
What is a brokerage account and how to open it? How to open a brokerage account in Sberbank

The best way to make your money work is to invest. Sooner or later, each investor comes to the understanding that the most interesting thing is happening on the securities market, and in order to become a full-fledged participant, a brokerage account is needed. What is it, how to open it - read the article.

brokerage account

Who are brokers and why are they needed?

An individual can only enter the securities market in one way - as a broker. Who is that? This is a person who has assumed mediation between the one who buys and the one who sells. He performs all operations on behalf of the client whose interests he represents, and only on his behalf. Brokers do not act on their own.

Not every person has the right to perform intermediary services in the securities market. This requires a license. Often, brokers additionally provide their clients with advisory services, talking about various market participants, tools, and give investment recommendations.

Sberbank brokerage account

Listen to advice or not - each client decides for himself. It is important to understand that brokers are not responsible for consultations. If, as a result of following the advice, the client loses money, the responsibility will rest only with him. The broker receives a commission for his services.

Special accounts

To carry out orders, the broker opens a brokerage account for his client. It will reflect operations on the purchase and sale of securities, and it will also be possible to see cash balances following the results of all these operations.

There is a big difference between this account and the usual settlement. Despite the fact that a brokerage account in a bank is opened in the same way as a settlement account, it only reflects movements in securities. In the same time checking account reflects cash flows.

How to open a brokerage account?

To open an account, you need to contact the bank and submit an application, having previously selected the most favorable terms of service. Only one document is required - an identity card. Opening an account is possible not only for a person over 18 years old, but also for a child. But you need to consider that for each operation you will have to get permission from the guardianship authorities. Whether this option is convenient or not, the guardian of the child decides.

opening a brokerage account

Notify representatives of the tax inspectorate that such an account is open, the individual has no obligation.

As a rule, the client himself sets the minimum amount for work. However, too small amounts may not always be profitable, so there is a recommendation to start with an amount of 30 thousand rubles.

Placing assets on a brokerage account is associated with a number of risks. They are associated with the bankruptcy of companies whose shares invested money, with the broker's dishonest behavior, with the loss of invested assets, if you choose high-risk instruments or buy securities with borrowed money.

Opening a brokerage account gives you the opportunity to work independently on many exchanges and platforms, both within Russia and internationally. The account holder has a variety of financial instruments in his arsenal. All this together allows you to create optimal risk and return investment portfolios.

How is a brokerage account different from an investment?

Individual Investment Account (IIS) provides an opportunity not only to earn, but also legally save on taxes. But he has a number of limitations.The maximum amount should not exceed 400 thousand rubles. Such an account should work for at least three years. The client has the right to open only one such account.

You can save on taxes by deducting personal income tax. Since the maximum amount of replenishment of the IIA per year is 400 thousand rubles, the maximum deduction cannot be more than 52 thousand in rubles. The right to deduction can only be applied once a year.

how to open a brokerage account

Or you can use another option of benefits - this is an exemption from taxation of profits received after the contract expires.

Reseller Selection Criteria

In order not to risk the invested amount, you need to entrust it to a reliable partner. When choosing, you need to analyze the following parameters. First of all, the term of the company in the market. From this point of view, it is safer to open a brokerage account in Sberbank than in a credit institution that has only recently entered the market.

You must check the reliability rating of the organization. Analyst companies compile special rating tables that take into account the most significant factors.

It is important to make sure that the company has access to various sites not only in Russia, but also abroad.

bank brokerage account

In terms of ease of use, it is good when a company has several offices. It is also worth paying attention to whether there are different tariff plans. It is also important that the mechanism for calculating commissions is as simple and straightforward as possible. It is more convenient to work when there is a personal financial consultant.

The broker must provide all the necessary information about himself openly, indicate on his official website.

Taxation of income from brokerage operations

It is important to remember that income is taxed. For persons considered tax residents RF, the rate is 13%. If a person does not have tax resident status, then the rate increases to 30%. It is necessary to calculate taxes according to the results of the year.

Since the legislation of the Russian Federation stipulates that a broker is a tax agent, this means that he has the obligation to withhold and transfer the necessary tax amount from the client. If for some reason this is not possible, the broker is obliged to notify the tax authorities about this. Then the obligation to the state is passed on to the client. To fulfill the obligation, it is necessary not later than April 30 of the year following the one in which the profit was made to independently fill out and file a declaration in the form of 3-personal income tax and make the transfer of the required amount.

To work in the securities market effectively, knowledge is needed. Therefore, it is recommended to undergo training in special courses and engage in regular self-education.

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