for sightseeing. Often you want to take children with you. However, in some cases, in addition to travel documents, a power of attorney for the export of a child abroad is compulsory. It allows you to freely cross the line of another state. When it is needed and how to draw up this document, you will learn further.

What is this paper for?

power of attorney for the export of a child abroad

It is the main pass of the child across the border if he is traveling with a single parent or even alone. Otherwise, the customs or border service may not miss the minor. This need is dictated by the fact that the child can be taken out of the state by force, without the knowledge of the parents, or stolen by one of the spouses (an unauthorized person).

In addition, a minor may be subject to a serious crime. Naturally, a power of attorney to export a child abroad must be properly executed - in accordance with the requirements of international law. The document also has a certain validity period. If such paper is not issued, then entry into the selected country can be not only blocked, but also prohibited for some time. This is possible if the customs service has seen in your actions an unkind intent.

In what cases does such paper not matter?

A power of attorney to export a child abroad does not need to be executed if:

  • One of the parents has the original document confirming the death of the second.
  • A spouse is deprived of the right to raise a child by a court order.
  • There is a judicial opinion on the incompetence of one of the parents or he is found missing.
  • There is a certain judicial permission for a child to cross the border, if no one of the opposing parties (parents) travels with him. A third party is already involved. In all other cases, this paper will have to be drawn up.

Who can accompany the child?

power of attorney to take the child abroad sample in English

A minor may travel abroad if there is a person next to him who will be responsible for him:

  1. Parents or one of them.
  2. Guardians.
  3. Relatives (aunts, uncles, grandparents).
  4. Third party (teacher or other adult).

How long can a document be issued?

for how long is a power of attorney issued for the export of a child abroad

A mandatory item for processing the submitted paper is information on how long a power of attorney is issued for the child to be taken abroad. In principle, the legislation does not provide for any restriction on the validity period of a document, other than the age of majority of the child. However, in fact, this time is about 36 months. Some notaries issue a power of attorney to transport a child abroad for only 3 months.

What information is indicated in the document?

power of attorney to take the child abroad sample in English

This permission should be clear and filled with information. That is, the customs service should not have any questions and suspicions. It should be noted that if you need a power of attorney to take your child abroad, a sample in English will have to be filled out in case of a trip to Europe.

So, in the presented document, you need to specify the following information:

  1. Where, when, by whom the power of attorney was drawn up. The exact date of writing the paper must be indicated, as well as the name and initials of the notary who certified the document.
  2. Passport details of parents, guardians or other accompanying persons.
  3. Complete information about the child: birth information, surname and initials.

In addition to the power of attorney, in most cases a minor must have a passport. Make it easy. In principle, this information is quite enough. However, cases where it is necessary to provide more information are not excluded. It all depends on what entry rules exist in the country in which you are going.

Features of the paper

Now we should consider how exactly it is necessary to draw up the paper submitted. Before you go to a notary for a power of attorney, you must necessarily collect the required documents: passports of the accompanying, parental permission, as well as documents confirming the date and place where the child was born. The list of required documents may be more. It all depends on the rules that each individual state makes.

During registration, certain features should be observed:

  • The power of attorney for the export of a child abroad, a sample you can see in the submitted article, must be notarized. Otherwise, it will be invalid.
  • If the baby travels only with his father or mother, then the second parent must give his permission. Without it, the signing of a power of attorney is impossible.
  • When a minor child travels without parents, they both must give their permission and power of attorney for this step. If he must go with his father or mother, then one of them must also officially allow the trip.
  • If one of the parents is a representative and a citizen of another country, then his permission to cross the border is not required. This rule applies even if the father or mother is recorded on the birth certificate.
  • In some cases, a formalized power of attorney may include one or more trips. The date and duration of all trips is indicated in the submitted document. In this case, the power of attorney must also indicate the purpose and reasons for the trip.
  • A feature of trips with children is that if they leave the country for more than 90 days, then it is also necessary to obtain permission from the Board of Trustees.
  • Often in a family after a divorce, tensions remain. At the same time, former spouses try in different ways to harm each other. So, parents can manipulate children. For example, one of the spouses will not give his permission to leave the child outside the state. In this case, you need to resolve the issue only in court order. Here, each of the parents must justify the reasons for their actions.

In principle, these are all the nuances in the design of a power of attorney. However, there may be certain nuances. It all depends on the requirements of the country where you are going. Good luck

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