
How to create your own radio: the necessary equipment and documents to start. How much does it cost to create a radio station

how much does it cost to create a radio station

There are many radio lovers who want to create their own FM station, but not everyone who wants it has a clear idea of ​​how to do this. Therefore, this article is devoted to how to create your own radio.

Necessary first steps before opening

The first thing to start with is to draw up the necessary documentation. First of all, you need to open a legal entity, for example, a company, whose charter will indicate the following activities:

  • creation of television and radio projects;
  • commercial and political advertisements;
  • television and radio broadcasting;
  • activities related to the media;
  • the possibility of acquiring the studio premises of radio stations and various facilities used for broadcasting.

Preparation for activity

In this paragraph we will tell you how to create your own radio. When the necessary documents are completed, it's time to register the media and set about developing the frequency. To do this, you will need to write an application for its provision. At all these stages, it is advisable to consult with a lawyer in order to make the best decision.

Before attempting to obtain a frequency, it is necessary to prepare information on how much power the transmitter will use, where it intends to be located and where the radio station itself will be located.

When calculating possible prospects, it is worth considering the fact that it is impossible to buy a radio frequency, since it is a state resource. It is not sold as a product, but is played in a competition between applicants. In this regard, it may happen that someone else gets the frequency.

If this happens, do not despair. Sometimes the contest is won by someone who does not currently plan to broadcast on their own frequency. In this case, talking about her rent will be relevant.

Supply and demand

You need to understand that a radio station is an information product, and you can earn money on it only if listeners like it. If this does not happen, then there is no need to talk about any prospect.

Before you create your own radio, you need to think about what the radio station will be (style, content of the broadcast, the notorious highlight). How will it differ from competitors? The more unique elements there are in a new radio station, the more chances she has of becoming one of the most popular or at least cost-effective.

Impossible to everyone!

Modern radio stations, as a rule, choose a specific format aimed at a specific target audience: young people, those over 40, progressive people a little over thirty, fans of club music, etc. Everyone won’t like it, so you need to understand what The target audience of the new station is for whom the broadcasters on its waves will broadcast and what genre of music will be a priority.

The moment of demand is quite important, the technical side is concomitant. To understand in which direction it is better to broadcast, you need to ask what people want, but don’t get. Having answered it, you need to turn the radio station into satisfying the desires of the target group of listeners.

Necessary equipment costs

how to organize franchise broadcasting

We turn to the most important question about how much it costs to create a radio station. One of the main ones will be the costs associated with obtaining frequency and registering media.

In order for the station to start broadcasting, it will be necessary to purchase or rent a room in which it will be possible to equip the studio, a place for a DJ and guests (interesting personalities should periodically flash on the air).

Also, one cannot do without a room for equipment, where all conditions will be created for the comfortable work of the sound engineer. In this case, you will also need a candidacy for the post of secretary and manager, whose duties will include some administrative issues and station promotion (necessary contacts, negotiations regarding the sale of advertising time, etc.).

As for the equipment, for normal operation of the station you need to purchase a computer, the necessary software for fast work with music, a transmitter, antennas, a good headset and microphones.

On average, about 500 thousand rubles will be required to create your own radio. However, much will depend on the city in which it was decided to start its activities. The larger the settlement, the higher the amount of initial capital.

Required Advertising Costs

This item will also require costs. It is worth distracting and saying that with the help of your radio you can make money by posting someone else’s ad. If you look, for example, how much radio advertising in Moscow, you can see impressive prices that you, as a future owner, cannot but please. Let's go back.

So, by the time the broadcast begins, you need to prepare the necessary videos for the new radio, a stylish screensaver that would make the radio recognizable. It will also be necessary to advertise in popular publications and on local television.

You can declare yourself through advertising in Yandex, Google, as well as in social networks. The latter, by the way, should not be neglected. The fact is that tens of thousands of residents of the city, in which a new radio will open, visit social networks. The good news is that the administration of the same VKontakte site provides the opportunity for advertising, which will also be displayed exclusively on the pages of representatives of a specific target audience (residents of a particular city who have the age relevant to the radio station).

Since it is unlikely that it will be possible to immediately fill in the air every day within 24 hours, it will be necessary to conclude an agreement that allows broadcasting programs from a regional radio station. A quick tip: you need to calculate all expenses before creating your own radio.

Internet connection

How much does radio advertising in Moscow cost?

To say that the Internet is an integral part of the life of modern society is unnecessary. Therefore, not using the worldwide network to promote your own radio station will be a global mistake. Quite a lot of young people and freelancers who, while working at home at the computer, are not averse to listening to good music, have long forgotten about a regular radio. Such couch potatoes (and there are many of them) listen to the radio via the Internet.

Therefore, in order to quickly attract the largest number of regular listeners, you need to bring the radio station into the Internet space. To do this, you can use Winamp, some Internet services and a server with which users can listen to the radio station. On the Internet there are many step-by-step instructions that describe in detail what and where to click.

It is advisable that the radio station has its own website with the ability to download a plug-in that allows you to listen to the radio without accessing an Internet browser. The competition in this type of activity is at a fairly high level, so you will have to make every effort and create a quality product that turns out to be worthy of the sympathy of thousands of listeners. In the future, when your radio station will develop, you can consider how to organize franchise broadcasting.

Business Plan - Your Assistant

In any business, there are many nuances, different calculations and parties in which you may not understand something.In this situation, a document will help, which will subsequently become the main one in the company. And if you plan to attract investors, then you can’t do without it at all. A business plan for radio will help to structure all the information and decide whether it is worth spending time and effort on this particular business.

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