
How to draw up a dismissal order

Dismissal or termination of employment is one of the most common procedures in personnel records management. The correct execution of the dismissal is something that every personnel officer must know.

dismissal order

Reasons for dismissal

There are many reasons for dismissal, the most common of them - by the employee’s own decision and by agreement of the parties. The difference between these two similar non-conflicting reasons is that the “agreement of the parties” is a joint decision of the employee and the employer, and “own desire” is, as the name of the article implies, a unanimous decision of the dismissed.

In the second case, everything goes according to the scheme drafted by the lawmakers: a statement, a letter of resignation, completion within two weeks, and settlement. In the first, the procedure is discussed by the parties and possibly dismissal without practicing or, conversely, with longer work after the letter of resignation is signed.

voluntary dismissal order

Employee statement

The dismissal is executed in the same way and in both cases, the same documents are drawn up. The employee must first write a statement. There are no strict requirements - the application is in free form. The only thing that needs to be taken into account: the number of dismissal is the day that the last one leaves the person leaving, that is, if the employee does not want to go to work from the first day of the month, then in the application he indicates the previous date.

The text of the statement looks something like this: “Please dismiss August 31, 2014,” that is, it is clear that he will work on the last day on August 31. Further, the statement follows the head's desk, which endorses it with his signature and gives it for processing to the personnel department or to the accounting department. On the basis of the application, a dismissal order is created. More about him.

dismissal order sample

Dismissal order

The order is not issued in free, but in the form approved by law. Depending on the number of employees dismissed at the same time by one order, T-8 form (for one person) or T-8a (for several) is used. Of course, the first form is most often used.

The dismissal order, the sample of which is placed in this article above, contains the details for standard documents of the enterprise, this is the name and number of the form, name of the organization, date of preparation and number of the document. The following is the name of the document and the date of commencement of employment with the dismissed employee (with the number of the employment contract that was concluded) and the end of the relationship.

Then they must indicate their full name employee, the name of the structural unit in which he worked, and the name of his position. The next line after personal data indicates the reason for the dismissal. This is the only moment in which the dismissal order of one’s will differs from the dismissal orders for other reasons.

Here you should indicate the reason and article number for which the dismissal occurs. For example: “Agreement of the Parties, clause 1, part 1, article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation” or “Own desire, clause 3, part 1, article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation”. The same wording is indicated here as later will be indicated in the work book. Only there, as you know, no reductions are permissible, and the dismissal order does not oblige you to adhere to this rule.

Further, after the foundation, the name of the document that served as the reason for the compilation of this order is indicated. This may be a statement of the employee, as is most often the case, as well as a medical report, memo or, for example, an agreement that is drawn up between the employer and the employee upon dismissal by mutual agreement.

After all of the above, at the end of the document, the manager’s signature is affixed, as well as the employee’s signature with the phrase “I have read the order” and the date of signing.

Director's dismissal

These rules apply to any order for dismissal, not an exception - even an order to dismiss a director. The only difference is that it is not he who will sign the manager, but his employer, for example, the founder of the organization.

director's dismissal order

End of termination

After the dismissal order was signed by all interested parties, the documentation is handed over to personnel officers who are involved in the dismissal procedure. It is necessary to enter information into the personal card of the employee, which he must sign in the same way, indicating the date. The accounting service of the enterprise calculates the amount that the laid-off employee must receive in his hands - this is the last salary, vacation compensation and other payments.

Contributed by employment record where the reason, order number and date of dismissal of the employee are indicated. The dismissed person must receive the work book on the day worked out, be sure to sign the receipt in the work book itself and in the movement log of the forms. If the labor was not received on time by the dismissed employee, then she will be sent by mail, but on the condition that the written request of the owner of the document was received earlier.

Form of resignation form T-8

Form of resignation form T-8a

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