
How to choose a telescopic baton: types, description. Is a telescopic baton prohibited or not?

A telescopic baton is one of the most common means of self-defense. Due to the extremely high demand for such devices, every year more and more products appear on the market that are able to protect their owner from attack.

telescopic baton esp


Telescopic batons are classified as specialized melee weapons, which are used by representatives of law enforcement agencies, the military and security forces to protect themselves and prevent riots. However, such products are often used by civilians as a highly effective cold weapons for self-defense, although it is prohibited.

The ESP telescopic baton, as well as the attachments of other reputable brands, has an intuitive effect. To cope with such weapons in case of danger is not difficult compared to the same gas spray and stun gun, which need aimed aiming at the enemy. Such tools have a well-balanced balance of the whip and handle, so they are extremely convenient to use.

telescopic baton prohibited or not

Design Features

The design of most telescopic devices for self-defense involves the use of several composite cylinders that are able to be nested in each other. In the unfolded state, the parts are advanced, forming a weighty, elastic and fairly elastic rod. For reliable fixation of the retractable cylinders, stops are used that are mounted inside the product.

Is a telescopic baton prohibited or not?

Currently, in the CIS countries, the presence of telescopic batons in the public domain is prohibited. The reason for all the classification of such funds, because it is a cold weapon of crushing damaging effects. Therefore, domestic users who need funds for self-defense often resort to the use of homemade batons.

Let’s see if the telescopic baton is prohibited or not? In our country, the presence of the facts of the use of such weapons can serve as an aggravating circumstance during the investigation of criminal cases. This, in turn, often leads to an increase in punishment in the form of an increase in the term of imprisonment.

Factory models, as well as home-made products, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, are forbidden to be acquired, stored, used and transported without special permits. Such papers are usually not issued to ordinary citizens.

However, in cases of use solely for self-defense, the owner of such weapons is not threatened with criminal liability. If a baton is found by representatives of law enforcement agencies, the only thing that is charged to the user is confiscation, an oral warning or a fine.telescopic baton Price


There are several varieties of batons designed for self-defense:

  1. Plastic products - have an internal rubber filling. The striking part is an elastic plastic whip that contains a metal ball at the end.
  2. Rubber batons - products of this category most often differ in monolithic performance. Due to the special plasticity of the structure, they can cause truly painful lesions.
  3. Steel fixtures - folding design is made in the form of several sliding, composite cylinders.A steel telescopic baton rarely contains an outer lining of elastic materials.
  4. Spring models - are several metal cylinders interconnected by springs.
  5. Batons are professional-grade devices. They can be made from a wide variety of materials. They have an extremely robust construction and are characterized by the highest striking ability.

Let's look at the design features of the batons of each type separately, try to reveal their advantages and disadvantages.

telescopic baton for self-defense

Plastic models

A plastic baton is the simplest, cheapest device for self-defense. When folded, the length of most products is not more than 30 cm, and when unfolded - about 50 cm.

Plastic batons include only two sections. The inner cavity of the shock is filled with rubber. Therefore, this structural element has a fairly impressive weight. The handle is made of monolithic plastic, so it is much lighter.

Such batons are the best solution for self-defense. Especially for users who do not have special skills in owning more solid melee weapons.

Rubber devices

A rubber telescopic baton is most often made from a solid array of material. This feature provides the product with increased elasticity, as a result - good gallosity and an impressive damaging effect.

Rubber batons are widely used by law enforcement officials. Products in this category vary according to the diameter of the rod (16 to 26 inches). They are available in several versions: with a sliding or ergonomic handle.

Telescopic steel products

The most reliable telescopic batons include devices of a composite structure made of red-hot steel. Tubes of such devices are not deformed even in contact with brick and concrete walls. Most manufacturers of steel systems guarantee the ability to perform about 10,000 hits on hard surfaces.

Spring models

A telescopic spring baton consists of several metal cylinders. Metal springs are used as joints, the flexibility of which ensures the elasticity of the entire structure. The arms are made of rubber, which contributes to a convenient, reliable grip of the product when resolving conflict situations.

telescopic baton


The telescopic baton is particularly compact in size. When folded, products of this category occupy a minimum of free space, therefore they become an ideal tool for hidden wearing under outer clothing. When mounted on a tactical vest or fixed on a service belt, such a telescopic folding baton causes less discomfort compared to a clumsy rubber stick with a transverse handle.

The use of a folding device allows you to end any conflict almost after the first aimed, accented blow. However, the operation of a baton needs a neat approach, since there is significantly increased risk of irreparable harm to the health of the enemy.

How to prepare a baton for use?

A telescopic baton for self-defense is a rather difficult device. Therefore, for its effective application training is required. To bring a club to a combat state, it is necessary to perform the following actions:

  1. Remove the product from the cover.
  2. Hold the handle firmly in the working right or left hand.
  3. Raise the tool over your head and perform a sharp, biting wave with your hand. As a result, the telescopic baton should decompose over its entire length.

Before using this means of self-defense, it is necessary to work out the blows on any suitable layout, whether it be a vertical log or a hanging boxing bag. The presence of practice will allow you to quickly remove weapons and bring them into working condition when the first danger arises. In the end, you always need to remember that the attacker will not wait until the telescopic baton is removed from the case and carried overhead for impact.

do-it-yourself telescopic baton

Operation tips

In order for the telescopic baton to become an effective means of protection against the actions of intruders, during the use of such edged weapons, attention should be paid to the following points:

  1. It is only necessary to resort to the use of a baton if you are sure that there is sufficient free space. Since most of these self-defense means are not very impressive in weight, a strike delivered without a wide scope may not produce the expected effect on the enemy.
  2. It is advisable to aim at the most vulnerable places on the body of the attacker. First of all, these are hands and unprotected areas.
  3. You need to understand that a telescopic baton for self-defense has a strong part - the tip area, as well as a weak one-third of the length closer to the handle.
  4. The main impact force should fall on the knuckle of the baton, which at times enhances the damaging effect.

Issue price

How much does the telescopic baton cost? The price of budget-made Chinese-made models made of rubber and plastic ranges from 600 to 1,500 rubles. However, despite the wide availability, this solution cannot be called truly reliable in use in the event of an emergency.

How much does a good telescopic baton cost? The price of European and American products is much higher compared to Chinese products. Special attention is paid to Czech-made devices. For example, steel telescopic baton ESP is in the highest demand among domestic buyers. Depending on the design features, diameter and configuration, its price in the Russian market can range from 3,000 to 6,500 rubles.

How to make a club with your own hands?

You need to understand that the legislation of the Russian Federation provides for criminal punishment for the sale of knives. This means that a do-it-yourself telescopic baton can be seized by law enforcement agencies, and a fine of 300 rubles or more will be imposed on the owner.

It is advisable to use a lathe for the manual assembly of the telescopic device. As the main manufacturing material, you can take metal plates, best of all from red-hot steel. This is the only way to ensure a homemade baton with a long service life.

Metal plates do not have to be thoroughly processed. So do-it-yourself telescopic baton will be made much faster.

The work is recommended to be performed in the following sequence:

  • for starters, several individual tubes of various diameters are made from steel plates;
  • Before assembly, you must make sure that all the constituent elements can be connected into a single whole;
  • at the end of each tube, a seal is created in the form of a leather or rubber cuff;
  • on the segment that will play the role of the end of the baton, a weighty knob is installed;
  • then tubes of smaller diameter are threaded into wider cylinders, the club is equipped with a rubber or wooden handle.

telescopic spring baton


As you can see, the telescopic baton is quite effective, convenient in transportation and safe for the user as a means of self-defense against the actions of attackers. Moreover, it is not necessary to purchase an expensive factory-assembled device.If a person wishes, the availability of tools and materials, a telescopic baton can be made with his own hands.

When a danger arises, a folding baton is a more useful means of self-defense compared to the same gas spray. The folding rod is quickly put into operation. However, most opponents do not expect a sharp extraction of the telescopic device from the pocket. Therefore, the owner of the baton gets the opportunity to take the enemy by surprise. Even if an attacker manages to put blocks with his hands, a biting blow by a weighty rod causes the most painful, deplorable consequences, no matter where he falls.

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Reason for complaint
Telescopic baton in Russia by law is a weapon of shock-crushing action. But, there is an alternative. I recommend looking in the direction of such a product: a folding cane belt for self-defense. A cane-belt does not need permission, since it is not a weapon (it is a sports and tourist product that can be successfully used for self-defense). When folded in the form of a belt, it can be worn over a waist belt, or it can be put in a car’s glove compartment. In a couple of seconds, such a belt turns into a powerful cane, which will help you out in difficult times.
Do not take only Chinese production, this is still rubbish, they can’t even withstand one blow, then it is impossible to put down, the whole club is skewed, I took one at first, then I had to buy Czech from ESP again, this is a completely different matter.


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