
Terms of storage of orders on personnel. Rules for accounting and storage of personnel documents

It is important for every employer to know what periods of storage of orders for personnel take place. After all, the safety of documentation is the responsibility that every company assumes. It should not only collect information on the staff of employees, but also ensure its storage. And without fail. Only not everyone knows what this documentation implies. And even more so, many do not understand the principles of storing and recording orders for personnel. All details regarding these issues are presented below. They will help to understand how much and how exactly information about employees is stored, as well as other documents that can be attributed to personnel documentation.

What it is?

The first step is to figure out what is at stake. What are orders in terms of personnel? After all, before you start storing something, you need to fully understand what documentation you have to work with.terms of storage of orders on personnel

Personnel Orders - Regulatory Papers labor Relations between employee and employer. This documentation is all that may indicate files and information that relates to the activity. All orders are divided into several categories:

  • Documents of long-term storage.
  • Short-term papers.
  • Temporary orders.

Accordingly, each of the categories has its own characteristics. Therefore, before you begin to study the theory of storing and accounting documentation for personnel in the company, you need to understand what type this or that paper belongs to. Only after that it will be possible, without violating the established rules, to carry out the studied processes. What are the retention periods for personnel orders? What should every employer know about this moment?

Long-term documents

Now it is time to consider each type of previously listed documents. It has already been said that this will help to fully understand how much to keep the documentation. But accounting for all types of securities is the same. Therefore, the question is usually straightforward. Storage time personnel documents directly depend on the type of paper. The first is orders of long-term storage. It is not difficult to guess that they will be taken into account by the employer and stored for a long time. How much exactly? More about this later.

archival storage of documents

What can be attributed to this documentation? These are documents that describe the employment relationship between the employer and subordinates, and also indicate significant working factors. What can be attributed to them? It:

  1. An employment contract with a job order.
  2. Translation Documents.
  3. Orders on the establishment of a certain salary in a particular position.
  4. Certificates confirming the award or bonus of employees.
  5. Papers about business trips (long, foreign).
  6. Personal files.
  7. Application forms filled out during employment.
  8. Dismissal orders.

Not by personnel

Now it is clear which documents are long-term. The only thing is that the order for hiring an employee is a paper, which refers to the personnel. But there is a slight exception to the rule. It should be remembered.terms of storage of personnel documents

What are you talking about? Not all employment orders, together with an employment contract, are orders on personnel. Similar papers have an exception. There are so-called orders for the main activity. These include the following:

  • An employment contract with an appropriate order.
  • Changes in the labor agreement (for transfer to another position, for example).
  • Documents on the dismissal of the frame.

It should be noted that for the main activity these securities will be considered only in relation to individuals. Typically, these are company executives, as well as accountants, chiefs, deputies. These personnel are often prescribed in the charter of the company. This rule should be remembered if the employer wants to find out what are the terms for storing orders on personnel. Not all documents fall into this category.

Short-term storage

Next, you need to understand what can be attributed to short-term storage papers. Of course, some kind of accounting of orders on personnel in this situation will be made. But after a short period of time such documents will be destroyed. What can be attributed to this category? Documents of short-term storage are called orders, which promptly regulate the performance by an employee of a particular labor activity. That is, these are not such serious documents as papers on dismissal or an employment contract. More specifically, we can distinguish:

  1. Vacation orders.
  2. Directions on short trips.
  3. Documents indicating a variety of disciplinary action.
  4. Orders to send personnel to training or continuing education courses.

But that is not all. Storage rules for the studied documents have many features and nuances. In addition to the options already considered, one can distinguish temporary storage and permanent. These cases are not too common.

employment contract

Temporarily and permanently

Temporary documents are any orders and instructions that do not play a significant role for work. Usually they are important at a certain point. And after they are no longer needed, they are destroyed. There are also orders for permanent storage. Most often, only personal files of managers and other officials prescribed in the charter of the corporation can be distinguished from papers on personnel. Accounting and storage of such documentation is carried out on an ongoing basis. And it is destroyed only after the closure of the company.

Long time

What are the retention periods for personnel orders? It has already been said that a lot depends on what kind of securities in question. There is documentation for long-term storage. It should be systematized and taken into account according to the established rules. And such documents are stored for a long time.

Given that only some companies are able to work for a long time after opening, we can say that long-term storage paper should not be destroyed on an ongoing basis. Why? The fact is that personnel orders of this category are stored for 75 years. And only after this period you can do the destruction. Only some corporations manage to work more than the specified period.

personnel orders

Is it short?

And what are the storage periods for personnel documents that are classified as short-term? Such documentation may still go through the destruction phase without closing or liquidating the organization. Short-term documents are usually stored for 5 years. In some cases (if it is prescribed in the charter) - 10. But no more.

About accounting and storage

How many personnel orders are stored? Answer this question is not difficult. Now you can pay attention to the rules of accounting for these documents. This is also an important point that every employer should know. After all, if there are any papers that are stored for a certain period of time, you must somehow keep a record of these, otherwise you can lose important orders.

Now there are several types of document storage. In any company, they must be implemented. Now companies must create special lists of accounting for their securities on personnel in both paper and electronic form.By the way, the second can be neglected. But the generally accepted paper form of presentation is a must. But how to carry out accounting? The principles for the electronic and material versions are the same. About them further.

Basic accounting principles

So, accounting for orders on personnel is a responsible matter and is regulated by generally accepted standards. All personnel documents are required to be registered. If this is not done, you can not store this or that paper. No registration - no document. What is meant by this process?

Registration of orders on personnel is the transfer of details written on documents into specialized documentation forms with the subsequent assignment of a number and the date of approval of the paper as recorded. That is, with a paper interpretation, and with an electronic one, it is necessary to assign a digital designation to each order. And also write it in one form or another. This is a required item.

storage rules

The data is recorded in the registers of orders for personnel. Also, entry takes place in electronic databases and archives. This is the only way to fully record and store documents. The companies provide for the free choice of the form for saving documentation. The charter should contain rules according to which all orders (or any specific ones) are stored both in paper and electronic versions. It is worth noting that the first paragraph is usually mandatory. It is a material document that is able to confirm a particular order.

Order Journal

The most common practice of recording and storing documentation is a company-issued order book for personnel. This document is a small notebook. It contains the numbers of orders, as well as their main data (details). For example, name and date of approval. The journal of orders records paper of permanent, long-term and short-term storage. But if we are talking about temporary documentation, then it should not be entered in such a notebook. Unless the company provides a charter for a separate journal, intended exclusively for temporary orders. It is filled to the very end. As soon as the empty sheets end, you must enter a new accounting document in operation. The old one is filed and sent for storage. By the way, this is a paper of constant accounting.


Regardless of which orders the personnel are talking about, each company provides for archival storage of documents. This is the most common form of paper accounting. And all of them. Not necessarily in personnel. All data is sent to archives after they are no longer needed. Or those that are already performed. For example, personal files of employees. As soon as signed dismissal order as well as the case is closed, it must be sent to the archive for storage for a specified period. There are several types of data sorting, but more on that later.

To begin with, it should be noted that archives can be presented in paper form (required), as well as electronic. Regardless of this, the company chooses the principles of organizing the stored information. Archival data have an inventory. It provides a short list of all stored documentation. Archival storage of documents is the most convenient form of data recording. It is used both in paper and in electronic form. It should be noted that temporary documents are not archived. They are attached to the main securities, and then destroyed. It is recommended to send all temporary storage orders to a separate place and not to combine them with long-term or short-term ones.

order to hire an employee

Systematization Tips

The retention periods of personnel documents are understandable. Usually it is 5 and 75 years old. But that is not all. Special attention is required to archives.After registering the order, as well as placing it in the archive, it is required to somehow systematize all the available data. For this purpose, companies use several principles:

  • Documentation storage in separate folders with division into short-term and long-term documents. It is recommended that you do not stack all the papers together.
  • Systematization by year, month and date. Each folder with documents is orders of a certain time period. Inside, all papers are laid out taking into account their registration in the accounting journal (for months and days). Thus, the task of finding a particular document is facilitated.
  • Using location by order numbers taking into account the alphabetical order. Already inside each folder, it is recommended to systematize by order numbers, as well as by capital letter.

End of accounting

What to do after the expiration of the storage of a document in the archives? A special service in the company checks the papers. Then he systematizes them and gives out certain orders for destruction. Typically, documents are either burned or passed through a shredder. In any case, orders cannot be simply thrown away. It is precisely to destroy them. To assign documents to one or another type, a special commission is involved. She appreciates the importance of orders, assigns them a shelf life. And only then they are placed in archives in one form or another.

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