
Own business: computer repair. How to open a computer service

Business: computer repairModern life is hard to imagine without a computer. When something goes wrong with technology, most people want to solve the problem as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Computer repair workshops to do this are in steady demand. What you need to consider to start such a business?

The first steps

Before you open a computer service, you should carefully study the market. This is a sphere with very high competition, but at the same time extremely demanded. So there’s no need to study demand; customers will certainly. In order for their number to be impressive, you should familiarize yourself with the prices of such companies, the number of such enterprises in the city and the specific area chosen for the activity, the range of services provided and their relevance.

So you can understand where to start a business. Computer repair can involve many operations, which ones you plan to perform for clients, and you need to decide in advance. This maximizes your income from the first days.

Official registration

Like any other business, computer repair is best done legally, otherwise you will have to face serious fines. You can choose such a legal form as individual entrepreneurship if you plan to carry out orders yourself and expect a small scale of activity.

But it’s better to register as a legal entity. Computer Repair ShopsThis will allow you to expand your business in the future and easily hire the right number of employees from the very beginning. The services of an incoming accountant will help to deal with the tax office and make all necessary payments on time.


One of the main conditions for success is the right choice of workers for your workshop. Employees who will repair computer equipment must be highly qualified and have experience. There are many amateurs on the market who provide their services, but you should focus on quality and professionalism.

To ensure that the activity brings additional income, include the hiring of several programmers in your business plan. Computer repair will not be your only direction, you can provide services for the creation and maintenance of sites on the Internet.

To provide advice and accept orders, one or two managers will also be required. They will be able to receive new customers both in person and by phone or email. Choose pleasant and non-conflict people who can win over a client even in a problem situation. Experience in this matter is not so important, the main thing is a responsible attitude to the matter and the desire to help visitors.

Office space

At first, it is possible to work privately, in your own apartment. Then you will only need to organize a point for receiving and issuing orders, the area for it is quite small. But this is not necessary at all, you can rent a more spacious room, if the business plan allows it. It will still be more convenient to carry out computer repairs on the spot, so as not to engage in constant transportation, for which you will need to hire a car with a driver or constantly use a taxi or even freight.

A twenty-square-meter room is enough for the reception, and the room for repair work should be a little larger, with the expectation that each master will get ten squares.Under such conditions, it will be comfortable for both employees and visitors. Saving on delivery and successfully choosing a place to place a service center, you can get significant benefits. For a larger flow of customers, rent or purchase territory near computer stores.

Interior decoration

Business Plan: Computer Repair

Perhaps the business plan of a computer repair service center is one of those few that do not necessarily include serious design costs. The main thing is that the room is cozy and neat.

When making repairs, it is enough to paint the walls in neutral colors and place comfortable sofas or armchairs in the waiting room for visitors waiting in line. A nice reception desk will complement the interior.

The workshop should also be clean and comfortable. The main attention should be paid to good lighting, the convenience of tables and a well-organized system for storing parts so that nothing is lost and everything is always at hand. Then the work will be performed as quickly as possible and without any difficulties.

Equipment and parts

To carry out repairs, you will need tools such as meters of total and constant power consumption, current clamps or a multimeter, an oscilloscope, a soldering iron with a set of various tips and all the elements necessary for it, screwdrivers, tweezers, a vacuum cleaner with the ability to turn on the purge mode.

In addition, a certain supply of components will be required so that it is not necessary to order individual parts for each repair. Therefore, pre-purchase different sound, network and video cards. It is possible to agree on deliveries with wholesale stores or with representatives of certain common brands. It will be convenient to cooperate with large companies also because you can expand your client base.

Advertising activity

To attract maximum visitors to your computer equipment service, try marketing more actively. If you have a professional master and a constant number of customers, the profit will appear stably anyway, but as a result of advertising it will grow noticeably.

In order not to yield market positions, carry out various promotions. For example, you can offer customers discounts for a specific period of time or a specific package of services. If you not only provide computer maintenance services, but also sell components, you can arrange a prize draw. Regular customers can also offer a bonus. Of course, such actions will require costs, but over time, you will get a noticeable profit.

Periodically run advertisements on radio or television, if funds permit. Place memorable posters or banners on the streets, make a catchy sign above the entrance to the workshop. Try to get a catchy phone number and contact service call centers. Partnership with them will allow you to increase the influx of customers, as those who contact technical support with problems will be sent to you.

Partnership agreement

For successful activities, it is advisable to find a partnership business. Computer repair in conjunction with the supply of new equipment and components brings the greatest income. In addition, by contacting computer stores, you will receive an extensive database of potential customers. Business plan for a computer repair service center

Cooperation with companies selling office equipment will allow you to offer your services in the service of various companies.

Sellers will hand out your advertising booklets or business cards to those customers who need software, installing anti-virus or specialized office programs, establishing local networks or Internet access, as well as any other help.

You may be able to open computer repair shops right in the sales centers. Such a relationship would be beneficial to all parties to the agreement.The work will be stable, and customers will be happy to immediately resolve all their issues, spending a minimum of time on this.

Fighting competitors

The rivalry in the computer services market is very great. This should be considered before starting a business. Computer repair is an area in which you will have to constantly improve and grow. You can increase your competitiveness by expanding the list of services provided. This method will attract the attention of more customers to your company.

In addition, you can lower prices for some services. This negatively affects competitors and instantly leads to success. Constantly monitoring the position of rival firms, you can save profits and your place in the market. Computer activity does not tolerate outdated tactics and technologies, so try to always keep your finger on the pulse of new products. Otherwise, success cannot be achieved in this matter, and if it succeeds, the effect will be extremely short-lived.

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