
How to become a billionaire: practical tips from Donald trump

Donald Trump is a well-known businessman and billionaire who made his fortune in the 80s. Later, he lost everything, but did not lose heart and was able to earn even more. Now his capital is 3 billion pounds. Donald's core business is real estate. He also writes books. In this article, Trump will give some tips on how to become a billionaire. Read and remember.

Do not take a vacation

You do not need him. If the work does not bring pleasure, then it is better to change it. The thing you do should bring positive emotions.

Let's change

If you are under pressure, then answer the same. If insulted, attack the offender with the greatest possible strength and energy.

Do not trust anyone

Even close friends. They can also encroach on your money or your spouse.

how to become a billionaire

Do not hire financial advisors

Most of them will not tell you how to become a billionaire, but only lead to collapse. If you choose an adviser for yourself, then it is better to rely only on your judgments made by analyzing the information read in reputable business publications.

Dress according to your social status

Trump writes: "I used to be proud that I buy cheap costumes. What is the point of paying several thousand if you can buy a thing for just a hundred? No one will know. Over the years, I realized that I was wrong."

Limit sleep

Do not sleep more than necessary. Quote: “Personally, I sleep no more than four hours a day. I go to bed at about one in the morning and read fresh newspapers at four in the morning. I don’t need a longer rest. Many businessmen sleep for ten hours, not realizing that extra sleep takes precious time".

Do not make yourself technology dependent

Only those who do not know the secrets of billionaires are dependent on technology. Many technological advances are simply not needed. Quote: “For example, I don’t have a computer. I have never used an internal telephone connection. If I want to call someone, I’m just yelling. It’s much more efficient and faster.”

Listen to instincts

Entrepreneurship is not a group game. Trust only yourself. Even if you have several degrees, without instincts it will be very difficult to break up, and even more so to stay there. There are elusive signs indicating whether to make a deal or not. The same is true for contacts with people.

Hurt your own reputation

Speak provocative opinions more often and watch your opponent react. It is quite possible to get a revealing response from him.

Quote: “In meetings, I often make outrageous remarks to someone and see if other participants will resist or assent. This is a great way to evaluate people.”

as billionaires think

Avoid the handshakes.

On this occasion, Donald Trump says: “Many middle and senior managers who really want to learn how to become a billionaire, like strong handshakes. But personally, my handshakes do not cause sympathy. Very often sick or cold people came up to me and said:“ Mr. Trump, I’m honored to shake your mail. ”Everyone knows that this is the way microbes are transmitted. I remember how one person in the restaurant, leaving the toilet with his hands wet, told me:“ You are a great investor, let me shake your hand ". Then I'm with he was shaking hands, because he was late and knew that after that I would definitely not finish my meal. "

Be optimistic, but ready for failure

Everyone has ups and downs. The latter are easier to survive if you be prepared for them in advance.Failures are inevitable, so learn to meet them fully armed. This will save a lot of energy and save you from unpleasant surprises.

Pay attention to details

We can say that the whole psychology of billionaires is built on this advice. If you do not know all aspects of your activity, then get ready for problems.

Quote: “Once I read an article about a respected neurosurgeon who had a fanatical approach to organizing the operation. He constantly thought about it, trying to anticipate all possible complications and difficulties. But you don’t need to be a neurosurgeon to pay attention to details.”

billionaire advice

Let them underestimate you

Here’s what Trump writes about this: “Of course, few people want to be considered sloppy or a loser, but being the smartest and most daring among those present is also not an option. For example, because I once wrote an art book making deals, everyone who negotiates with me is on the alert. Let's take another example. Ronald Reagan managed to become president just because his opponents underestimated him. Nobody saw a serious competitor in the former actor. "

Take every decision carefully

Do it like a lover. People who know how billionaires think they understand that success is the result of decisions made throughout their careers. Each of them is unique. Sometimes a decision is made quickly, like love at first sight. And sometimes it may take several days to find the right option, which is similar to the period between the engagement and the wedding.

Sometimes you discuss a decision with a team. It’s the same as asking the opinions of acquaintances and friends about marriage. Make a decision as if in a state of falling in love - respectfully, honestly, sincerely - and you definitely won’t be misled. This will be a good experience. Over time, you will understand when to follow the dictates of the heart, and when to connect the mind. By the way, under the influence of emotions, one can often make a brilliant business decision.

secrets of billionaires

It is wiser to trust family, not friends

During his youth, Trump asked one successful businessman: “Do you meet your sisters and brothers?” He replied: "Of course, but only in court." Then it made a strong impression on Donald. And he decided to always maintain intimacy with relatives and even with former spouses.

Enter into a prenuptial agreement

This is perhaps the main advice of billionaire trump. Quote: “If I did not have this contract, I would have lost most of my fortune. Yvonne brought a whole bus of lawyers to court. I tried in vain, because I had a marriage contract.

My friend said before his fifth wedding: "I do not need this contract, I am too in love." A year later, the marriage broke up, and my friend in love had to go through hell. "

Be curious

Everything successful people extremely curious. If you do not have this quality, then you may not even think about how to become a billionaire. Take a keen interest in everything that surrounds you, strive to understand all the events surrounding you. Trump quote: “When I participated in the TV show“ The Apprentice ”, I studied the work of the television company from the inside. I managed to understand why on Thursday airtime is so highly regarded.

It turns out that in this segment they advertise films that will go on weekends. The audience, fueled by curiosity, prefers to watch the show at this time. And the wider it is, the more expensive the advertisement. Consequently, advertisers will give more money to the television company, and that, in turn, will pay me more so that I will increase the interest of the audience in the show. That’s the clear benefit of curiosity! "

Focus on the essentials

Donald Trump writes: “Believe me, I know how to become billionaires. All wealthy people have a developed imagination and are able to concentrate on the main thing. When communicating with a person, I very often notice that I know his next words in advance. After the first three words, I can predict the next fifty .Therefore, I seize the initiative and develop the topic raised by the interlocutor. Thanks to this ability, I am able to do things much faster. "

Good luck on your way to the first billion!

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