
How to flash documents in 3 or 4 holes. How to flash documents for tax

The situation when entrepreneurs are faced with the need to flash documents is far from uncommon. Papers may be needed for tax inspection, pension fund or for storage in the archive.

It is strictly forbidden to glue documents or fasten with a stapler. To avoid problems and not to earn the reputation of an illiterate person, you need to know how to flash documents in accordance with all the requirements.

how to flash documents

General rules

At first glance, it might seem that no difficulties in binding documents should arise, but this is not entirely true. The process must be approached responsibly so that the papers are in proper form. Many printing houses can do this work for a set fee and in a short time, but not every businessman will risk entrusting important papers to outsiders. In order not to use the services of professionals every time, it’s worthwhile to figure out how to properly flash documents.

Supervisory structures do not provide entrepreneurs with specific guidance on this issue, so you have to deal with it yourself. Information can be obtained from the guidelines in the field of office work.

Sew paper with thread

How to flash documents in this way? To do this, prepare the accessories. You need to have threads, needles and glue. The process consists of three stages:

  • Preparation of documents. All papers must be laid out in the correct order and numbered with a pencil in the corner of the sheet. Holes can be made with an awl or use a hole punch. In the case when there are a lot of papers and it is impossible to pierce them with a hole punch, it is worth using a sharp nail and a hammer. The number of holes depends on the importance and purpose of the document. Highly sensitive documents are stapled in five holes to avoid leaflet spoofing. The holes should be located on the left, in the center of the free field. The distance should be approximately three centimeters from one puncture to another.
  • Write-off. Understanding how to stitch documents with threads, you need to know the important nuances. In most cases, it is customary to use twine or thread LS-210. Other durable threads are also allowed. It is necessary to start the process from the back of the hole, which is located in the middle. It is customary to staple documents twice to give the desired strength. The thread is brought to the back of the central puncture and is tied with a knot. If you need to fasten papers that are not of particular value, you can use a regular thread.
  • Certification of a document. To correctly certify the paper, it is necessary to prepare a small leaf with dimensions of 4 by 5 cm. It must be glued to the bundle so that the ends of the thread are free. On the sheet you must indicate the number of filed papers in numbers and words, as well as the position, surname and initials of the responsible person. After that, the certifier puts his signature and seal, if any. The edges of the signature and seal must go beyond the leaflet stickers.

How to prepare papers for tax inspection?

Any entrepreneur is obliged to provide various reports on his activities, so knowledge of how to flash documents for the tax service is necessary. To avoid inconsistencies, it is advisable to check with the responsible person about the rules for fastening documents.

To the finished document should be a list of all attached papers. The list must be enclosed at the very beginning of the case and numbered separately.It is also necessary to indicate the dates of documents and the number of sheets. It must be remembered that the number is placed on the sheets, not on the pages. If the document is multi-volume, the sheets of each volume are numbered separately.

For tax authorities, you need to flash documents in 3 holes, no more and no less. The distance between the punctures should be more than three centimeters. You need to arrange them in the fields on the left side. Holes are made using an awl or a thick needle. Punctures should be in the middle of the field so that the text is clearly visible. All holes must be made so that they are strictly under each other.

What thread to sew?

Documents for tax need to be stitched only with a piercing needle, using twine or thread LS-210. In an extreme case, flashing with a nylon thread folded several times is allowed.

how to flash documents

The thread is displayed on the back of the last sheet. The ends, the length of which cannot be more than 6 cm, must be tied. The sticker is made in accordance with generally accepted rules and is certified by signature and seal. The ends of the thread should be free.

If the document will be stored for more than ten years, five punctures must be made. In this case, the sticker should be made of tissue paper.

Document cover

You need to know not only how to flash documents, but also how to choose a cover for them. They can be of three types: standard, non-standard and those used for long-term storage of papers. As a rule, most often the dimensions of the cover are 229 by 324 mm, they are used for A4 sheets.

If the document is larger, you need to make a custom cover. To do this, you can contact the printing house or make it yourself. Those papers that need to be stored for more than 25 years should be framed in a strong cover made of thick cardboard. If the document is supposed to be transferred to the state archive, the cover material should be acid-free.

flash documents in 4 holes

4 hole firmware

Depending on how long the documents are stored, execution can be of two types:

  • Partial, in which sheets may not be numbered. In this case, an inventory and a certification sheet need not be compiled. This design is allowed for documents that are stored for no more than ten years.
  • Full execution is necessary if the papers have been in the archive for more than ten years. In this case, you need to flash documents in 4 holes.

The cover should be solid, made of thick cardboard, the thickness of which is 0.35-1.5 mm. Description elements must be located in accordance with GOST 17914-72. When filing paper, you need to remember that the text should be well read. All metal elements, such as paper clips and staples, must be removed.

For firmware in 4 holes, you need to prepare an awl, a fixture for clamping, large needles and threads. If there are a lot of sheets, it is better to take a drill.

The subtleties of archival stitching

Before flashing documents, you need to check all the papers and arrange them in the correct order. Inventory sheets should be numbered separately. In the end, a witness is needed.

If the case is partially completed, cardboard must be applied on top and bottom. In the case of a complete design, it is necessary to stitch and bind using PVA glue.

To clamp the pack, you should use oppression or a special device. The lower and upper puncture should be located at a distance of 30 mm from the borders of the fields. The remaining two holes are located at a distance of about 80 mm from the extreme punctures.

The ends of the thread must be threaded into different needles and held in the middle punctures on the front side. The thread is displayed from the back through the extreme punctures to the front side. Further threaded into adjacent holes. The ends need to be tied from the back.

how to flash documents for tax


Correct reporting and document management is one of the essential aspects of a successful business. Therefore, managers should approach this matter with all responsibility and know how to properly flush documents.

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