
How to make a response to a claim? How to communicate with customers?

Although the reconciliation procedure takes a lot of time and effort, an increasing number of outlets use it in their activities. The response to the claim provides an opportunity to resolve a controversial issue without resorting to litigation. Mutual consent is recorded on paper, which eliminates problems in the future.

response to claim

What is the store’s response to the complaint?

This issue has been very relevant lately, as there are more and more outlets. A catastrophic lack of time and constant fuss make the buyer often find the defect only at home, with a more detailed examination of the acquired.

Naturally, a person immediately wants to return the goods and take back his money. But to do this is not always easy, as sellers find many reasons why they cannot satisfy the request of the buyer. Such actions are legal in exceptional cases, most often stores simply do not want to lose profits.

To avoid such situations, the complaint must be stated on paper. In this case, the seller will be required to provide a written response to the claim. If the store is slow, a person can go to court to resolve the issue in accordance with the law. As a rule, the average buyer does not have experience in such matters, therefore, it is advisable to seek help from a lawyer.

Customer service

Communication with customers, including the response to a customer’s claim, is an essential part of the work of any outlet. A complaint may come as follows:

  • Writing in a special book.
  • By email.
  • As a review on the store website.

If the management or the staff of the outlet made mistakes, they must be corrected in a timely manner. Therefore, the algorithm of work in such cases must be known and followed. This will help save time and maintain the reputation of the store.

sample claim response

Expert Observations

Specialists who are involved in the development and improvement of customer service made interesting observations:

  • If the buyer was dissatisfied with the product, he will most often write about it, and will not come to the store. Therefore, it is unlikely that it will be possible to resolve the issue before a written complaint.
  • Almost every store has its own website. There, customers can leave feedback on the work of the staff and the quality of the goods. As a rule, there are very few positive opinions, but quite a few negative ones. People dissatisfied with something feel a desire to speak out. Negative reviews scare potential customers, so the point of sale loses profit.

How to respond to discontent?

It is impossible to forbid people to complain, but the answer to the claim will help resolve the dispute and keep the situation under control. For this purpose, you can post on the website a mailing address to which people can contact questions. Now the choice is up to the leadership: to respond to grievances or ignore them. The second method is unlikely to help solve the problem peacefully. Most likely, buyers will write official complaints - and then they will not be able to remain silent.

The response to consumer complaints gives the store a chance to restore its reputation and maintain a customer base. Many outlets ignore disgruntled people, which is unacceptable. Working with clients requires responsibility and correct behavior, so you need to prepare to communicate with them.

How to respond to complaints?

The response to the claim should begin “on the case”, without long interventions. You can use the phrase "Very sorry ...". The client must be contacted by “You”, showing interest.It is necessary to analyze a specific case, avoiding phrases such as "such cases rarely happen in our country."

If the seller believes that the claim is justified, an apology should be given in the first part of the letter. In controversial cases, it is enough to limit oneself to the words: “Thank you for informing us ...”.

response to customer complaint

Do not use the words “but”, “but”. It is more advisable to replace them with "nonetheless." You also don’t need to get personal and communicate with sarcasm and ridicule. People pay their money, so at least for this fact it is necessary to treat them with respect.

The goal of any answer should be to ensure that such situations no longer arise. It is wrong to transfer blame to the buyer, even if it really is. When working with clients, you need to constantly analyze reviews and look for ways to improve service.

Complaint Response Example

Sometimes the seller may encounter problems in writing a response to the claim. An example will help to figure out:

Lukretskaya Anna Stepanovna

Saratov region, the city of Red Kut, st. Army, 6, apt. 23

Your claim has been fully reviewed. According to Art. 22 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights", requirements for lowering the price of low-quality goods, compensation of expenses for repair or refund of money should be satisfied by the seller within the prescribed period.

However, we believe that the described product defects could not occur after a single use. Perhaps the product was not properly used, as a result of which the original properties and appearance of the product were lost.

The authorized body will conduct an independent examination within the time period established by law. You have the right to be present during the procedure and to challenge it if you do not agree with the result. We cover all expenses.

Thus, we suggest you immediately transfer the goods to us for research. In the event that you do not want to give it to us, you can meet with an expert at the appointed time.

response to claim example

If you need to draw up a response to the claim, the sample can be viewed above.

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Reason for complaint
response to a claim for a sold product that does not meet the criteria stated by the buyer


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