
How to choose a video card for a computer? Which video card to choose for games? How to choose a graphics card for a laptop?

A video card is equipment that is used to convert an image located in the computer’s RAM into a signal for a monitor. Simply put, through the video adapter you can control the PC and perform various manipulations with it. Based on this, the urgent question is “how to choose a video card so that the output image (picture) is clear and saturated.”

Types of slots (extensions) for video cards

A slot means mounting a video card to elements of the system unit. In connection with the active release of various models of video adapters, the types of extensions vary significantly. There are several forms of old and new slots. The speed and quality of the card depends on the correct choice.

In general, the choice of a video card for a PC comes down to having a PCI-Express x16 slot. This is a standard extension that provides the optimum ratio of speed and system performance. Such a bus is suitable for both old video card models and new ones.

If you purchased an assembled computer (in its entirety, and not for spare parts), you should make sure that this slot is available. Its absence will adversely affect the functionality of the system as a whole, including the performance of games.

how to choose a graphics card for a laptop

Should I buy a card with an AGP slot?

An alternative is the AGP extension. This is the very first slot that appeared in connection with the active development and implementation of video adapters on a PC. AGP does not guarantee the high speed of the system; moreover, such an extension is absolutely incompatible with modern types of motherboards.

With the release of new video adapters, the popularity of the AGP-extension almost completely declined. This is also due to the fact that the cost of such a card is an order of magnitude higher than that of a model with a PCI-Express connector. Thus, when deciding how to choose a video card, it should be remembered that the expansion of the adapter plays a key role in the functionality of the system as a whole.

How to choose the right video input adapter?

Modern video cards work on the principle of converting information with its subsequent transfer from PC memory to the screen. Now two types of video input are known (i.e., the connection of the element mentioned above and the computer screen) - VGA and DVI.

The oldest is VGA. It was created back in 1987 and was intended to ensure maximum efficiency in transferring digital information from RAM to the screen. Now some video cards still use this input. Despite the “antiquity”, he did not lose his positive qualities: the image on the screen is clear and saturated. The only drawback of this connector is that the picture can be blurry when using high resolution and screen refresh rates.

This is due to the fact that the connector was designed for small and medium-sized monitors with an average refresh rate. In general, when answering the question “which video card is better to choose”, it should be remembered that when using Directx version 9 or more, the image on the PC monitor may be blurry. This can be avoided by lowering the screen resolution and frame rate. This option is not always suitable when it comes to high-performance games and monitors with a large diagonal.

how to choose a video card for a computer

Features of DVI input of modern video cards

The analogue VGA standard is being replaced by a modern DVI input. Its main advantage is the ability to transmit information through digital redirection to an LCD screen (liquid crystal). Such inputs are often used on high-performance and expensive game cards.

However, even now you can see video adapters with a low-quality VGA information transmission channel. There are few such models left, and it makes no sense to focus on them. Some types of adapters have a dual function: standard equipment and integrated. Based on this, the question arises: "How to choose a default video card in a laptop?"

The answer is extremely simple. Almost all computers have delimitations - when the card is overloaded, integrated equipment is turned on, the rest of the work is performed by a standard adapter. If this function is not provided, you can manually enable the preferred type of card in the "Video Card Settings" menu (control panel - Nvidia or ATI parameters, depending on the chip family).

Due to the fact that DVI formats appeared relatively recently, not all types of screens are capable of supporting this digital input. So, when answering the question of how to choose the right video card, it should be borne in mind that DVI-D and DVI-I are considered to be popular DVI connectors. The first is designed only for the transmission of digital information at high speed, the second works with both analog and digital models.

which video card to choose for games

What does such a characteristic of a video card as multichannel mean?

An important value when choosing a video card input is the number of digital (analog) communication channels. Since 2006, all video cards with DVI input have had only 1 such channel. This means that the maximum screen resolution with such a video card cannot exceed 1600x1200 pixels. If you need a higher resolution (almost all games use 1920x1080 or more), then you should think about buying a video adapter with a two-channel digital input.

How to choose a gaming video card?

All gaming video cards have one common feature: by increasing the performance and speed of the system, a huge amount of energy is released. This is expressed in the quick heating of the card and - in the absence of a normal cooling system - its failure. Modern graphics cards allow you to combine multiple PC screens, thereby creating a semblance of a gaming wall.

This combination allows you to immediately track a large amount of information that does not fit on a single monitor. For example, in car or flight simulators, you can control the movement of a partner not only from behind, but also from the side. However, manufacturers of video cards did not begin to develop in this direction, and video adapters with three inputs are predominantly presented on the markets, which do not allow multiple monitors to be connected simultaneously in the game wall mode.

However, this does not apply to ASUS. Developers are trying to use all the latest developments in the field of information technology in order to improve product quality and its compliance with gaming needs. The company produces various types of motherboards, laptops and PCs, which are intended exclusively for gamers. The video adapter did not pass by. At the moment, the most high-performance products from ASUS is considered to be the ARES II adapter line.

It is created on the basis of several graphic chips (AMD and HD 7970), which allow to increase the system efficiency to the maximum value. The card has 6 GB of free memory, which is enough to support all modern video games. Probably, it makes no sense to continue the discussion on the topic: "Which video card to choose for games?" Perhaps the best option would be an ASUS video adapter from the ARES line.

how to choose a video card

How to choose a cooling system for a game card?

Maximum performance and high image quality on the monitor is ensured by a huge energy release. Based on this, the question arises: "How to choose a video card for a laptop that will function for a long time and productively?" All manufacturers of modern video adapters are striving to create their own universal cooling system, combining 2 main characteristics: operational decrease in the temperature of the video card and low noise effects. To make it clearer, we turn to the theory.

There are 2 types of cooling: reference - a standard option used by manufacturers of video chips, and personal - selected by each user independently or purchased with a video card.

It is believed that the standard system does not justify itself and does not provide the optimal level of protection against temperature effects on the elements of the video adapter. However, ASUS completely denied it. The developers have introduced their own universal cooling system, which was called DirectCu.

how to choose a default graphics card in a laptop

DirectCu Cooling System Benefits

Such a system combines two methods of lowering the temperature of a video chip: exposure to the surface of the video card with special coolant and a complex of fans that provide protection against heating of other elements of the system unit.

It is important to note that this type of cooling from ASUS includes the characteristics that modern adapter manufacturers are trying to achieve: high efficiency and low noise effects. When answering the question of how to choose a video card, it should be borne in mind that the correct choice of a cooling system will avoid problems with the performance and effectiveness of the video adapter. The conclusion suggests itself. However, we go further.

How to choose a video card for a computer? Using multiple video inputs

Some models of video adapters have several slots for connecting to a computer monitor. This feature allows you to work on multiple screens at once. The number of these extensions varies from 2 to 3. Older video adapters are equipped with one VGA-connector and one DVI. Most modern graphics cards have two or three digital DVI jacks.

Problems with the use of slots can occur if an additional card is installed on a computer that runs on integrated equipment. Simply put, almost every laptop has a standard and high-performance graphics card. The first is used to work with the system and is not intended for games due to low productivity.

Integrated equipment provides the highest increase in efficiency and provides high definition images. Simultaneous installation of equipment that is incompatible with a standard video card may lead to a malfunction in the system and the video adapter to crash. In general, understanding the question "how to choose a video card", one should remember the compatibility of different types of equipment designed to increase the clarity of the transmitted image.

how to choose a video card

Select a family of graphics cards

Currently, 2 families of video cards are represented on the electronic equipment market: Nvidia and ATI. A significant proportion of highly efficient and productive products accounted for by Intel. In any case, when choosing a graphics editor, it is important to remember that its effectiveness does not depend on the brand, but on the internal characteristics and settings. So, the key factor when choosing a family of video cards is the GPU indicator. What is this about?

This is a microprocessor integrated into the video card and making it possible to project an image in 2D or 3D format. And how to choose a graphics card for the motherboard? This question is not accidental. The fact is that in order to create an effective and stable system it is required to use components from various manufacturers.The indicated families of video cards (Nvidia, ATI) are adapted for the software components of most manufacturers. But the best result is achieved when operating with Intel equipment.

What are the differences between 2D and 3D graphics as a key feature of graphics cards?

The main purpose of 2D graphics is to help implement the operating system. All types of activities, from creating images to filling the screen with color and fonts, are carried out precisely with its use. If you are not planning to work with 3D components, then any video card, even the oldest and cheapest, can easily perform all the manipulations in the 2D plane.

Another thing is 3D graphics. It is used to create three-dimensional space in modern computer games. Not every video adapter is capable of this. Based on this, the question: "Which video card to choose for games?" is of particular importance in the current realities of the development of information technology. First of all, the choice should be made taking into account the supported software of the video card. This applies to the DirectX version. It makes no sense to choose models that support software version 9 (almost all 3D games run exclusively on DirectX 9 and 11).

how to choose a graphics card for the motherboard

How much memory should a modern gaming video card have?

The size of the video adapter memory determines its performance. This feature is very important for those who are fond of 3D games. The answer to the question of how to choose a video card for a computer is closely related to the amount of its memory. The fact is that in the process of functioning, the graphics editor receives information from its own resources faster than from the RAM of the motherboard. Based on this, 3-4 GB can be considered the optimal amount of a modern gaming video card.

It is also important to remember that with an increase in this characteristic, the system will not receive any bonuses. But with a lack of video adapter memory, problems may arise with the clarity of the picture, the speed of the system (which is reflected in the “brake” of frame changes). Thus, solving the problem of “how to choose a video card for a laptop or a stationary PC”, it is necessary to pay attention to such a characteristic as the amount of internal memory. On the other hand, there is no point in overpaying for large volumes, since the system will not get any benefits from this.

video card selection for pc


In general, the choice of a powerful and high-speed video card to a computer is a laborious and painstaking process. This is due to the variety of types of graphic editors in the electronic goods market. In addition, it is quite difficult for an uninitiated person to understand how to choose the optimal set of characteristics of a video chip. We tried to give an answer to this question in this article.

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