
How to choose equipment for the production of foam. Machine for the production of foam: price, photo

In the role of building material, polystyrene gained its fame in the middle of the last century. In addition, it is used as a container for packaging fragile and breakable products. The foam has gained such popularity due to its properties: it is, above all, a breathable material. Expanded polystyrene is resistant to temperature extremes and precipitation. Since the demand for this material does not fall, having some financial means, you can open your own business.

foam manufacturing equipment

Brief description of production technology

Before buying equipment for the production of polystyrene foam, it is necessary to study the technology of its manufacture and know what it will be produced: sheets, containers, elements of figured cutting. It’s best to create a business plan to understand the costs and payback periods. The technology consists of the following steps:

  • Foaming feedstock.
  • Maturation of raw materials after foaming.
  • Giving the material the necessary shape (molding).
  • Material cutting according to the production plan.

Each stage requires its own equipment for the production of foam. The quality of the resulting product will depend on it and on the raw materials used. What granules for the production of foam will be used, is determined by the manufacturing plan and economic feasibility.

continuous foaming agent

Automated lines

Depending on what volumes of production it is planned to produce, the required amount of equipment is calculated. You can buy each machine for the production of foam separately, or you can purchase a finished line. Such options are used provided that all products are of the same type, do not require reconfiguration of equipment, and are available in certain volumes.

A natural question arises: "How to choose a good automated line?" To do this, you need to conduct market research and find out what is the need for foam in the region where it will be produced. And in accordance with this, choose the necessary options. The automated line includes the following:

1) pre-foamer continuous foaming;

2) secondary foaming hopper:

3) storage bin;

4) molding machine;

5) crusher:

6) a steam generator;

7) steam or solid fuel boiler.

The cost of such a foam line is about $ 30,000. It is capable of producing 100 cubic meters of polystyrene per shift. As additional equipment you will need a table or a cutting machine.

Self-assembled line of equipment

If in the future it is planned to manufacture various types of products, then it makes sense to buy equipment for the production of foam separately. In this case, you can choose the best option for power, quality and performance.

For example, depending on what products will be manufactured, you can buy a table for cold cutting an array into sheets, or you can buy a CNC machine for figure cutting. Such a machine is universal, cutting is carried out in a hot way, readjustment to various cutting options takes no more than 30 minutes.

foam machine

How to choose equipment for a foam production line

In order to get polystyrene foam of high quality, you need good equipment and raw materials for the production of polystyrene. The main parameters when choosing machines or tables should be the following:

one.Dimensions. It is necessary to proceed from where the equipment for the production of polystyrene will be placed, and from the total area of ​​the room. Since there are certain standards for how it should be placed, it is necessary to observe the minimum distance between the machines, safety measures, etc.

2. Productivity equipment. As a rule, any polystyrene machine has maximum productivity. What productivity should be determined by marketing research of the regional market. It makes no sense to take equipment that will produce beyond these needs.

3. The cost of equipment. It is necessary to choose high-quality equipment that will correspond to financial capabilities. In extreme cases, you can take a loan for the missing amount, but it is better to do without it.

4. Quality. Not necessarily the most expensive polystyrene making machine - the highest quality. In addition, it makes sense to read reviews about them, you also need to carefully study the problems that most often arise during operation.

Styrofoam Raw Materials

Raw materials

Foam granules are produced by various manufacturers. Today, raw materials that are produced in the domestic market are inferior in quality to imported ones. However, different equipment for the production of polystyrene also produces polystyrene foam of different quality from the same raw material.

But the foam, even sheet, not to mention other products, requires a different density, and, accordingly, a different degree of disclosure of styrene raw materials. Therefore, before buying it is necessary to clarify from the granules of whose production the highest quality products will be obtained.

Looking to the future

For the organization of the production of sheet foam, additional equipment is not required. However, if other products are planned to be manufactured, then instead of a cold cutting table, it makes sense to purchase a volume-cutting CNC machine.

It has the ability to cold and hot cutting, as well as creating models of almost any shape. With such equipment, you can significantly expand the range of products offered and become a serious competitor in your region.

granules for the production of foam

It is difficult to recommend certain brands of equipment for the production of expanded polystyrene products - everything is purely individual. As a rule, to a large extent, it all depends on financial capabilities and the estimated volumes of output. However, there are certain rules when choosing equipment, they are listed above.

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