
How to open a design studio. The structure of the design studio and the necessary equipment

how to organize a design studio

Starting your own business is always a risk. Before starting a business, you need to study the market for services. Promising are those areas that have not yet found wide distribution among the masses.

The winning option is to familiarize yourself with the business plan of how to open an interior design studio, because the demand for specialist services in this area is quite large. Especially in large cities, where there is an active construction of new houses. Also among the customers will be owners of cottages in suburban villages.

Business organization

Designing is suitable for people who have a creative nature and have the appropriate skills and knowledge. A person must have an active life position and creative thinking. An artistic taste is required, knowledge of psychology does not hurt to find a common language with clients.

All these points will help to create truly unique design projects. Since the business has not yet become widespread in big cities, you have every chance to create a successful enterprise, the services of which will be in demand.

When thinking about how to open your own design studio, there are several important factors to consider. Among them are the following: the location of the enterprise, cash costs, the purchase of the necessary equipment, the involvement of personnel, advertising institutions. All these items are included in the business plan. We consider each of them separately.

Financial investments

Any own business requires start-up capital. If there is no money to start a business, you can take a loan from the bank. The provision of services in the field of interior design will require an average of twelve to fifteen thousand dollars. It is necessary to choose a room, to make a lease. The rent for the rented area will vary depending on the area. It can range from two hundred to four hundred dollars per square meter. As a rule, repairs are carried out.

If the business is developing steadily, additional staff may be required, which means that an item of expenses on salaries to employees should be included in the estimate of the enterprise. Young designers with no work experience receive twenty to thirty percent of the order value. Own site for advertising the company will also require costs, prices start at a thousand dollars.


Before opening a design studio, it must be officially registered as a company engaged in the provision of services. Legal registration as LLC or IE is suitable. The lease of the premises that the studio will occupy is being made. Permission to conduct construction work, conclusion of work contracts will be required. The activities of the company will be based on the interaction of the designer and the client.

An agreement is concluded between them. It stipulates the timing of the work, their stages. In addition, customers are introduced to the development of the project with its scheme and estimates for the construction (repair). As a prepayment, studios receive from the customer from thirty to seventy percent of the cost of the project. Orders can come not only from private, but also from legal entities, enterprises. For example, from the owners of restaurants, cafes, beauty salons, offices.

Line of activity

How to organize a design studio should be considered at the very beginning. First of all, you need to determine the list of services offered by the company. Perhaps she will have a narrow specialization. In this case, design projects will only concern the selection of the interior for residential premises.In addition, the studio can deal with paperwork for redevelopment of apartments, their interior decoration, development of architectural projects. The number of services included in the package of offers from the company directly increases the chances of finding a clientele.

Staff recruitment

How to open a design studio on your own? It is necessary to spend time on the formation of the staff of the future company. The main employees will be a service sales manager and one or two designers. At the first stage of business development, a room of twenty square meters is suitable.

In the future, with the expansion of the company, several specialists with education and experience in the field of interior decoration will be required. In addition to them, an accountant, consultants are needed. You can invite recent graduates to a young company. The designer in the studio should be engaged in the development and management of projects, organize meetings with customers, presentations.


The studio must be equipped with powerful computers, on which it is imperative to install licensed programs - graphic editors. They recommend installing their network versions. They cost more, but they can be used on several computers at the same time.

You will need scanners, color laser printers, copier, fax. A laser tape measure and a digital camera are also needed. For employees it is necessary to put comfortable and beautiful tables, chairs, cabinets, a wardrobe.

In the room itself, it is important to create an atmosphere of comfort. Thus, the structure of the design studio will include, in addition to the working area, where designers work, a place to receive visitors. For them, you need to install a sofa, a coffee table, on which they lay out an album with the work of the company's designers and a price list for services. Customers will be pleased if you offer them a cup of coffee or tea. The meeting room can occupy ten square meters.

Customer acquisition

how to open a design studioAn ideal place for a studio is a room rented in an office building in the city center. Thus, you will have a better chance of attracting potential customers.

Much depends on how to open a design studio and build an advertising campaign to ensure the success of the enterprise. After all, people must learn about your existence, and then they will want to contact you for services.

Flyers, business cards, newspaper ads, and radio advertising, television and, of course, a website on the Internet. It should include the best developments of your design specialists, a description of the services and their cost, as well as contact information: phones, company address.

It is important not only how to open a design studio, but also how to build interaction with clients. When a visitor comes to your company, he should see the abilities of interior designers. These goals are models of finished projects, photographs.

Your customers will be able to leave Thanksgiving letters and recommendations, these documents will complement the company's portfolio, as well as serve to attract new customers. As experience shows, the so-called word of mouth is the most effective advertisement.


Having become acquainted with the business plan of how to create a design studio, you can count on the success of such an enterprise. The company should offer services at a professional level. In order for the project to fully pay for itself, it will take from one year to five years. The cost of a design project is calculated from the price of one square meter, it can be one thousand rubles.

Beginners receive up to five orders per month. If the studio has its own client base and design developments, then the business can pay for itself in a much shorter time. Over time, the design firm will gain popularity and will be able to receive from ten to twenty orders per month. As a result, you will have a stable and rapidly growing business.

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