
How should I make a vacation application?

Everyone who has ever officially worked for an employer under an employment contract (or contract) understands what a vacation application is. In order to have a more complete and clear idea of ​​this document, you need to know its essence, varieties and rules of compilation.

Basic concepts

In section V of the Labor Code of our country, a separate chapter 19 is devoted to the topic of vacations. It contains all the information related to this problem. First you need to remember that vacation is a time period given to an employee so that he can not only relax on weekends, but also on weekdays or solve some other problems of his own.

vacation application

To take this opportunity, a person must write an appropriate vacation application. It represents a request directed to the management of the enterprise. After its satisfaction, having received consent, the employee can take further steps. Under labor law, a person has the right to demand that he be granted the following types of leave:

  • next (annual);
  • without saving payment;
  • training;
  • maternity.

Naturally, this requires certain conditions. Only after this should you write a vacation application. Sometimes a final decision can be made only after the submission of additional documents (help-call from an educational institution or a disability certificate). Their presence is required to ensure the employee himself.


You can’t just go to the boss and say that tomorrow you need this or that vacation. Such a question must be agreed upon, and this takes time. In addition, you must perform the following required actions:

  1. Decide on the type of vacation and ensure the availability of documents to resolve the issue of the possibility of providing it. For example, for planning an annual vacation, you need a “Vacation Schedule”.
  2. Make a vacation application.
  3. Coordinate your absence with your line manager. As confirmation, he must endorse the document provided to him by writing the word "agree" on it.
  4. Send the application to the reception of the head of the company for signature. This may take some time.

Only by making sure that the director’s consent has been obtained can further action be planned. The application itself will be transferred further to the personnel department to draw up the relevant order.

Vacation without payment

Everyone in life has situations when circumstances are such that they need to be at the moment not at the workplace, but to solve completely different life problems. No one is guaranteed from this, and this can happen to any person. How to be in this situation? After all, you can’t just forget about work and do only your own business. In addition, the solution of personal problems is not included in the duties and the company should not charge employees for this period of time. To solve such problems, the first thing you need to do is write a vacation application at your own expense. A sample of its compilation can be borrowed from a personnel officer. He will just tell you how to compose it.

application for leave at your own expense sample

It looks quite usual and consists of the following parts:

  1. "Cap". It is located in the upper right corner and indicates to whom and from whom this document is sent. In both cases, it is necessary to note the position, surname and initials.
  2. The name of the document itself. It is written in the center of the sheet.
  3. The content of the document.This is the phrase that expresses the essence of the request. Here it is necessary to mark the dates of involuntary absence, as well as indicate the reason.
  4. In conclusion, the date and signature of the employee are fully decrypted.

If the head considers the indicated reason to be valid, then on the basis of Article 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, leave will be granted to the employee.

For expectant mothers

There are types of vacations that are granted only to women. This refers to a lack of workplace in connection with the birth of a child. Therefore, you need to know how to write a vacation application for this reason.

how to write a vacation application

The overall design of the document remains standard, except that the content should contain a request for maternity leave. You must immediately indicate the period (140 calendar days) and supplement it with dates. Such a statement will be considered invalid if a sick leave is not attached to it. It will be a kind of confirmation of the correctness of everything written. But when it comes to health, nothing can be guaranteed. Sometimes serious complications require a longer stay of the worker in the hospital. In this case, she will need to write another statement requesting an extension of the period indicated earlier. In confirmation of this, it will again be necessary to provide a new sick leave.

Planned vacation

On the basis of Article 114 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee has the right to demand every year the provision of the time necessary for rest. To do this, you just have to make an application for another vacation. A sample of such a document resembles all previous options except for the content.

vacation application another sample

No additional documents are required here and no reasons are required. Everything happens on completely legal grounds. The state has provided such an opportunity for the employee, and he simply expresses his desire to use it. In the main part there should be only one phrase in the form of a request for an annual regular leave. Here you need to specify the start and end date, as well as make a note that this vacation is paid. Other issues will be decided by other employees for whom this work is provided for by their official duties (accountant, personnel officer, secretary and others). If necessary, this vacation can be divided into parts. This is also provided for by law.

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