
How are individuals buying shares?

How are individuals buying shares? This question is of interest to those who decided to start compiling their investment portfolio. Well, this business, although not complicated, is responsible, because the purchase of shares by individuals can result in monetary losses for them.

general information

purchase of shares by individualsAs a rule, individuals work through intermediaries. These are brokers and sometimes banks. But the services of the latter are rarely used in view of the fact that they charge a significant commission. You can act independently, but this applies only to small companies and upon acquisition for a significant period. The most attractive securities have blue chips. Shares give the right to receive dividends, as well as to manage the organization and to part of the property in the event of its liquidation. But what securities to buy, it is up to the individual to decide.

Initial contribution and income

We will consider the procedure for an individual to purchase shares in a foreign company and domestic enterprises. But first, let's figure out what should be available. For a serious investment, it is enough to have 30 thousand rubles (although it will be optimal to start with 100 000). At the same time, it is advisable not to direct all the savings to the shares, but only part of them (it is better not to exceed one third of the available money).

It should be remembered that there are rather high risks and the same interest. As a rule, they start at 20%. For banks to offer such a profit is quite difficult. It should be borne in mind that such a minimum due to inflation will give only a few percent of the profit. And now let's get down to figuring out how individuals buy foreign companies' shares (we also will not ignore domestic enterprises).

Where and how to purchase securities

purchase of Gazprom shares by individualsThere are 4 main ways:

  1. Acquisition of securities through a broker.
  2. Purchase of shares in a banking institution.
  3. Acquisition of securities from companies or individuals.
  4. Appeal directly to shareholders.

These are the possibilities. Now you need to choose the best way. If it is planned to purchase shares by individuals, then the option is considered optimal when they are acquired through a broker. This is due to the fact that his help is universal in a large number of different parameters, such as cost and work efficiency.

The second place is occupied by banks. Of course, the sale of securities and, accordingly, the purchase of shares by individuals in many financial institutions is not carried out, since this is not the main activity. But such giants as Sberbank, VTB, Gazprombank and others like them will be able to offer a number of solutions. They will provide access to the purchase of their shares (simple and preferred). True, you need to be aware that the choice will be very limited, and the value of the securities will be what the bank indicates. If you are interested in buying Gazprom shares by individuals, let's consider the best option.

Work with a broker

the procedure for an individual to purchase shares in a foreign companyOne cannot do without brokers when there is a desire to invest money in stocks that are on the stock exchange. There are rare exceptions in this case, but only with long-term investments, so we will not consider them. A broker can be one person or an entire company. The algorithm of actions in this case will be as follows:

  1. Initially, it is necessary to conclude an agreement so that an individual is served by a broker.
  2. Then you need to transfer money to an account, the details of which will be indicated in the text of the agreement being drawn up.
  3. After that, you can buy shares.

According to the simple algorithm described above, the work takes place: shares of a non-state pension fund (by individuals), domestic or foreign private enterprises, and much more can be purchased.

Let's imagine that there is a desire to feel like a co-owner of Sberbank. Working through a broker, you will initially have to fill out the necessary application. Then the intermediary will contact the company to agree on the design of the required package of documents. A contract is concluded, and then money comes to the details that are indicated in it. Then the stock is bought on the stock exchange. The action is possible where the broker has access (its presence to the largest places like MICEX and RTS is an indicator of quality and seriousness of intentions). You can work not only with securities, but also with financial assets. Brokers who deal with such “material” are called traders.

What qualities should an intermediary have?

purchase of shares of foreign companies by individualsYour brokerage firm should be:

  1. With a good business reputation.
  2. Show interest in collaboration.
  3. Provide (potential) investors with all the necessary information that can confirm the transactions and their nuances.

Also pay attention to the terms of payment by the broker of their services (and they are always there). The best option is when he gives his own recommendations and claims only a percentage of the profits. If it is not, then the broker does not receive anything. But here, too, one should not lose vigilance, because in this way fraudsters can simply "drain" money into their account. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to study the reputation of a person or company with which you have to work. It makes sense to look at their trading characteristics and evaluate the success of at least one year. There is no reason for a professional to hide this data. But if they are still not shown, then it is better to refuse the services of such an intermediary.


purchase of shares of a private pension fund by individualsIn general, there are no restrictions on the choice of a particular purchase option. The question is exclusively in the complexity of its implementation, as well as in the amount of money that an individual is ready to invest.

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