
How to find out SNILS by passport or via the Internet

Pension insurance certificate - This is a document confirming the registration of a citizen of the Russian Federation in the state pension system. The certificate contains personal data about the policyholder, as well as individual insurance account number (SNILS). Below we will consider what it is and how to find out SNILS.

how to learn snls

SNILS function

The main purpose of SNILS is identification of a citizen in the pension insurance system. Using this number, the FIU can verify the correctness of accrual of pension contributions received to the personal account of a citizen.

SNILS is also used in the field of social and medical services. Using it, you can determine for a short time the amount of contributions made by the employer to the MHIF, as well as the human right to receive various kinds of benefits and subsidies. And also you will need it when you receive an electronic card to access public services.

SNILS consists of eleven digital values:

  • the first nine digits are the serial number of the citizen in the state pension system;
  • the remaining two are control and are determined using a special algorithm.

It is not possible to find out the pension fund for SNILS. You have the right to ask a question or consult a local pension authority.

find out the pension fund for snls

Ways to get insurance number information

The easiest way to find out the number of SNILS is to look at the front of the pension insurance certificate. It is a green card, the size of a bank credit card. In addition to the number, the certificate contains personal information of the owner: name, date and place of birth.

During a person’s life on the card, all transfers from the employer accumulate, this will be the future pension. Previously, a pension certificate was issued upon admission to the first place of work. Now they receive it from birth.

But what if the similar document is lost? First of all, you need to start the recovery procedure. By law, you must write a statement to the pension authority within two months.

  1. If you have a relationship with the employer within the framework of an employment agreement or a civil law agreement, according to which you receive a fee for which insurance premiums are calculated according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the employer will transfer the application from you to the FIU.
  2. If you do not have a job, you will have to take the application to the FIU at the place of registration yourself.

But what if the SNILS number is needed urgently, and a thirty-day period is needed for restoration?

In the age of high technology, citizens may have a question about how to find out the SNILS number via the Internet. However, this number is personal, and it is not possible to recognize it via the Internet or by phone call. Employees of the pension fund are not entitled to provide such information online or by telephone; your personal presence and passport are necessary conditions.

It is impossible to find out the SNILS number via the Internet, but this procedure can be simplified. On the PFR website you can find the nearest territorial authority of this state agency, as well as a phone number, by calling on which you can find the reception hours. There are other ways to learn SNILS without an insurance certificate.

how to find out snls number online

Method 1. Contact the human resources department or accounting

Each employee’s file contains a copy of the insurance certificate. Since this document is included in the mandatory package of documents when registering a new employee.If this is the first place of work for the employee, and he had not previously received a certificate, then the employer is obliged to transfer information about him to the FIU within fourteen days after entering into an employment contract, which, in turn, will register it in the pension insurance system and issue it insurance certificate.

If you worked before, but at the moment without work, and the work book is on hand, then take a look at it, often employers write SNILS and TIN on its cover.

Method 2. According to the passport

How to find out the number of SNILS by passport? It is very simple - apply with this document to the local branch of the FIU. Employees of the state agency must provide information about the number of your SNILS.

We remind you once again that it is not legally legal to find out the SNILS number by passport via the Internet. All information about citizens' insurance numbers is stored in the PF and Internet access to them is not open. Therefore, there is no legal way to find out the SNILS number online.

how to find out the number of snls

Method 3. By last name

Many may have a question about how to find out the number of SNILS by last name. You can go for a little trick. Contact the public services portal. Unfortunately, there is no service on the portal how to find out SNILS. But you can use the service “Extended notification about the status of an individual personal account” to receive data on the balance of your personal account, which will also contain your insurance number that identifies with your last name.

But this method is available only to those persons who have already been registered on the portal, since during registration the service requires the introduction of SNILS.

find out your snls number by passport

Method 4. In letters from pension authorities

Until 2013, the insurers received annually notifications of the amount of the funded part of the pension. They must indicate the number of the insurance certificate. If you have preserved such letters from the pension fund, then SNILS can be found there.

Method 5. Send a request to the FIU

A situation may arise when a new employee has a pension certificate, but he has not yet had time to provide the employer, and the accounting department and personnel department need an insurance account number when submitting reports to various government agencies. How to learn SNILS in this case? The employer can send an official request in the form of a letter (better than a registered one) to the address of the pension fund. The request should indicate the position of the employee, his full name, length of service at the enterprise, his passport details and TIN.

There are no other ways to obtain information regarding the SNILS number of another person. As such, there is no unified database of insurance numbers that is publicly available; the SNILS number is confidential information. Therefore, you can find it either in the insurance certificate itself, or the insurance number can be indicated in letters from the pension fund, on the cover of the work book and in various other documents. You can also make an official request to the pension fund.

find out the pension fund for snls

Why is the question about SNILS so popular?

What is the reason for the popularity of the issue of obtaining information related to the SNILS number?

  1. Without it, the registration procedure on the public services portal will not go through, thereby citizens will not be able to get some information or perform various kinds of operations online.
  2. With it, citizens are identified in the pension insurance registry when they apply for various benefits, benefits and payments.
  3. An insurance number can come in handy if a citizen needs to know the state of a pension personal account. Until 2013, the FIU compulsorily sent “letters of happiness”, which indicated information about the pension savings of citizens. Now such a service is not provided. Therefore, citizens themselves need to write a statement to the FIU indicating the individual retirement number so that he gives information about the status of the personal account.

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