
Complaint in the Book of Complaints and Suggestions: Writing Rules, Examples, and Recommendations

Spoiled goods, poor service, insufficient professional work or rude attitude of the staff ... Unfortunately, most of us are faced with this or that violation of consumer rights. In any organization that provides services or goods to the public, the Client must be provided with a “Book of complaints and suggestions” to state all claims. How to write a complaint correctly? What information must a claim contain? Can recalling a dissatisfied customer have a positive impact on the quality of the service or service provided?

complaint in the complaints and suggestions book

“Complaints book”: what does the consumer need to know?

The current title of this document is the Book of Reviews and Suggestions. Almost any social structure or organization is obliged to conduct it: from a tiny kiosk to a branch of Sberbank. This document may contain more than just a complaint. In the Book of Complaints and Suggestions, you can also express gratitude to the organization or individual employees. Here you should write various proposals to improve the organization. The "book of reviews and suggestions" in the organization is maintained in a single copy. You can replace a document with a new one when the current page has run out of blank pages.

Access to the “Complaints Book” should be provided to any client of the organization upon request. At the same time, the consumer is not obliged to explain why the complaint book is required. He must not present any documents to company employees. In addition, the responsibility of the administration is to provide the client with the necessary conditions for filling out the document: a place where you can conveniently get settled, and writing instruments. Feedback, gratitude or complaint in the "Book of complaints and suggestions" - a subject for study not only the administration of the company. Inspecting organizations, for example, the inspectorate of Rospotrebnadzor, read these notes along with certificates of product quality and other documentation.

How should a complaint book be drawn up externally?

Most organizations have a “Book of reviews and suggestions”, made in the printing house. But there is no strict requirement in the legislation in this regard. That is, it is not necessary to have a complaint book on preprinted letterheads with the company. At the same time, the law establishes a number of requirements for the preparation of such a document as the “Book of complaints and suggestions”:

  • There should be an inscription “Book of reviews and suggestions” on the title page.
  • The book must be stitched and numbered, certified by the company’s seal.
  • The first page of the document contains important information: the legal address of the organization and contact numbers of managers, information about responsible and controlling institutions.
  • The book should be placed in a place accessible to consumers, along with other binding documents. Most often this is a stand called "Consumer's Corner."

If the “Review Book” does not meet all the requirements, then this is not only a gross violation of consumer rights, but it can also be a reason for contacting Rospotrebnadzor with a request to conduct an appropriate audit.

book of complaints and suggestions how to draw up

What if an organization refuses to provide a Book of Feedback and Suggestions?

Failure to provide the book is a gross violation of the client’s legal rights. In such cases, the consumer has the right not only to complain to the inspection authorities, but also to call a police squad.If, for any reason, the organization temporarily does not have a “Book of complaints and suggestions”, how to file a claim in this case? To compile it, the client must provide two sheets of paper for writing and stationery. A person can present a complaint to them in 2 copies, one of which will be left in the organization, and the second, with a note on delivery, the compiler leaves to himself.

How to write a review in the “Book of reviews and suggestions”?

Of course, the client has the right to leave any entry in the book. But if he writes a complaint or a review about the organization’s work in order to influence the quality of service and restore the violated consumer rights, then the complaint in the “Book of complaints and suggestions” must be drawn up correctly. Only in this case the claim will have due effect. Are there specific requirements in accordance with which the “Book of complaints and suggestions” is filled out? How to file a claim or review correctly?

complaint and suggestion book sample

For the convenience of filling in, individual organizations create a template on the first page, according to which you can leave a response. But if the “Book of Complaints and Suggestions” does not contain a sample, the complaint is written with the following information:

  • Date (day, month, year) of writing the complaint. It will also be useful to indicate the time of compilation.
  • FULL NAME. and customer contact information. This information should be indicated if it is planned to receive a response from the administration to the complaint. If such an answer is not mandatory, no one has the right to force the client to indicate their data.
  • FULL NAME. and the position of the employee whose actions gave rise to the complaint. This information is available on the employee’s name card (badge).
  • A detailed description of the essence of the problem for which the complaint is made. It is best if everything written is supported by a reference to articles of laws.
  • If necessary, the client’s requirements are stated with the time frame within which measures should be taken.
  • Signature and decryption of signature of the complainant.

Complaint recommendations

Correctly state the problem or the essence of the conflict situation, the occurrence of which served as a reason for writing a review, is as important as providing the necessary information. There are some simple recommendations on how to correctly leave feedback in the "Book of complaints and suggestions":

  • When writing a text, it is best to keep a calm official tone. No matter what emotions the reviewer has experienced, it is not worth pouring them out in the text. Sarcasm, obscene words, insults against someone else’s address, metaphors or attempts to joke will be superfluous. Otherwise, unnecessary emotionality can rather do harm than help.
  • If possible, the complaint should be summarized.
  • In the claim, it is necessary to indicate the maximum of facts, preferably supported by evidence: the number of the sales receipt, the presence of a record of a conversation with an employee of the organization, etc.
  • I need a competent text. A large number of errors can adversely affect the decision on the complaint.
  • Correctly and clearly stated requirements to resolve the problem. The main text is usually started with the words "I ask ..." or "I ask you ...". If the requirements are obvious or there is no specific request, you can limit yourself to the phrase "Please take action."

response in the book of complaints and suggestions

Is a collective claim possible?

If the rights of not one client, but several people are violated, then the complaint in the “Book of complaints and suggestions” can be collective. In this case, the claims are stated in the same manner as the recall of one consumer. But under the text of the complaint are put the signatures of all who apply.

review in the book of complaints and suggestions


Not only claims and complaints, but also thank-you notes in the book can positively affect the quality of service and the level of work of the organization. A good review can serve as a great incentive for managers and employees to continue to work at a high level. Acknowledgment is filled in according to the same template.But the text will indicate the positive aspects that the client liked. For example, many nuances can be noted: a cozy atmosphere, high quality of services or products, professionalism and courtesy of employees.

single book of complaints and suggestions

It is possible to separately single out one or several employees by indicating their names and positions. To end gratitude, you can request to reward the staff of the organization or a specific employee.

Response to consumer complaint

The law sets deadlines for reviewing a review in a book and responding to a complaint. From the moment of filing a claim, the organization’s management has two days to analyze it. Within five days from the date of the complaint, the administration is obliged:

  • Take measures to eliminate all the shortcomings indicated in the claim. In exceptional cases, this period may be extended to two weeks.
  • Leave a response in the “Book of complaints and suggestions” indicating the measures taken in connection with the complaint. If the originator has an address, the organization’s management is also obligated to send a written response.

book of complaints and suggestions how to write a complaint

A single complaints book - what is it?

In the modern world, the most effective and common way to convey information is to leave a review on the Internet. With this in mind, in the Russian capital, and then in other cities of our country, the information portal "A single book of complaints and suggestions." By registering on the website of your region, each resident can make suggestions to improve the quality of life in his village or region, leave a complaint about problems existing in any field.

A great advantage of this feedback method is the ability to draw attention to the problem of both the authorities and a large number of concerned citizens. In addition, the answer to the one set forth in the Unified Book of Complaints and Suggestions in your region can be received much faster. And without leaving home. For the convenience of residents today, for some portals, for example, for the "Unified Book of Complaints and Suggestions of the Moscow Region", you can purchase and install a special application on your mobile phone.

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