
How to choose a stun gun? Which stun gun to choose: expert reviews

The problem of self-defense in the surrounding society is always relevant for many people. This may be due not only to the aggressive environment, but also to the psychological mood of the person.

For example, a girl can feel more confident and protected when she knows that she has a means of self-defense in her purse from robbers and hooligans.

how to choose a stun gun

Self-defense tools are often acquired if you need to work at night. It is during this period, according to statistics, that most of the attacks and robberies take place. Carrying a cure for “uninvited guests” will not hurt anyone, because usually dangerous situations occur at the very moment when you least expect it.

One of the easiest and most convenient solutions is a stun gun for self-defense. This device is effective against any person who is trying to attack or detect aggression. It is specially designed for this purpose and has several advantages in use.

The effectiveness of stun guns

When using these devices for self-defense, several options are possible. With the help of a low-power device, you can well scare an attacker. The middle option will hit well, and you can count on 5 minutes until the attacker moves away from the shock state. And finally, the most powerful knock out the bandit completely in an unconscious state.

The first option is recommended only for threats. If you have to meet a serious bully, then such a tool can only anger him. Therefore, the scope of low-power devices is small.

Manufacturers often write overstated features on their devices. In this regard, as experts advise, it is necessary to check the stun gun, the effectiveness of which is doubtful. If the instructions say that he is able to overcome 40 mm thickness, then it is necessary to check at such a distance.

Types of stun guns

Modern models of such devices very often in their appearance resemble very different things. For example, it can be a flashlight body, lipstick, mobile phone, fountain pen, gun and other disguises. Experts assure that such a performance allows you to produce an effect of surprise and to win extra time. For example, the Scorpion stun gun, whose reviews are very positive, is designed as a flashlight. But there are also “frank” models that, with all their appearance, show their purpose.

The main working element in a stun gun is its contacts. In explicit models, they protrude further beyond the edge of the body and have a pointed shape in the form of cones or flat triangles. Also next to them are discharge contacts so that the device does not fail during idle operation. In other housing options, the contacts are masked differently. But according to the principle of action, they are all almost the same.

Batteries or a built-in battery may be used for power. Therefore, you need to decide on the power before choosing a stun gun. Each species has its pros and cons. Batteries are used in low-power versions, and batteries are used in high-power devices.


Most devices use external contacts that need to be pressed against the opponent’s body and press the power button. This is a direct action method. But there are models that shoot with contacts in the form of needles.Thus, there is no need to wait for contact with the attacker, but you can react from a distance.

stun gun scorpion reviews

According to experts, this model has an obvious significant drawback. To defeat, there is only one attempt, after which you need to recharge the contacts again. Therefore, you need to consider this before choosing a stun gun. It is necessary to buy special capacitors that are charged with current. This type sometimes has a small laser sight that helps to aim at the attacker. These stun guns are considered professional and are used in arsenal by special services.

In addition, their appearance resembles pistols from science fiction films. This can be considered an additional way of influencing a person.

Checking the effectiveness of the stun gun

To know how to choose the stun gun, you need to evaluate the thickness that the discharge of the device will overcome. If we measure the distance between the working contact and the safety contact and divide it in half, we will get the real thickness that an electric current can break through. For example, if there is 2 cm between the contacts, then the maximum breakdown thickness is 1 cm.

how to choose a stun gun reviews

To check the effect of current on the human body, most likely, there are no willing ones. To do this, you can look into the characteristics and roughly evaluate everything. In order for the discharge to penetrate a larger thickness, a maximum current frequency is required.

But at the same time, the degree of impact on the body is lost. The golden mean of the frequency lies approximately in the range from 200 to 900 Hertz. Experts say that if the instruction contains a value from this interval, then everything is in order with efficiency. Based on this, if it is not known which stun gun to choose, you should pay attention to models with frequencies within these limits.

Precautionary measures

Before choosing a stun gun, you need to clarify whether a fuse is provided in it. It prevents spontaneous operation of the stun gun. These can be two buttons for inclusion, which are located in different places. But there is a flip side to this issue. In a critical situation, when a person is in danger, you can forget about it and try to use it without removing the fuse. To avoid such a situation, you need to train in the handling of such a model. Or choose a device without a fuse.

shooting to buy a stun gun

Experts also advise to pay attention to the size of the stun gun. When held in his hand, his contacts should not be in close proximity to the user's body. If they are close, then there is a possibility of a breakdown of the host device.

Among other things, the use of a shocker in the rain is highly discouraged. As you know, water perfectly conducts current and can transfer part of the electricity to the owner.

Power and principle of operation

Before choosing a stun gun for self-defense, you need to understand at least a little how it works. Basically, the device uses a voltage of several thousand to several million volts. To get such unthinkable parameters, you need special converters. They are inductors that generate such voltage.

One of the main parameters in choosing a stun gun is also its power. It ranges from 10 to 150 watts. The most powerful, respectively, do the most damage.

When buying, you need to find out how many short-term discharges the power source can withstand. This number should be within a few thousand. Basically, high power models have a small number of discharges.

An essential characteristic is the self-discharge period of the battery or batteries. The longer the device can wait, the better. But in any case, you can count on several months of waiting.

Model Assignments

The classic version of the stun gun in the form of a box with protruding contacts, as well as camouflage options, are suitable for carrying in a bag, pocket or in a special belt pouch. This should be considered before choosing a stun gun. Reviews about the device can be positive, but this does not mean that it is convenient in transportation. If it is a shocker for action at a distance, then it is often used at security facilities when it is necessary to catch up and neutralize an outsider.

Most of these devices are universal and allow you to use them in a variety of situations. You can also use them as a deterrent from dogs. In addition to the main action, they are strongly affected by the sound from the discharge, as well as ozone gas, which is released during operation. When the animal feels the latter, it begins a panic attack.

Fakes of famous models

There are models on the market for stun guns that sell well. It is them that small companies from China begin to copy. This may be the Thunder stun gun, the reviews of which are positive, and many get it.

To distinguish a fake from the original, you should carefully inspect the case. Often it will be of less quality performance. The company logo should be clear and not erased. An integral sign of the original is the product serial number stamped on the case. It should be on the case and not be erased.

Also an indisputable sign of "impostor" will be the very low price of the device. You need to understand that quality products cost good money. An exception may be an action in the store itself or a sale in connection with the advent of a new lineup.

Options for stun guns

If the device is powered by a built-in battery, then it will need a charger. It, as a rule, is located in the body of the shocker itself, and only a power cord is connected to it, which is included in the kit.

When using batteries, it can be different. Some manufacturers may put their own branded batteries in the box or nothing at all. If you do not know which stun gun to choose, so as not to bother with its power supply, then you should pay attention to the battery type.

Very often you can see the cover in the configuration. It allows you to conveniently carry the device on the belt.

How to use a stun gun

To use this device effectively, there are a few nuances to keep in mind. Before you press the button, you need to abruptly hit the bully with the working side. This will allow you to snuggle the contacts as close as possible and increase the likelihood of electric shock.

how to choose a stun gun

If there is a loop from a rope on the shocker, then you should put your hand in there in advance. Such an operation will help if an attacker wants to take possession of the device from your hands.

Do not pull out and demonstrate the work of the shocker without the need. Such a gesture can provoke unwanted attention from people. Use should only be necessary.

If the device is combined and has a flashlight, then before use it is worth shining the enemy in the eye. Such a maneuver will allow a little dazzle him before the strike. This performance has a stun gun "Scorpio". Reviews about this device are positive mainly due to its effectiveness.

Legal regulations

Federal Law No. 13 “On Weapons” allows persons over 18 years of age to purchase stun guns without authorization. This is a means of self-defense, and anyone can buy it. But the responsibility for the consequences of using such a device lies entirely with its owner.

Shocker selection criteria

So that the device does not cause inconvenience to its owner, you should purchase it for specific needs. If you have to carry it in a handbag, then the shocker should be small in size.If the work is related to security, then you can buy a stun gun with action at a distance.

If you need a means of self-defense in the car, then the best option would be a shocker in the form of a flashlight. He will not cause suspicion if the attacker is sitting in the back seat.

On the market for such devices, there are models with an ergonomic curved shape. Such options are more convenient to use. When using them, there is no need to bend the brush.

If there are no restrictions on weight and size, then you can choose a model of metal. This option will allow you to use it for an effective strike.

General recommendations

If you have decided to purchase a shocker as a means of self-defense, be sure to go shopping and try out the maximum number of models. This approach will allow you to better understand how to choose a stun gun, so that this is the most suitable option. Feel free to ask about the country of origin and warranty.

To understand the use, you can attract the help of a seller. He should tell you all the information you need. Pressing the button to activate should not cause inconvenience. If pressing is not very convenient, it is better to give preference to another performance.

If possible, it is better to purchase a domestic-made shocker. In this case, you can count on warranty repairs.

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