
How to write a letter of resignation? Tips from experienced HR personnel

Each person in his life at least once enters into an employment relationship. This may be the provision of services or the execution of one-time instructions. If the work is permanent, then it requires formalization with the signing of the relevant contract. If it becomes necessary to terminate such relations for one reason or another, you need to know how to write a letter of resignation.

Legal grounds

The Labor Code of Russia defines the general grounds on which the concluded contract (labor) can be terminated. They are summarized in a list of eleven paragraphs and highlighted in a separate article 77. The remaining articles of the thirteenth chapter discuss individual cases that are most common in life. Once the reason becomes clear, you need to figure out how to write a letter of resignation.

how to write a letter of resignation

First you need to remember that you need to do this in advance. Time is needed for the employer to process this document accordingly. Indeed, on the appointed day of dismissal, the administration should:

1) Give the employee a work book.

2) Make with him the final settlement prescribed by law for the hours worked.

If everything is clear with the first question, then the second one takes some time to prepare. First, the immediate supervisor must draw up a time sheet for his subordinate, on the basis of which the accounting department determines the total amount. Secondly, during this time the employee is obliged to provide a bypass sheet in which the heads of the relevant departments confirm with their signature that they have no property claims against him. Under the condition of a regular labor contract, this takes 2 weeks, and for seasonal and temporary workers, the period is reduced to 3 days. This must be taken into account before thinking about how to write a letter of resignation.

Reserved decision

According to the law, on the day of dismissal, the former employee, in addition to paying for the days worked, is given monetary compensation for unused vacation time. However, on the basis of Article 127 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, he may ask for an opportunity to walk off the set time. This will need to be decided in advance in order to know how to write a letter of resignation. In this case, the person receives the right to annual leave. Moreover, the number of days depends on how many months he worked in the reporting period. The free time that appears can be spent at your discretion: on vacation or in search of a new place to work. In such a situation, the day of dismissal will be considered the last day of vacation. But the management of the enterprise should be very careful in this case. Here we must take into account the fact that the same article 127 gives a person the right to change his mind. If no other employee is invited to this place before going on vacation, he has the right to withdraw the earlier written application. He will only have to submit a counter paper addressed to the head with a request to consider his previous statement invalid.

Conscious choice

Sometimes a person understands that the place where he is working now does not suit him at all. The crucial moment is coming when it is necessary to make the final choice. Having made such a decision, he must know how to write a letter of resignation of his own free will.

how to write a letter of resignation of their own free will

Moreover, all the details are very well described in article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The first thing that an employee must take into account is the two-week period for which he must warn his employer of such a decision.Someone considers it a working out, but, in fact, this is the time given to the employer to prepare all the documents for calculation and to find a new employee. By numbers, everything should be clear. That is, if the application is filed, for example, on October 1, then the date should be included in the text on October 15. Moreover, an employee at any time during these 14 days can change his mind and change his mind about quitting. But such situations are extremely rare. After all, it will be difficult then to establish a relationship with the team, from which I was just about to leave yesterday. There are no special requirements for the application itself. There should be only one phrase in it that states that the employee asks to dismiss him, and the basis for dismissal is the desire accepted by him personally.


Not every employee knows how to write a letter of resignation. A sample of such a document can be obtained from the secretary or personnel officer. In principle, drawing up such a paper will not be a big problem.

how to write a letter of resignation sample

All text can be divided into 3 parts:

  1. This introductory component is sometimes called the “cap”. It contains information about who wrote this statement and to whom it is addressed. As a rule, such documents are drawn up in the name of the head of the company or organization. The header is located in the upper right corner of the sheet.
  2. Next is the main text, which clearly sets out the employee’s intention with a specific date. Moreover, the preposition "c" in this case is not posed. This is the mistake most often made.
  3. The application ends with the filing date and personal signature with full decryption.

Before you give the paper for signature to the director, it must be endorsed by your immediate supervisor. This will reduce time and reduce the number of unnecessary questions.

Faster Option

Not everyone is happy with the fact that you can quit only after 2 weeks from the moment the application is submitted. People often ask personnel officers a question: how to write a statement on dismissal without practicing? The answer to it may be mixed. After all, the law does not oblige the employer to comply with the deadline. There are other options. He can do this for violations committed or due to the inability to continue to work (retirement, enrollment in a university, and other reasons). In addition, article 78 describes another such possibility. The employer may part with the employee "by agreement of the parties."

how to write a letter of resignation without practicing

There is no need to "work out". Both parties simply have to agree on the date of the upcoming dismissal. This happens if the employee makes a request, and the administration goes to meet him. The statement in this case is drawn up according to the general model, and the argument of the parties will be the argument.

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